“If it weren’t for this, it would be impossible for this loyal dead soldier to lose his composure and move his face like this.”
Luna took a deep breath, the shock couldn’t calm down calmly.
With her beautiful eyes hidden under the translucent eye veil, she stared at Ying Changge’s back full of expectation, excitement, and shock, waiting for the latter’s next words of “270”.
Xinghun was already dumbfounded.
He was dumbfounded on the spot.
what’s going on?
Is there really such a coincidence?
“Could it be.”
“Based on just a few short words just now, the Seventh Young Master is really enough to find out the mastermind behind the scenes?”
“how can that be?”
“It’s just a few short sentences, and even the dead man didn’t answer at all from the beginning to the end.”
“How did the seventh son do it?”
“Could it be that he can see through people’s hearts?!”
Star Soul was dumbfounded.
What is happening right now has seriously overturned his worldview.
He was already prepared.
Ready to laugh at Ying Changge at any time.
Who ever thought.
It really let the other party grasp some incredible news and clues!
Xinghun felt deeply bad.
No way?
Could it be something that has troubled the Yin-Yang family for several days, and they have been searching for nothing.
In the hands of the Seventh Young Master, it really only takes a moment to solve it easily?
In such a contrast, Xinghun felt a sharp contrast.
His mentality is about to collapse.
The various interrogation methods of the Yin-Yang family found nothing on these dead men.
The matter had just been handed over to the Seventh Young Master to take full responsibility for handling it, and it was resolved smoothly in less than a quarter of an hour?
How does this make their yin and yang family situation so embarrassing?
Where is the face?
Their yin and yang family spent several days, but in the end they got nothing!
By contrast.
The Seventh Young Master was alone, relying on a few short sentences to find out the truth and gain insight into the true identity of the messenger behind the scenes.
This gap is too big!
Xinghun almost doubted his life.
I’m ready to start laughing…
Then you suddenly told me that you found out the truth in less than a quarter of an hour?
is it possible?
Star Soul expressed disbelief.
He froze in place in a daze, staring at Ying Changge with eyes full of shock, his immature face full of shock and loss of composure.
“When the entire Yin Yang family is dispatched.”
“But it is still far behind, the role that the seventh son can play alone?”
Star Soul was dumbfounded.
what’s going on?
The role of the Yin Yang family is not as good as that of a mere Seventh Young Master?
There are thousands of disciples in the huge Yin Yang family, but the role they can play in this matter is not even qualified to carry the shoes for the seventh son!
Star Soul mentality completely collapsed.
Under the eyes of everyone full of shock.
Ying Changge didn’t care about the mentality of the dead man’s imminent collapse, and continued to ask: “It’s not Mr. Zhang, the young man, is it Mr. Zhang who is in charge of the treasury account book?”
The voice fell slowly.
Like thunder, it exploded and buzzed in the dead man’s ears.
“you you……”
The dead man’s lips trembled, his face was dull and frightened.
He could only stare blankly at Ying Changge in front of him with his bloodshot eyes filled with deep fear, feeling like a monstrous ocean wave rolling wildly.
this moment.
He wondered if he should open his mouth to answer.
at the same time.
The voice from his heart was captured by Ying Changge’s perfect knowledgeable domineering.
Ying Changge’s face showed a bit of disappointment: “It seems that it is not Mr. Zhang who is in charge of the state treasury account. In this way, the scope of the target can be narrowed down.”
“Above the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, there are only the last three Master Zhang left.”
“After narrowing the scope.”
“If you want to find the instigator behind the scenes, it becomes extremely simple!”
“What do you think?”
Speaking of this, the smile on Ying Changge’s face was very playful.
His smile was magnified infinitely in the eyes of this dead man, and he was regarded by the latter as a smile of death, which made people feel hairy and couldn’t help feeling movedto creepy.
Obviously a little bit of news has never been revealed.
But it was still targeted by people and locked in this small space!
“Where are you sacred?”
The dead man’s throat was dry, and he gnashed his teeth and drank angrily.
“Don’t get excited.”
“Let’s move on to the next test.”
“Only one of the last three choices remains.”
“I believe that soon we will be able to find the real instigator behind the scenes!”
Ying Changge waved his hand, but he didn’t care about the excitement and anger of the dead man.
He asked again: “The third Master Zhang, Zhang Rongde, is that him?”
While asking questions, the perfect level of knowledge and knowledge locks the opponent’s body.
As long as there is any slightest abnormality in the other party’s body, it is difficult to escape Ying Changge’s insight.
The voice of the other party’s mind will also clearly appear in Ying Changge’s mind.
“Still not.”
“In the end, there are only two Master Zhangs left.”
“If you choose one of the two, you won’t make mistakes again, right?”
“I think. My luck should not be so bad.”
Ying Changge smiled lightly.
Being able to penetrate into the inner voice of this dead man, he can certainly confirm clearly which Lord Zhang is the instigator behind the scenes.
Originally, he was still thinking about it.
Do you want to help the Yin Yang family solve this problem?
Now, he has made a decision in his heart.
He decides.
Use the fastest speed to solve the problem that has plagued the Yin Yang family for several days.
In such a strong contrast.
Presumably, the status of the Yin-Yang family will inevitably drop a lot in Ying Zheng’s mind.

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