Simply unimaginable!
In this whole world, there are still people with such a strange and terrifying method?
have to say.
Following these few words of Ying Changge, it opened up a whole new worldview for Luna.
She couldn’t believe it.
There is someone who can possess the terrifying ability to penetrate the hearts of others!
Doesn’t that mean.
All the secrets, will it be hard to escape the fate of being discovered one by one?
Including yourself? !
Thinking of this, Luna’s pupils shrank.
Her beautiful eyes were full of horror, and her pretty and charming face was completely out of control.
Immediately, Moon God quickly focused his shocked gaze on Ying Changge’s body, his throat was dry and he was unable to speak for a while.
“Master Luna wants to ask me…”
“Can I see into your mind?”
“It’s okay to tell you.”
“I can do it!”
Ying Changge laughed.
His voice, like five thunderclaps, buzzed and lingered in Luna’s ears.
Luna was dumbfounded.
So that is.
When facing Seventh Young Master…
Everything in my heart has been seen through by the other party!
And even.
All the hidden secrets in my heart have been thoroughly seen by the other party? !
thinkAfter arriving here, Luna’s mood became particularly tense and frightening.
Any normal person, when he learns that all the secrets in his heart have been penetrated by others, will subconsciously show such a vigilant demeanor and mood.
There is nothing wrong with Luna’s current performance, it is completely in line with common sense.
She can’t take it.
All her secrets will be seen through by others!
This is simply a horror event that subverts cognition.
Could it be that he was dreaming?
real or fake?
In this world, is there really such an unimaginable and terrifying ability? !
Everything feels like a dream!
“Seventh Young Master, you…”
Luna’s pink lips trembled slightly, her pretty face turned pale.
She still couldn’t believe it.
A strong sense of shock lingered in her whole heart, which could not dissipate and subside for a long time.
She feels it.
An endless sense of crisis and urgency.
It’s just like……
It’s as if all the precautions in my heart have been disintegrated and breached.
That ubiquitous threat made Luna feel deeply uneasy and uneasy.
This is definitely the first time in Luna’s life that he has behaved so badly.
She has never been so moved and nervous because of one thing!
But today.
Because of Ying Changge’s words, Luna’s psychological defense completely collapsed.
“Don’t worry, Lord Moon God, I will not deliberately steal the voice of your heart, let alone understand the secrets buried in your heart.”
“You can rest assured about this.”
“I don’t need to know everything about you, and I don’t have the free time to know the secrets buried in your heart.”
“simply put.”
“All your secrets have no meaning or value in my opinion, and they are not worth my deliberate stealing and listening.”
Ying Changge waved his hand.
He behaved as calm, calm and indifferent as ever.
It seems that everything is expected and under control.
Of course, he had expected Luna’s gaffe.
Anyone who learns that the secret in his heart is very likely to be stolen and listened to by others will inevitably show this total emotional change.
Even the high-ranking right protector of the Yin-Yang family, Moon God, would not be an exception.
No matter how calm Luna’s mind is, when faced with such a terrifying event that subverts cognition, his mood will inevitably be deeply moved and lose his composure.
“turn out to be……”
“This is the main reason why you, Seventh Young Master, were able to gain insight into the true identity of the behind-the-scenes messenger so quickly, with just a few short sentences, without any effort.”
“finally, I understand.”
At this moment, Luna really suddenly realized.
No wonder!
No wonder Seventh Young Master was so confident before that he even dared to make a bet with Xinghun!
Seventh Young Master himself already has the chance to win!
Being able to easily penetrate the hearts of others, naturally, it is possible to omit the use of torture to interrogate the dead man.
You can also capture the memories and thoughts of other people’s hearts without anyone noticing!
In this way.
Without any precautions from others, all the secrets hidden in his heart naturally surfaced in Seventh Young Master’s mind without being able to hide.
Everything can be done quietly and perfectly without anyone noticing!
This is the horror of the ability possessed by the Seventh Young Master!
This ability is really terrifying!
It’s hard to guard against!
It is completely impossible to prevent!
Even though he knew that the other party had this ability, he couldn’t think of any way to stop it.
Facing this terrifying ability…
Everyone can only be helpless!
Nothing can be done!
“This ability…”
“Too scary!”
“Seventh Young Master is indeed countless times more terrifying than imagined!”
“Is this a monster?”
“Do not.”
“This is a monster!”
“An unfathomable monster!”
“It’s completely impossible to figure out with common sense.”
Luna’s pretty face was greatly disturbed, and she thought deeply in shock.
in her mind.
Ying Changge’s danger factor is crazily rising at an extremely terrifying speed, rising steadily! .
Chapter 166 Shenluo Tianzheng erupts! One thought second God! 【4/6 for customization】
A long time passed.
Only then did Luna get her wish to calm down her trembling mood, but when she looked at Ying Changge with her beautiful eyes, her awe was stronger than before.
no doubt.

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