Without comparison, the Yin Yang family is naturally very good.
But once there is a comparison, it will be clear at a glance how bad the Yin Yang family is.
In this way, it can also cause a lot of influence and blow to the Yin Yang family.
“The last two Master Zhang…”
“Did you say it yourself? Or let me help you?”
The expression on Ying Changge’s face was intriguing.
When it comes to the last two choices, no matter which one it is, you can guess the ultimate behind-the-scenes instigator.
At this point, the distance to find out the real behind-the-scenes instigator is close at hand.
“No, it’s not!”
“It’s not the so-called Master Zhang!”
“I never knew Mr. Zhang.”
“If you don’t try to trick me, I will never be fooled.”
The dead man still gritted his teeth, suppressed the belief in his heart, and resisted tenaciously.
He looks confident on the outside, but in fact he is panicked inside.
‘It’s over, it’s over! ‘
‘Master Zhang came out when he was really about to be caught. ‘
‘Hateful! ‘
‘This monster, who the hell is he? How on earth did he find out these messages and clues? ‘
‘We are so impeccable in our affairs that it is impossible to leave any traces. No one would betray Mr. Zhang, so where did this damn guy get the news? ‘
Countless confused thoughts lingered in the mind of this dead man.
It made him puzzled.
“Since you don’t want to talk, then I’ll help you talk.”
Ying Changge smiled 0…..
“Shut up!”
The dead man lost his composure completely, shouting with anger all over his face.
He seemed to have changed his weak state, his words were full of anger, and he seemed full of energy.
“You are in a hurry, you are in a hurry.”
“Weren’t you very confident before?”
“Why, become so anxious now?”
“Since you keep saying that you don’t know the so-called Mr. Zhang. So here comes the question, why are you trying so hard to veto this matter?”
“Aren’t you playing tricks on yourself?”
“To say you’re stupid is really flattering you.”
“Even if you don’t say a word, I still have tricks to see through the true identity of the behind-the-scenes messenger you have been trying to hide.”
“All your secrets…”
“Actually, in my pair of blind eyes, it will become impossible to hide!”
Ying Changge’s gray eyes were fixed on half a meter away from the dead man.
Watched by this pair of eyes without any emotion, the dead soldier only felt cold and hairy, and shuddered all over.
as if…
All secrets must be seen through by this pair of eyes!
“you you!”
The dead man’s lips trembled and he was unable to speak for a while.
He didn’t know how to stop what was about to happen.
The secret he’s been trying to hide.
It will be officially revealed soon!
“I’m curious.”
“Which Master Zhang is it that makes you so loyal?”
“As for the true identity of Master Zhang, I am also very much looking forward to it now.”
Ying Changge said with great interest.
this moment.
All around, Luna, Xinghun and others gathered at Ying Changge’s back with serious, solemn and apprehensive eyes.
From the beginning to the end, they did not dare to interrupt and could only choose to listen in silence.
“It’s not the so-called Master Zhang, you must have made a mistake!”
“All of this is my own doing!”
The dead man tries to make a final struggle.
Ying Changge continued: “Is it Zhang Yansheng, Mr. Zhang?”
The words fell.
The dead man’s head exploded instantly.
His thinking paused for a moment, turning into a blank.
at the same time.
The perfect domineering level of knowledge and knowledge clearly captured the change in the dead man’s demeanor.
And the terrifying voice in the latter’s heart…
‘How, how is it possible? ! ”He actually found out! ‘
‘How on earth did he do it? ‘
‘This is too unbelievable! ‘
‘Do not! I must not show any abnormalities! Otherwise, Master Zhang will be in danger! ‘
‘calm! Must calm down! ‘
‘You must not show any abnormalities. ‘
4.9 In just a split second, countless thoughts and thoughts flashed through the dead man’s head.
He forcibly calmed down his shocking mood, and kept his usual face.
Just when he was about to make a mess.
What he never dreamed of was…
Ying Changge on the opposite side blocked his speech before he could speak, blocking all his words in his throat and unable to break free.
“It looks like I guessed right this time!”
“It’s actually Zhang Yansheng, Master Zhang!”
“This is quite unexpected.”
“The person behind the scenes is actually him!”
Ying Changge spoke with a bright smile.
The voice was loud and clear, and gradually spread in all directions, wandering and echoing in this huge secret room.
This burst of loud voice resounded and buzzed in the dead man’s ears.
It made him look full of astonishment, dullness, horror, and disbelief.
“How, how is it possible?!”
“I clearly…”
“I didn’t show any abnormalities just now!”
“But how did he notice it?!”
“Hey, what’s going on here?”
The dead man’s mentality completely collapsed.
He stared blankly at Ying Changge, his eyes filled with horror and horror.
no doubt……
Ying Changge in front of him is definitely the scariest existence he has ever encountered in his life!
With just a few words, it is easy to dig out the biggest secret in his heart!
What kind of monster is this? .
Chapter 163 Gap! The entire Yin Yang family is not as good as a seventh son! 【1/6 for customization】

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