Accompanied by Ying Changge’s voice, it just fell.
The atmosphere at the scene was completely detonated accordingly!
in particular……
The left and right protectors of the two Yin Yang families!
Moon God and Xinghun looked at Ying Changge in shock, and then turned to look at the dead man with a dull expression and a broken expression, they understood something in their hearts.
From the collapsed face of this dead man, it is not difficult for them to judge.
The seventh son, Ying Changge, seems to have uncovered the real mastermind behind the scenes!
With the cultivation level of Moon God and Star Soul, it is not difficult for them to see through the flaws in the opponent’s heart according to the change of the dead man’s face.
Although they can’t.
Like Ying Changge, he steals the other party’s spiritual voice directly and domineeringly.
However, according to the emotions on the face of the dead man at the moment, they already had the answer in their hearts.
no doubt……
The messenger behind the scenes is the Master Zhang mentioned by the seventh son just now.
“Zhang Yan gave birth to Master Zhang?”
“It turned out to be him?!”
Luna’s pink lips moved slightly, her beautiful eyes were full of shock.
She really couldn’t have expected this result.
Compared with this Master Zhang Yansheng, what Luna is more curious about now is…
How did the seventh son do it?
In such a short period of time, with just a few short sentences, the real mastermind behind the scenes was uncovered from the vast and vast Xianyang City!
What amazing means and efficiency is this?
The problem that had plagued the entire Yin Yang family for several days was easily solved just like that.
And all without breaking a sweat!
But it was only a few words, and it was easily resolved.
This made Luna a little unbelievable.
Their yin and yang family can be said to be, and they are helpless and helpless for this trouble.
In the hands of Seventh Young Master.
Such a difficult matter was easily resolved.
With such a sharp sense of contrast, Luna couldn’t help but almost 05 doubted life.
What method did Seventh Young Master use?
The efficiency of this work is too high!
Just one person is enough to compare with their entire Yin Yang family!
Do not!
More precisely.
Their entire Yin Yang family is far inferior to a seventh son, Ying Changge.
Luna’s throat was dry and he was speechless for a while.
Although the person behind the scenes was found out, she was not overly happy.
in particular……
The problem that had plagued their Yin-Yang family for many days was solved in an instant without any hindrance. This was a painful blow to their Yin-Yang family.
make them deeply aware.
How big is the gap between their entire Yin Yang family and the seventh son Ying Changge!
out of reach!
How different!
Even if the efficiency of the entire Yin-Yang Family is far less than that of the Seventh Young Master!
Thinking of this, Luna felt very complicated.
She has a hunch.
If His Majesty the First Emperor knows.
The difficulty that their Yin Yang family could not complete for several days was easily solved by the seventh son, Ying Changge, in less than half a quarter of an hour.
She dare not imagine.
The Yin Yang family will be treated by His Majesty the First Emperor.
Do you think that their Yin-Yang family is not good at doing things, and it is like a fake.
Thinking of this, Luna’s mood became heavier and heavier.
Before finding out the truth, she was eager to find out who was behind the scenes.
After finding out the truth.
She suddenly.
He began to worry about gains and losses again, thinking that it would be great if the seventh son wasn’t so outstanding!
If it took Seventh Young Master several days to resolve this matter, then their Yin Yang family’s face would be better than that.some.
Who would have thought.
It took the seventh son less than half an hour to solve the problem that had plagued their Yin Yang family for several days.
In such a contrast.
I’m afraid…
The entire Yin Yang family will inevitably become the laughing stock of the civil and military courts!
What worries Luna deeply is that.
she worried.
Because of this matter, it will seriously affect His Majesty the First Emperor’s trust in their Yin Yang family.
If this is the case, then the loss is really too great.
“Seventh Young Master is too outstanding and terrifying!”
“For the Yin Yang family, this is by no means a good thing.”
“Although finding out who is behind the scenes is very beneficial to the Yin Yang family. But the problem is that the seventh son’s work efficiency is really too high.”
“With Seventh Young Master Zhuyu in front of us, our Yinyang family will immediately look extraordinarily embarrassed and unsightly.”
“Who would have thought.”
“Things that have prevented our Yin Yang family from making any progress for several days, are completely resolved by the seventh son so easily!”
“Even now, I still can’t imagine everything that subverts cognition.”
Luna took a deep breath, and the shocking mood could not be cooled down for a long time.
She can feel it.
In the eyes of His Majesty the First Emperor, the status of the Yin Yang family will inevitably decline rapidly. Although it will not plummet, but it is far from the credibility of the past.
“Seventh son…”
“You really gave us the entire Yin-Yang family, a ruthless blow.”
“From now on, our Yin Yang family will never be able to hold their heads up in front of you.”
Luna smiled wryly, thinking helplessly in his heart.
Compared with Ying Changge, their Yin Yang family always seemed to be useless.
The sharp contrast made Luna completely unhappy.
this time.
The Yin Yang family was completely trampled down by the seventh son.
One foot strongly trampled down the entire Yin Yang family!
In front of the seventh son, Ying Changge, from now on, members of the Yin Yang family will subconsciously be unable to lift their heads.
Shame on me!
This is the first time the Yin Yang family has experienced this kind of predicament.
at the same time.
When Luna was very emotional.
Star Soul is more intuitive.
His face was full of horror and disbelief, and he stared at Ying Changge tightly.
“Will not!”
“This is impossible!”
“How could he really find out who is behind the scenes?”

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