Ying Changge offered to propose.
“Follow the son’s order.”
“Everything is to be obeyed by the young master’s orders and dispatches.”
Luna gently nodded her pointed chin.
Now she is convinced by Ying Changge.
She still can’t understand it.
Why did His Majesty the First Emperor send an inexperienced person like the Seventh Young Master to be the leader and decision maker of the investigation.
Now she finally understands.
She also gradually realized.
Seventh son…
What a terrifying existence!
Not only the strength is extremely terrifying.
Even the ability and means to handle affairs are far more terrifying than what Luna imagined!
“In that case, we are ready to go.”
(from Zhao) “This time we are going to apprehend Mr. Zhang, only a few of us are enough.”
“The Yin Yang family doesn’t need to send any disciples to participate.”
“In order to avoid the detection and attention of Mr. Zhang, the few of us have already rubbed enough.”
Ying Changge didn’t intend to lead too many people at once.
This trip is just to apprehend a mere Mr. Zhang Yansheng, Mr. Zhang, there is no need to go to war and mobilize the crowd.
Moreover, if a large number of people are mobilized, it is very likely that they will startle the snake.
To deal with this Mr. Zhang, we only need to deal with it a little easier.
There is no need to make small things bigger and plan in a more cumbersome and troublesome direction.
If you do this, it is very likely to backfire.
not to mention.
Ying Changge’s overall strength is definitely not weak.
With Ying Changge’s innate late stage cultivation base, plus the overall strength surpassing the martial arts master.
And Luna, the genuine martial arts master.
In addition, Shao Siming, a top powerhouse in the middle of the innate.
Under such a measure.
The combat power of just a few people is enough to compare with hundreds of cavalry troops!
A martial arts master, plus Ying Changge, who is more powerful than a martial arts master…
Just two people are enough to easily compete with a well-trained elite cavalry of thousands of people!
in this way.
Naturally, there is no need to do much moreGe’s dispatched troops to apprehend this Master Zhang.
It was precisely because of these considerations that Ying Changge didn’t ask Yueshen Xingshi to mobilize the crowd to dispatch the disciples of the Yinyang family to Li.
“What the young master said is very true.”
Luna agreed with Ying Changge’s approach.
She believed it too.
With the strength in her body, it is enough to easily win that Master Zhang.
in this case.
Sending more people out together is the biggest disadvantage.
Chapter 165 Seventh Son of the Monster! Luna’s psychological defense completely collapsed! 【3/6 for customization】
As long as the true identity of the messenger behind the scenes is known, the rest of the matter will naturally become much easier.
The most difficult thing is that it was impossible to gain insight into the true identity of this person before.
in this way.
There was a huge crowd, and finding such a person in Xianyang City was like looking for a needle in a haystack, it was as difficult as climbing the sky.
But with the intervention of Ying Changge.
In less than a moment, the person behind the scenes was easily found out, which naturally made things extraordinarily simple and relaxing.
Before Ying Changge was about to leave.
He paused for a moment.
Turning around slowly, Ying Changge’s perfect knowledge-like arrogance locked on Xing Hun’s body.
There was a playful smile on his face, and he said: “Master Xinghun, you must not forget the bet between you and me, right?”
The voice fell.
Xinghun froze all over.
He thought so.
He has infinitely reduced his own sense of existence, enough to make everyone subconsciously ignore the traces of his existence.
It was still noticed.
And as soon as Ying Changge opened his mouth, he mentioned the matter that Xinghun was most worried about.
The atmosphere looked very strange.
quite a while.
Ying Changge couldn’t help laughing and said again: “Master Zuo Dharma Guardian Xinghun of the Yinyang family, don’t you think he’s going back on his word? If that’s the case, it’s really disappointing!”
“The Zuo Dharma protector of the Yin-Yang family with high authority, would actually do such a thing? This is simply discrediting the entire Yin-Yang family and lowering the lower limit of the Yin-Yang family.”
Following Ying Changge’s repeated remarks, it seemed to form a huge spiritual impact, constantly washing Xinghun’s head, making the latter’s face more and more ugly and heavy.
“I surrender!”
“I lost this bet.”
“I won’t explain too much.”
“In the future, if I see you, Seventh Young Master, I will definitely take a detour and never disturb you. But wherever you pass, I will stay away!”
“In this way, is the seventh son still satisfied?”
Gritting his teeth, Xinghun said these words in a low tone.
As can be seen.
It can be said that it took all his strength and courage to say these words.
I don’t want to gamble and admit defeat…
This time he lost the bet.
He had to accept the bet after losing the bet.
Originally, he was thinking that he could try to get away with it.
Still didn’t expect it.
Still can’t escape this catastrophe 270!
Star Soul already had a premonition.
With the spread of what happened today, his majestic Yin-Yang Family Zuo Dharma Guardian Star Soul will inevitably become the biggest laughing stock of the entire Yin-Yang Family.
At this point, Xinghun has already made all-round psychological preparations.
When he thought of this, his mood became extremely depressed and gloomy.
He never dreamed of it.
He would lose!
Still lost completely!
“Seventh Young Master…”
“It’s just a monster that cannot be figured out with common sense!”
Xinghun secretly gritted his teeth.
He suddenly began to feel guilty about himself.
very good…
What are you doing to provoke this monster?
What good would it do me to provoke a terrifying monster?

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