“You’re all going to hell sooner or later!”
“I will wait for you in hell!”
Seeing that the situation had become impossible to struggle and save, the dead man instantly became a crazy sick dog, roaring and roaring continuously.
His roaring sound was deafening, wandering and spreading, echoing in this huge secret room.
“All right.”
“Get rid of him quickly.”
“So as not to let him bear these pains and pains again.”
Ying Changge’s face was calm, and he was not affected by the dead man at all.
He turned around slowly, not paying attention to the roaring dead soldier.
to him.
With the development of the matter to the point where it is now, the task he has in mind is equivalent to completing more than half of it.
And the rest is much simpler.
Just grab that Zhang Yansheng, Mr. Zhang.
The last simple finishing touch can almost perfectly complete the task assigned by the First Emperor Yingzheng.
Compared to catching Mr. Zhang Yansheng Zhang, it is obviously infinitely more difficult to find out the identity of the messenger behind the scenes!
And now.
Now that the identity of the messenger behind the scenes has been revealed.
If you want to catch this Master Zhang, the difficulty will drop thousands of times.
In this task, the most difficult thing is to find out the truth and find out the identity of the other party.
And this most difficult link has been easily solved by Ying Changge without any effort.
The rest will naturally become very simple.
Chapter 164 Step on the Yin Yang Family! Your son is so mighty! 【2/6 for customization】
“This, this is solved?”
“It has troubled our Yin-Yang family for three full days. Let our entire Yin-Yang family have nothing to gain and no progress for three days…”
“But the Seventh Young Master solved it with a few words?”
“This, can’t it be a hallucination?”
“The instigator behind the scenes, has this been dug out?”
“Our entire Yin Yang family has been troubled for several days by this!”
“It took less than a quarter of an hour to be taken by the Seventh Young Master, and there were only a few short sentences in the whole process, which resolved the predicament that plagued our entire Yin-Yang family for three days!”
Xinghun opened his mouth, his eyes lost their focus for a while.
With a dull face, he stared blankly at Ying Changge’s figure.
this moment.
He wanted to refute.
But, on second thought.
But there is no way to speak!
Can’t find any reason to refute it at all!
Xinghun never dreamed of it.
Things that their Yin Yang family couldn’t do were solved so easily.
How does this make their Yin Yang family face?
How can it be so embarrassing?
As the dignified Yin-Yang family’s powerful Left Protector, Xinghun felt unprecedented embarrassment and frustration.
“Is this a monster?”
“With just a few words, the problem that has plagued us for several days has been solved!”
“How the hell did he do it?”
“What kind of magic did he cast?”
Until now, Xing Hun couldn’t figure out the ins and outs of the matter at all.
He only knows a little.
That is……
Their entire Yin-Yang family, this time, was trampled under by the Seventh Young Master.
The huge Yin Yang family has thousands of disciples, five elders, two supreme protectors…
But all of them combined, the role they can play in this matter is still far inferior to that of the seventh son, Ying Changge.
What is this concept?
By contrast.
Isn’t their entire Yin Yang family a bunch of trash?
As the first genius of the Yin Yang family for three hundred years, Xinghun has never experienced such a strong sense of frustration.
Let him feel an unreachable gap from the bottom of his heart when facing Ying Changge!
“no, I can not!”
“This must be fake!”
Star Soul is always unbelievable.
He couldn’t help but questioned: “This is not true. Seventh Young Master, how can you be sure that what the dead man said is true? It is not used to cover up the real mastermind behind the scenes?”
“Or maybe.”
“This dead man is most likely deliberately framing Mr. Zhang.”
“That’s right!”
“He is really framing Mr. Zhang, and he wants to deliberately trigger civil and military strife in the Manchu dynasty of our empire!”
Speaking of this, Xinghun seemed to have found an excuse to convince himself.
His eyes flickered, and he continued: “This is absolutely possible. In order to cover up the real instigator behind the scenes, he deliberately framed the imperial court official.”
“For this reason, it will cause panic among the civil and military people in the imperial court.”
“And we definitely can’t let him get what he wants!”
Everyone watched silently.
Seeing Xinghun’s pale face that lost his composure and constantly defended himself.
Even Luna couldn’t see it.
Although she couldn’t believe it.
The problem that had plagued their Yin Yang family for several days was easily solved by Ying Changge, the seventh son of today, in less than half a quarter of an hour.
But facts are facts.
The facts before us cannot be changed.
No matter how difficult it is for Luna to accept, she has no choice but to accept it.
And when seeing Xing Hun’s groggy face, Luna can probably deduce what the other party is thinking.
Moon God had no expression on his face, and said coldly: “Xinghun, with your half-step martial arts master’s cultivation and realm, it shouldn’t be difficult to detect it.”
“Just now, after the seventh son said these words, the dead man couldn’t help but show his gaffe~‖.”
“Isn’t this enough to explain everything?”
“Are you messing around?”
“You want to try to cover up the truth? Do you know what you are doing at this moment? Don’t give up your position!”
“What? Do you want to excuse and get out of trouble for that Master Zhang?”
Speaking of this, Luna’s eyes were somewhat cold and murderous.
Hearing this, Xinghun’s throat was dry, and he subconsciously took half a step back.
His slightly immature face still showed deep shock and disbelief.
Moon God’s words lingered in his ears.
How could he not see it.
The gaffe that the dead man showed just now.
All of this was subconsciously rejected by Xinghun.
But after being scolded by the Moon God, Xinghun suddenly woke up and recovered from the dazed state.

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