“Go and catch him!”
The dead man suddenly burst out laughing.
His inner voice is…
‘Master Zhang of the Shaofu? I have no choice but to wrong you. ‘
‘In order for my lord to be safe and sound, I must disrupt the situation so that he cannot detect any traces of my lord from it. ‘
Faced with the dead man’s answer, Ying Changge didn’t change much from the beginning to the end.
Look at the other side.
Moon God Liu frowned, with a bit of hesitation on her pretty and charming face.
Things are in trouble!
If this dead man bites people…
Then it will undoubtedly be infinitely more difficult to find out the real behind-the-scenes instigator!
“Seventh Young Master, what are you going to do?”
Luna looked at Ying Changge.
Sitting next to Luna, Xinghun sneered and looked at Ying Changge with great interest.
“Seventh Young Master is still helpless after all!”
“He’d love to see it.”
“What is he going to do next, to find out who is the real instigator behind the scenes!”
“Things that our Yin-Yang family can’t do after spending several days…”
.. …… 0
“What virtue and ability does the seventh son have? Why do you do it?”
In view of the anger towards Ying Changge, Xinghun desperately wanted to see it.
In the end, the scene where Ying Changge got nothing!
Compared to letting the Yin-Yang family eradicate this enemy, Xinghun is more inclined to see the scene where Ying Changge is devastated and has nothing to gain.
Things that the Yin Yang family can’t do…
Seventh Young Master can do it with only one person?
How can this embarrass the Yin-Yang family?
Where should the face of the Yin Yang family be put?
Thinking of this, Xinghun couldn’t wait to watch the moment when Ying Changge failed.
“Although I don’t know what method Seventh Young Master used to make this dead man lose his composure just now.”
“But, all of this may just be a coincidence!”
“It’s just a blind cat meeting a dead mouse.”
“The next step is to find out the identity of the behind-the-scenes messenger, it will never be so smooth and simple!”
“I will never lose!”
“On the contrary, Seventh Young Master, you will definitely lose!”
Xinghun sneered, thinking so in his heart.
at the same time.
In the eyes of everyone.
The dead man began to bite people crazily, constantly dragging the rest of the civil and military officials of the court. In this way, try to cover up the real behind-the-scenes instigator.
Ying Changge’s expression was as calm and steady as ever, as if everything was under control, calm and indifferent.
Faced with the dead man’s repeated remarks, Ying Changge remained unmoved, appearing calm and calm, as if he had already seen through the dead man’s intentions.
For a long time.
Ying Changge smiled lightly, and then spoke again.
“It seems that Master Zhang is not the mastermind behind the scenes.”
“The screening target range can be shortened again!”
The flat and emotionless voice fell slowly.
for a moment.
Like a stone stirring up a thousand waves.
In the huge secret room, the atmosphere has undergone a huge reversal.
Visible to the naked eye.
The dead man, who was pretending to be crazy and stupid, couldn’t help but widen his eyes again.
All the gibberish voices coming from his mouth stopped abruptly at this moment.
I see.
His bloodshot eyes were fixed on Ying Changge, as if he was looking at a terrifying monster.
His throat was dry and his lips trembled slightly.
Seen through again? !
what is happening?
Who the hell is this guy?
It must be too scary!
How on earth did he do it?
To be able to see through the truth of things hidden in my heart one after another…
What kind of monster is this?
All my lies were seen through by this monster in an instant!
how can that be? !
“who are you?!”
The dead man’s eyes were bloodshot, like a ferocious beast, staring at Ying Changge, his face covered with scars.Kong seemed particularly out of composure and appalled.
Chapter 162 Mental collapse! The identity of the behind-the-scenes messenger is revealed! 【6/6 for customization】
The dead man was dumbfounded.
He was obviously completely unpredictable.
Ying Changge saw through all his lies!
All lies will be directly exposed and detected!
This made him dare not even dream.
I was still thinking about it.
He is going to pull a few civil and military officials from the court to disturb the muddy water here.
These lies and information that were spoken were directly rejected!
as if…
There is no way to hide the lie in front of this terrifying monster in front of him!
this moment.
He even had an illusion.
Could it be…
Someone really betrayed Mr. Zhang?
If not, how could the guy in front of him know so much information?
Under the extremely shocking mood, the dead man’s face covered with scars was very out of composure, and a pair of ferocious eyes full of bloodshot eyes stared blankly at Ying Changge, unable to look away for a long time.
at the same time.
But the dead man was shocked.
Even four weeks.
Luna was equally frightened.
As a top martial artist at the level of a martial arts master, she can naturally have a keen insight into the gaffes and turbulent changes in the dead man’s face.
“Is the Seventh Young Master right again?”
“This, is this a coincidence?”
“Do not!”
“Seventh Young Master must have grasped accurate information and clues!”

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