Recalling all the remarks he said just now, he was involuntarily frightened into a cold sweat.
What the hell was he doing just now?
Are you defending the behind-the-scenes messenger?
I am the left protector of the Yin Yang family!
Actually defending a person who tried to murder the Yin Yang family? !
Thinking of this, Xinghun shuddered all over, and fell into silence for a long time.
The reason why he lost his composure just now was purely because of Ying Changge.
After Luna awakened him, he quickly returned to his original state.
In the bottom of Xinghun’s heart, there was still a strong sense of shock that could not be avoided.
At this time.
Ying Changge didn’t mean to talk to Xinghun, but instead asked Luna, “Master Luna, do you know where Zhang Yansheng lives?”
“In order to prevent him from fleeing after hearing the news.”
“I personally strongly recommend…”
“Now, immediately dispatch the early stage to arrest him! Take him down on the spot or kill him!”
Ying Changge’s proposal won the hearts of Moon God.
She is also ready.
Immediately dispatch to apprehend Zhang Yansheng!
The behind-the-scenes messenger against the empire and the Yin Yang family!
“In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, this operation should not be dispatched by too many people at the same time.”
“after all.”
“No one can be sure.”
“The more people there are, are there any spies and spies of Mr. Zhang?”
“Therefore, people are more refined than too many.”
“You don’t need to dispatch too many people at once, just select some absolutely reliable elites.”
“In this way, it can also avoid mobilizing the crowd for a while, which will lead to panic, and let Master Zhang wait for the opportunity to escape in Xianyang City.”
“If Master Zhang escapes, it will be a waste of work.”
Ying Changge thought for a while, and made a very steady proposal.
“Seventh Young Master is right.”
Luna nodded in approval.
Now she naturally dare not have any contempt when treating Ying Changge.
Ever since I witnessed it with my own eyes just now, Ying Changge’s simple words have directly dug out the instigator behind the scenes…
All of this will naturally make Luna pay more attention to Ying Changge!
Originally, Luna had a very high opinion of Ying Changge.
After this incident, Ying Changge’s evaluation in Luna’s heart will obviously become higher!
“Seventh son…”
“It really is the biggest variable in the empire!”
“A utterly incomprehensible horrorTerror exists! ”
Luna sighed deeply.
So far, she still can’t see through Ying Changge.
There are very few people in this world who can make her, the right protector of the Yin Yang family, unable to see through.
The First Emperor Yingzheng is one.
And now, the seventh son, Ying Changge, is also one!
I can’t see through it at all!
I dare not even try to figure out the other party.
With Ying Changge, the matter was easily resolved, and the behind-the-scenes instigator was found out.
Shao Si Ming and Meng Ying woke up belatedly.
They stared blankly at their young master Ying Changge, their eyes could not conceal the deep sense of admiration and admiration.
Rao was as calm and calm as the young commander, and he was deeply amazed by Ying Changge’s performance just now.
“Impeccable impeccable performance!”
“The problem that has plagued the Yin Yang family for three days…”
“It was easily solved by the Seventh Young Master!”
“This is the gap!”
“Young master has trampled down the entire Yin Yang family with one foot!”
Shao Siming’s mood set off a wave of ripples, followed by waves of waves.
As can be seen.
Her mood was not as calm as it seemed on the outside.
Compared with the emotions in Shao Si Ming’s heart, Meng Ying’s thoughts are much purer.
Meng Ying only knew it in her heart.
“Young master’s power is unmatched!”
“A mere yin and yang family is not even worthy of carrying the son’s shoes!”
Especially seeing Xing Hun’s distraught face, Meng Ying felt secretly refreshed.
Recalling the arrogant appearance of Xinghun before, and comparing it with Xinghun’s distraught expression at this moment, as if suffering from frustration and blows…
The sharp sense of contrast made Mengying finally able to feel elated.
“mock up……”
“You still dare to fight with my son?”
“It’s so high!”
“A mere yin-yang family protector dares to act presumptuously in front of my young master?”
“Extremely ridiculous!”
“Who’s the clown now?”
Meng Ying thought to herself.
If it hadn’t been for the fact that this was the Yin Yang family, Meng Ying would have been unable to bear it, and would have taunted the Zuo Dharma Guardian Star Soul on the spot.
have to say.
this time.
The entire Yin Yang family was slapped severely by Ying Changge alone, and the face was slapped very loudly.
All the disciples, elders, and guardians of the Yinyang family are without exception. From now on, they will never be able to raise their heads in front of Ying Changge.
Their self-confidence was severely trampled under their feet by Ying Changge alone.
The so-called arrogance of the Yin Yang family was almost lost after being slapped by Ying Changge.
As for Star Soul?
This high-ranking Yin-Yang Family Zuo Hufa was reduced to a ridiculous clown in front of Ying Changge, losing all face and losing face.
How fierce Xing Hun yelled before, how miserable and embarrassing he is now.
Xinghun himself was aware of his embarrassing situation, kept his head down, and never dared to speak again.
Take a closer look.
Xinghun looked very helpless and humble, hiding in a corner shivering without any sense of existence.
He was afraid of being noticed by everyone, so he kept reducing his sense of existence.
after all.
If once he is noticed…
Then he will instantly become the biggest laughing stock of the Yin Yang family!
At this time, Xinghun was praying silently in his heart.
I hope that everyone present…
Never notice him himself!
Just treat him as someone who doesn’t exist at all!
“‘ 〃Master Luna, then we are ready to go.”

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