it’s good now.
He has become the biggest laughing stock of the Yin Yang family again!
Xinghun’s heart was full of remorse.
If he could choose, he would never provoke Ying Changge again.
after all.
In his eyes.
Ying Changge is already a terrifying monster that must not be provoked!
After a while.
Xinghun left quickly with a embarrassed figure.
It seemed as if he wanted to escape from the scene, and he left very fast, disappearing without a trace in the blink of an eye.
The embarrassed figure who watched Xinghun leave, and the beautiful eyes of the Moon God hidden under the translucent veil, felt a little complicated and emotional.
Nor did she think.
Seventh Young Master actually did it!
With just a few short sentences, things that the Yin Yang family couldn’t do in a few days were reversed.
This point was also beyond Luna’s expectation.
At this time.
Luna suddenly felt very grateful…
She didn’t presumptuously question the seventh son.
Otherwise, she didn’t think her fate would be any better than that of Xinghun.
At that time, it will not only be Xinghun who will become the laughing stock of the Yinyang family, but also her right protector of the Yinyang family.
The moon god has a lot of sympathies.
It is rare to see a star soul so deflated.
But on Ying Changge’s body, Luna saw it twice in succession.
The first time Star Soul was deflated was the moment when he was hit hard by a one-shot kill.
The second time I was deflated was today!
The dignified Yinyang family’s powerful Zuo protector is also known as the number one genius of the Yinyang family in the past three hundred years. However, he was brutally slapped in the face by the seventh son Ying Changge many times.
That’s horrible!
It’s too embarrassing!
“Young master, let’s go.”
After withdrawing his gaze, Luna no longer considered the matter on Xinghun’s side.
(afej) The top priority is to get rid of Mr. Zhang this morning to avoid future troubles.
If the delay is prolonged,There may be some mishaps due to this.
In this case, it will be even more troublesome to deal with this Master Zhang.
Now, taking advantage of the fact that the other party has no defenses, it is the best opportunity to arrest or kill the other party on the spot.
As the saying goes.
Late makes a difference!
Luna wants to get rid of this unstable factor as soon as possible.
“Let’s go.”
Ying Changge nodded.
In the perfect-level knowledge-colored domineering foresight, one can feel that the star soul has completely left this area.
Ying Changge led Luna, Shao Siming, Meng Ying, and a group of four to leave Yinyang Pavilion again.
As for the two dead men imprisoned in the Yin Yang Pavilion?
All were disposed of.
The two dead men have no role, so naturally there is no need to keep them.
Their main function is to let Ying Changge find out the instigator behind the scenes.
Now the purpose has been achieved.
His role will disappear accordingly.
How to deal with them?
This is not what Ying Changge needs to consider.
His purpose has been achieved.
How to deal with these two dead men, he will not ask too much.
On the way out of the Yinyang Pavilion, I could still hear the respectful greetings of many Yinyang disciples.
Under this burst of respectful greetings.
Ying Changge and his party gradually left Yinyang Pavilion.
Walk out of the street from the Yinyang Pavilion again, and you will be greeted by the noisy and lively streets of Xianyang City, which are full of vitality and exuberant vitality.
The street is full of people coming and going, and it is very lively.
“Master Luna, do you know where Master Zhang and Zhang Yansheng live?”
After Ying Changge walked out of Yinyang Pavilion, he asked directly.
He didn’t know much about this Zhang Yansheng.
Just heard the name before.
Not too much to understand.
But presumably, with the status of the Moon God Zai Chaotang, he must have a lot of understanding and cognition about Zhang Yansheng.
as predicted.
Just as Ying Changge thought in his heart.
After hearing his question, Moon God thought for a while, and then returned: “If I guess correctly, the mansion of Mr. Zhang is probably located in the northeast of Xianyang City, near a busy street.”
heard the words.
Ying Changge smiled and said: “In this case, I will trouble Master Luna to lead the way for this trip.”
Luna nodded in response.
After the carriage was called, a group of people stepped into the carriage and walked slowly in the direction commanded by the moon god.
not for a while.
The carriage left the Yinyang Pavilion and completely disappeared into the bustling streets.
On the way to Master Zhang, Luna held the confusion in his heart, and couldn’t help asking tentatively: “My lord, I’m taking the liberty to ask.”
“What method did you use just now to detect the true identity of the messenger behind the scenes?”
“If possible, please ask the seventh son to solve the confusion.”
“If it’s hard to say, you don’t have to answer, my lord. I’m just curious.”
Luna has always been very curious about Ying Changge’s method of detecting the messenger behind the scenes, and has always been puzzled.
Now that he was about to rush to the mansion of Mr. Zhang, Luna took the time to ask some tentative questions to satisfy the strong curiosity in his heart.
“There’s nothing bad to say.”
Ying Changge smiled lightly.
The expression on his face was meaningful: “Master Luna, do you still remember. Before, I mentioned that I have mastered one, which is stronger than martial arts?”
Moon God nodded: “Could it be that it is because of this strange ability that you can easily see who is behind the scenes just by relying on a few words?”
She still felt a little weird.
Everything seriously subverted her basic cognitive concepts.
“If I say…”
“Master Luna, I can see through your heart!”
“Do you believe it?”
The expression on Ying Changge’s face was inscrutable, with a hint of weirdness everywhere.
Do not know why.
Luna subconsciously wanted to refute.
But when she saw Ying Changge’s meaningful expression, she couldn’t help swallowing all the rebuttals.
“The ability to penetrate the soul?”
Luna only felt hairy all over and shuddered.
What kind of terrifying ability means is this?

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