Even if they don’t know the identity of Ying Changge, they will never show mercy.
Two top powerhouses in the early stage of innate, the full-scale ultimate move is already within reach.
Just at the critical moment.
Before their attack was about to fall.
I see.
Ying Changge made a move.
He slowly raised his right hand, facing the two innate guards in front of him who attacked and killed at the same time.
in a moment……
The terrifying innate qi in the body then flowed rapidly, and then rushed to the limbs of the body, turning into a more vigorous and violent force, gathering between the palms of the right hand.
This force is…
Majestic gravity surged in Ying Changge’s palm, and then he slowly opened his eyes, revealing a pair of gray-white pupils without any emotional color.
Watched by this pair of eyes, the two innate guards only felt creepy.
“Blind, blind?!”
Haven’t waited for their reaction.
The violent gravity between Ying Changge’s palms turned into an extremely terrifying shock wave, centered on his body, and swept across all directions in an instant.
“Gravity·Shenluo Tianzheng!”
The incomparable terrifying gravity turned into a shock wave, covering the two innate guards in a short period of time, impacting their bodies in an instant.
Those who were impacted by this terrible gravity felt that their joints were squeezed, distorted and broken, and their internal organs trembled and moved crazily.
The body’s meridians, bones, blood…
It seemed to have endured unprecedented oppression, and it trembled wildly.
Accompanied by bursts of crisp and pleasant voices.
Even the floor tiles under Ying Changge’s feet shattered and cracked.
The earth trembled and shook violently, as if facing an earthquake.
The ground collapsed and sank due to the forcible bombardment, and a hideous deep pit nearly half a meter appeared.
The terrifying air wave rolled along with it, erupting at a terrifying speed.
next second.
Affected by the shock wave derived from this terrifying gravity, the killing moves in the hands of the two early innate guards failed to align with Ying Changge’s body before it fell.
Suddenly, he suffered the tragic fate of being knocked into the air by gravity on the spot.
An unprecedentedly powerful shock wave directly enveloped their bodies.
The shock wave of this extremely terrifying force seemed to completely crush and crush their bodies.
The berserk force contained within almost wanted to completely tear apart their internal organs.
Both of them vomited blood at the same time, their bodies seemed to be hit hard by a mountain, their internal organs were severely damaged, and their bodies were like a kite with a broken string.
In the blink of an eye, the bodies of the two flew upside down in mid-air, and were instantly bounced tens of meters away, their embarrassed figures constantly rolling in mid-air.
Bloody all the way!
Blood stained the sky!
The two innate guards were knocked into the air dozens of meters away, and their bodies hit a wall in embarrassment. Their backs hit the wall hard and shattered it.
Driven by the terrible shock wave, the wall was broken and cracked, turning into countless wreckage fragments, scattered and collapsed one after another, and reduced to a broken ruin.
so far.
The victory and defeat have been divided!
Just a face to face…
The two guards whose cultivation base had reached the innate early stage suffered a miserable end when Ying Changge killed them in one move! Where.
Chapter 167 Immortal method? Shocking Luna! 【5/6 for customization】
Under the impact of the bodies of the two innate early-stage powerhouses, the originally solid wall was also shattered and broken by the terrifying shock waves brought by the two bodies.
The walls crumbled and collapsed.
A large piece of broken wreckage was scattered from the wall and fell to the ground.
blink of an eye.
A dilapidated small ruin was formed here, and countless scattered debris piled up here, which was extraordinarily messy and dilapidated.
After the wall crumbled and collapsed, it was reduced to ruins.
The two innate early-stage guards were buried under the ruins.
The breeze came gently.
The dust rolling on the ground curled up, and the raised dust billowed and danced in the air.
On the ground, only the bloodstains left by the two innate guards remained.
There is also the place where Ying Changge was standing.
The ferocious deep pit collapsed and sunken under the forcible impact is particularly eye-catching, creepy, and shocking.
Surrounding the place where Ying Changge was, the surrounding area of ​​about several meters was bombarded and collapsed by the terrifying gravity that erupted just now.
A deep soil pit with a diameter of about two meters and a depth of nearly half a meter was born.
And Ying Changge is located in the center of the pit.
Bursts of dust floated along with it, but they never stained Ying Changge’s white clothes.
in a dilapidated environment.
Ying Changge, dressed in white, looks like a banished immortal, extraordinary and refined, otherwise the world of mortals will not show any signs of damage and is spotless.
Mr. Pianpian, transcend the world!
The atmosphere became extraordinarily weird!
A great battle is over.
The two strong men in the early stage of cultivation could not withstand Ying Changge’s one-stroke enemy.
With just one move, a single face-to-face killing of two innate early-stage powerhouses at the same time!
Even the scariest thing is…
From the beginning to the end, I couldn’t see Ying Changge’s move!
Standing there quietly, and raising his hand, he instantly killed two innate powerhouses in the air!
see thisHere, Luna’s whole person “270” was stunned.
“This, this is…”
“what’s the situation?!”
Luna’s beautiful eyes were wide and round, and her pretty and charming face was filled with horror.
She couldn’t believe it.
Even her majestic martial arts master couldn’t see clearly how Ying Changge made her moves just now.
She can only see.
for a moment.
Those two innate guards were directly knocked tens of meters away by an extremely terrifying force, killing them instantly on the spot.
What kind of trick is this?
Luna was stunned.
She has never seen such unimaginable and terrifying means of ability!
Knocking two innate powerhouses into the air and severely injuring them with internal force?

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