“The only thing I need to do is…”
“Just trust me, sir.”
“Following your son’s dispatch and orders is the only role I can play in this matter.”
Luna couldn’t help sighing inwardly.
The dignified and powerful Yin-Yang Family Protector, but he never expected that one day, he would be raped by others.If you don’t want to be dispatched, you can only be reduced to being a thug for others.
Which action in the past was not her moon god as the supreme commander?
Meeting Ying Changge this time, Luna could only humblely become a thug.
“Let’s go and meet this mysterious Mr. Zhang.”
After seeing Zhang Yansheng’s location, Ying Changge stepped forward without the slightest hesitation, preparing to lead Yueshen and others to attack Huanglong.
And just as Ying Changge led Luna and the others, they were about to arrive at the study.
very coincidental…
In the mansion, I met two strong men from the innate realm!
Looks like a guard of the mansion!
But more like…
Zhang Yansheng is a loyal soldier secretly cultivated by Mr. Zhang!
“Who are you?”
“Why did you rush into the mansion?”
“Don’t you know that this is Zhang’s mansion? What are you guilty of? How dare you break into Mr. Zhang’s mansion without permission. This is to challenge the majesty of the imperial court official?”
The eyes of the two innate powerhouses were sharp, staring at Ying Changge coldly.
A stern reprimand came out of their mouths, and the voice spread like thunder.
the moment they appear.
All their secrets were clearly seen by Ying Changge.
Including their strength realm, cultivation base, vital signs…
“Young master, they are two innate early stages.”
“Would you like me to do it yourself?”
Luna’s pink lips moved slightly, and she took the initiative to ask.
Of course, she wouldn’t pay attention to the mere two early innates.
after all.
She doesn’t think so.
The innate realm in this world can be stronger than a monster like the Seventh Young Master!
She decided.
Except for the Seventh Young Master, it is absolutely impossible for this innate realm in the world to have the terrifying combat power of a martial arts master.
Only the seventh son is an exception!
This is the only case for thousands of years!
“Let me come and get rid of them as soon as possible, lest Mr. Zhang notice the movement here and wait for an opportunity to escape from the Zhang residence.”
Ying Changge walked forward step by step.
Seeing Ying Changge’s actions, Luna didn’t dare to stop him, so he could only stand aside and watch quietly.
“Young master, do you want to do it yourself?”
Luna’s beautiful eyes hidden under the translucent eye veil shone brightly, and her pretty and charming delicate face revealed a strong sense of anticipation.
She is curious.
We haven’t met each other for almost half a month, what level has the strength of the seventh son raised?
“This time, just to see it.”
“In the past half a month, has the Seventh Young Master’s strength improved tremendously?”
With this in mind, Luna looked at Ying Changge’s back expectantly.
And Shao Si Ming and Meng Ying also stood aside silently.
The atmosphere is depressing!
A murderous spirit arose spontaneously.
The two innate guards have already sensed that the visitor is not good.
As Zhang Yansheng’s loyal soldiers secretly cultivated by Mr. Zhang, they would naturally not tolerate anyone trying to threaten Zhang Yansheng’s life.
As early as the moment when Ying Changge walked step by step.
The two of them were mentally prepared to fight to the death.
“Do it!”
The two looked at each other, with a strong murderous intent between their brows.
They quickly circulated the incomparably surging innate zhenqi in their bodies, condensing the zhenqi up to the limbs of the body, and the overflowing internal force fluctuations evolved into a light-colored halo that wrapped around the whole body.
The violent and majestic innate qi flowed out from their bodies, producing waves of weak qi waves blowing in all directions.
The dust on the ground floated and rolled, rising up in mid-air, rolling and dancing wantonly.
The powerful innate zhenqi circulated, as if it was about to squeeze the space and twist and collapse.
After exploding the innate qi with all their strength, the two innate guards did not hesitate at all. Immediately, the two violently attacked and killed at the same time.
The knees were slightly bent, and the feet suddenly trampled down.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
The soil on the ground then crumbled, cracked inch by inch, cracks like spider webs, dense and creepy.
The bodies of the two innate guards rushed forward in an instant, approaching Ying Changge continuously.
A shot is a fatal attack!
Very decisive!
No mercy!
“The first form of tiger evil!”
“Plum Blossom Palm!”
The two innate guards appeared in front of Ying Changge out of nowhere as if in an instant, each showing their magical powers, and the two directly displayed their unique martial arts at the bottom of the box.
A surge of innate zhenqi rushed towards the face, turning into a wave of terrifying air and rolling Ying Changge’s hair and clothes.
Under the blowing of this wave of air, Ying Changge’s white clothes fluttered with the wind, looking extraordinarily refined.
“Dare to intrude into the Zhang residence…”
“No matter who you are, you will surely die!”
“You brat, die!”
The two innate guards beat down the killer.
The innate zhenqi circulating in the abdominal dantian of their bodies became more and more vigorous and surging, and the martial arts in their hands became even more fierce and terrifying.
The two shouted together, their voices were loud and murderous.
at the same time.
Facing the simultaneous attack and killing of these two innate guards, Ying Changge remained unmoved, and kept a calm posture as always, staying where he was without any movement.
Seeing this, the two guards couldn’t help feeling a little confused.
what’s the situation?
This kid…
Could it be that he was frightened and stupid?
Can’t even respond to their attacks?
Is this kid so weak?
With such strength, how dare they break into their Zhang residence?
What audacity!
Is this the guts of a leopard who has eaten the heart of a bear?
“No matter what purpose this kid has, in short, if you wantonly break into Zhang’s mansion without the permission of the guards, you will have to pay the price!”
.. …… 0
“Well said!”
After a short question, the offensive of the two was still very fast and fierce.
superiorOne article:
I want to save the world with my second illness
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