The perfect 4.9-level knowledgeable domineering, of course, can clearly see it.
These two innate guards were already dying, with half of their feet on the verge of death.
“It looks like…”
“The gravity I exploded just now is still too light.”
“After all, it is not enough to instantly kill two strong men in the innate realm.”
Ying Changge was thoughtful.
This move can easily injure two innately strong people in one face-to-face, which is not too weak.
Think about it so far.
Ying Changge did not answer the two innate guards, but a terrifying gravity erupted again from the palm of his right hand.
“Gravity·Vientiane Tianyin!”
Terrible gravitational force instantly enveloped the two innate powerhouses, and the two of them, who were already at the end of their strength, were dragged and suspended in mid-air before they could react.
Their bodies approached Ying Changge at a terrifying speed!
Totally out of control!
“What kind of martial arts is this?!”
“The body seems to have completely lost self-control!”
Immediately, the two innate guards turned pale with fright.
Before they got close to Ying Changge’s side, another terrifying gravity turned into a repulsive force, and the terrible shock wave shattered and tore their bodies apart.
“Gravity·Shenluo Tianzheng!”
The incomparable terrifying gravity swept over their bodies again.
Their already scarred bodies were sent flying tens of meters away on the spot, and fell to the ruins not far away again.
They were like objects that had been hit by a violent storm, flying upside down tens of meters away.
Bloodshed all the way.
Blood stained the sky red.
The two of them finally fell heavily on the ground dozens of meters away, and their figures rolled over in embarrassment all the way on the ground, rubbing against the ground to leave a series of hideous bloody marks.
this time.
The two innate early-stage guards could no longer keep standing, and could only lie on the ground dying, unable to move, covered with scars, blood overflowing from the wounds.
In less than a moment.
Their bodies gradually withered, and they died on the spot.
Chapter 168 Unfathomable! end! Come to an end! 【6/6 for customization】
so far.
Two top powerhouses who were innately cultivated at the early stage, even if they looked at the rivers and lakes, they belonged to the top-notch existence, and they suffered the fate of being destroyed by instant killing.
The body dies and the road disappears.
Killed on the spot!
Two cold corpses lay next to the ruins formed by the collapse of the wall.
Bloodstains slowly flowed from the corpse, infecting and soaking the ground in the blink of an eye.
The strong and pungent bloody smell drifted away and spread in all directions.
“Lord Luna, it’s time for us to find that Master Zhang.”
“The movement here must have aroused his vigilance. If he is allowed to take the opportunity to escape, the loss outweighs the gain.”
Not caring about the death of these two innate powerhouses, Ying Changge turned to remind the shocked Luna beside him.
at this time.
Luna’s pretty and charming face was filled with a strong sense of shock, which could not be calmed down for a long time.
She saw it just now.
The scene where Ying Changge raised his hand and attracted two innate powerhouses from the air!
What kind of terrorist method is this? !
Simply unimaginable!
this day.
Luna endured too much mental shock.
With the sound of Ying Changge’s voice, Luna was able to forcibly suppress the shock in his heart, woke up from the bewildered state, and reacted.
“My lord is right.”
The shock that remained in her heart could not be cooled and dissipated for a long time.
up until now.
Even Luna couldn’t judge.
What method did Seventh Young Master use just now?
What kind of martial arts is this?
Or in other words…
Is this the way of immortals?
all in all.
After what he witnessed just now, Luna’s mood will definitely not be able to recover in a short time.
“Let’s go.”
Ying Changge took Luna, his Shao Si Ming, and Meng Ying to the place where Zhang Yansheng was.
Within the scope of perfect domineering knowledge, Zhang Yansheng’s detailed location naturally cannot escape Ying Changge’s sensory insight.
Every move of Zhang Yansheng will be clearly seen by Ying Changge!
And after the battle that broke out here just now, it was obvious that Zhang Yansheng had a bad feeling and was about to escape from where he was originally.where this is located.
He may not even dare to dream.
Ying Changge had a thorough insight into his every move.
Although the battle just now broke out extremely briefly, it was over in just an instant.
But that burst of terrifying movement still disturbed all the people in the mansion.
And Zhang Yansheng would be alarmed and flee after hearing the news, there is nothing wrong with it, it is normal.
If Ying Changge hadn’t mastered the perfect domineering level of knowledge and knowledge, and let Ying Changge cover the entire mansion with knowledge and knowledge. He might not know that this Master Zhang Yansheng would be so vigilant.
Now, the other party is already on the way to escape.
“My lord, the terrible movement just now must have alarmed Mr. Zhang, right?”
On the way, Moon God Liu frowned and couldn’t help asking.
“Master Zhang is quite vigilant.”
“Just the moment the news came out, he was ready to start fleeing.”
“And now, he is trying to escape from the Zhang residence.”
Ying Changge nodded.
Hearing this, Luna’s beautiful eyes were full of surprise.
She really wanted to ask.
How did Ying Changge realize all this?
Could it be…
Every move of everyone in the whole mansion has been scouted by the Seventh Young Master?
What kind of ability trick is this?
To be able to see through the entire mansion, the whereabouts of people in such a huge range?
real or fake?
This is not a dream, is it?
Luna was shocked.
The shock in her heart had not completely subsided, but with Ying Changge’s words just now, the shock became much stronger again.
She always feels.
The more she wanted to understand Ying Changge, the more terrifying the truth she could get.
The seventh son is like a piece of sky…

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