Ying Changge’s display of terrifying abilities severely caused an unprecedented psychological shock to Luna, which made her pale when she heard about it.
She had never heard of it in her life.
There is actually someone who can master the unimaginable ability to penetrate people’s hearts.
Everything subverted her cognition.
Now she finally realized it.
Why did the Seventh Young Master grasp so much information with just a few words before the dead man opened his mouth?
Everything that dead man was thinking in his heart has already been seen through by the seventh son!
In this way.
No matter how loyal a dead soldier is, he will inevitably expose all secrets and information.
And this is the main reason why the seventh son was able to find out the real identity of the messenger behind the scenes with such high efficiency.
Thinking of this, Luna became more emotional.
I dare not even dream.
This kind of thing that subverts cognition, just let her witness it with her own eyes, happening in front of her.
If she hadn’t seen it with her own eyes, she would never have believed such a shocking thing.
“Seventh Young Master is simply unfathomable!”
Luna has a heartThinking with lingering fear.
She thought so.
She had a high enough opinion of Ying Changge in her heart.
Only now did she suddenly wake up again.
After all, I still underestimated the seventh son!
Underestimated this horrible monster!
In this weird atmosphere.
The carriage finally arrived at its destination, and the wheels came to a slow and abrupt stop.
“Young master, you have arrived at Zhang Yansheng’s mansion.”
Along with the coachman’s voice sounded from outside the carriage.
Also officially announced.
Ying Changge and the group arrived at the residence of the behind-the-scenes messenger smoothly.
“Master Luna, let’s go.”
Ying Changge stood up slowly, took a step forward, and got off the carriage.
As his feet landed smoothly, Luna, Shao Siming and others followed suit.
A group of four people are standing in front of a huge mansion, and far away is a noisy downtown street, full of vitality, and the comings and goings of people seem very lively.
When Ying Changge and others got off the carriage, the people on the street gathered countless awe-inspiring eyes and gazes.
These days, anyone who can wear gorgeous clothes like Ying Changge’s is definitely not an ordinary person, and must have a very prominent background.
Whether it is Shao Siming or Luna next to her, at first glance she is an extremely beautiful woman, coupled with the gorgeous and colorful attire, it is naturally not difficult for people to judge.
The identities of Ying Changge and his party are all noble and prominent.
“My lord, should I go directly to the door? Or wait for the opportunity?”
Luna’s pink lips moved slightly, asking in a low voice.
“Just go straight to the door.”
“It doesn’t have to be such a hassle.”
“Master Zhang must not have known that his true identity has been exposed.”
“If there is no accident, he should be in a defenseless state now.”
Ying Changge’s face was calm, and he made a decision.
To deal with a mere Master Zhang, naturally there is no need to be so mobilizing and rigorous.
Ying Changge took Luna, Shao Si Ming and Meng Ying behind him to the front mansion.
Before entering the mansion, the two guards in front of the gate stopped them.
“How many are?”
The guards obviously couldn’t judge Ying Changge’s identity.
It can only be seen from the clothes on the outside that Ying Changge is magnificent and extraordinary.
These few guards absolutely did not dare to offend without authorization, so they could only respectfully ask about their intentions.
“Seventh Young Master, do you dare to stop?!”
“Simply audacious!”
Seeing the blocking of several guards, Mengying immediately flew into a rage and scolded angrily.
“Seventh, Seventh Young Master?!”
Shocked by Meng Ying’s words, his head was a little dizzy, and several guards stared blankly at Ying Changge, with deep awe and fear on their faces.
“I don’t know that the seventh son has come from afar…”
“Please forgive me, my lord!”
Ignoring these terrified guards, Ying Changge jumped over with Luna, passed them, and entered the mansion ahead.
at the same time.
The moment he stepped into the mansion.
Ying Changge immediately burst out with a perfect domineering level of knowledge.
An invisible wave of air swiftly and violently centered on his body, silently extended to a radius of 500 meters in diameter.
Within this range, all creatures, creatures, and objects can hardly escape Ying Changge’s terrifying insight.
simply put.
Now the entire mansion is within the coverage of Ying Changge’s perfect level of knowledge and knowledge.
All the movements in the mansion…
There is no way to hide from Ying Changge’s knowledge!
Not even a mosquito can escape his perception.
No matter how subtle the movement is, it will be infinitely magnified thousands of times under the perfect level of knowledge.
“Young master.”
Since this matter has now entered the mansion smoothly, and the whole process did not cause any unnecessary movement at all, Luna asked again.
“How to find Master Zhang next?”
She was a little worried.
If you go to war, will it arouse the vigilance of the other party?
So as to take the opportunity to escape?
This huge mansion also has secret escape passages such as secret passages!
“I think, I probably already know the location of Master Zhang.”
“He can’t escape!”
A smile appeared on Ying Changge’s face, and he spoke slowly.
With a perfect level of domineering knowledge, he can naturally see the physical signs of all the living beings in the entire mansion.
From these living bodies, Ying Changge wanted to catch Master Zhang, but it was just a piece of cake.
Just a thought…
You can easily see where Mr. Zhang and Zhang Yansheng are.
From the moment I first stepped into the mansion.
Ying Changge’s perfect knowledgeable look has already left a mark on the other party.
simply put.
Zhang Yansheng, there is no escape!
Once Ying Changge’s perfect domineering level of information is targeted, it is naturally impossible for the other party to have any chance to escape from the scene.
Faced with Ying Changge’s confident remarks, Yueshen almost wanted to ask, but finally held back.
She didn’t know how Ying Changge did it. She had an insight into the main position of Mr. Zhang as soon as she stepped into the mansion.
But she believes.
Since the seventh son has said so.
It is definitely not deliberately exaggerating!

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