“And it took less than half an hour!”
“In such a short period of time, he actually found out the mysterious mastermind behind the scenes!”
“What kind of concept is this?”
“I’m not dreaming, am I?”
“What kind of monster is the seventh son? What kind of magic did he use? Only in such a short period of time can he find out the final truth.”
Star Soul mentality completely collapsed.
This result was clearly beyond his imagination.
He has already identified it before.
No matter how Ying Changge tries, he will inevitably fail miserably in the end.
The final result was a resounding slap in the face for his star soul!
His face was severely swollen!
Xinghun’s lips trembled slightly, his eyes were still full of shock, he clenched his fists tightly, revealing his lost mood and tense body.
His mind became very confused.
It can be clearly seen.
It is difficult for Xinghun to accept the result in front of him in a short time.
“Just with a few short sentences…”
“That solves the problem that has plagued our Yin-Yang family for several days?”
“What kind of concept is this?”
“Doesn’t that mean.”
“Our entire Yin Yang family can’t compare to a mere Seventh Young Master?!”
“This this!”
Star Soul was shocked.
The more he thought about it, the more he couldn’t help doubting life.
before that.
He never thought about it.
That person behind the scenes was dug out so easily!
How many tortures did their Yin Yang family use on this dead man for interrogation?
Countless tortures!
And what is the final result?
They couldn’t pry the dead man’s mouth open.
in this way.
It also made them gradually stop placing their hopes on this dead man.
What I never expected was…
The dead man who made them helpless in the Yin Yang family was easily captured by the seventh son, who obtained key information from the other party!
Even the last behind-the-scenes messenger has been dug out.
The strong sense of contrast caused Xinghun’s entire forehead to be confused and confused.
What is the situation?
Seventh Young Master is too wicked!
The matter that their Yin-Yang family spent several days and couldn’t complete was solved by the other party alone in a moment.
“Seventh Young Master is simply a monster!”
“A monster that can’t be figured out by common sense!”
Xinghun felt palpitations and panic.
this moment.
He couldn’t help but think back.
The previous bet with Ying Changge!
He thought he had won.
Looking at it now, he himself is the most ridiculous clown!
“turn out to be……”
“I’ve been the funniest clown ever!”
The star soul at this time has a kind of mentality that the clown is actually myself.
As the case was cracked and the truth surfaced, the identity of the instigator behind the scenes was also revealed…
The two guardians of the Yin Yang family were in a state of bewilderment, unable to react for a long time.
They were shocked by Ying Changge’s terrifying efficiency.
until now.
They all still can’t understand.
What kind of method did Seventh Young Master use to dig out this behind-the-scenes director?The identity of the messenger?
at the same time.
After being exposed the true identity of the instigator behind the scenes, the dead man still wanted to save him, roaring and roaring in constant struggle.
“You guessed wrong!”
“From beginning to end, no one instructed me at all.”
“Everything is my own doing, and has nothing to do with others.”
As can be seen.
The dead man was completely insane.
In order to save that Mr. Zhang, Zhang Yansheng, this dead man did everything he could, trying to keep struggling to save everything.
What he did was nothing more than a joke.
As early as the moment Ying Changge’s voice fell.
The true identity of the messenger behind the scenes is already a certainty, and no one can change it.
“Stop wasting your efforts.”
“I’m very curious now, that Zhang Yansheng, Mr. Zhang, why did he do this? Why did he deliberately spread this kind of speech that should punish the nine clans in Xianyang City?”
“Even if you use your own life as the price, do you want to disturb Xianyang City?”
“What is his purpose?”
“Disrupt Xianyang City, destroy the internal order of the empire…”
“Is this what he wants?”
Ying Changge then asked curiously.
But apparently.
With the level of this dead man, it is naturally impossible for 270 to gain insight into the main purpose of Mr. Zhang!
These dead men are just doers, not decision makers.
They will only obey orders, not plan and plan.
As for Master Zhang’s purpose?
This is beyond their comprehension.
“Speaking of which, this matter is also thanks to you.”
“Otherwise, I’m afraid it wouldn’t be so simple, so I would just find out this Master Zhang.”
Ying Changge smiled.
The dead man was full of anger, his eyes were bloodshot, and he was staring at Ying Changge, like a ferocious beast that wanted to swallow Ying Changge.
“Don’t be so excited.”
“I suggest that you still enjoy the time you can breathe in the fresh air.”
“You don’t have much time left.”
“Your role should come to an end here.”
Ying Changge said earnestly.
The role of this dead man has become meaningless!
The person behind the scenes has been dug out.
That being the case, the dead man became useless at all.
“You guys must die!”
“The lackeys of the empire…”

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