This is countless times stronger than the yin and yang mind reading skills of the yin and yang family!
The means are also softer and will not cause any damage to the human body.
It can also be done quietly, without anyone noticing, allowing Ying Changge to easily see through the voices of other people’s hearts.
Compared with the yin and yang mind reading skills, Ying Changge’s perfect level knowledgeable arrogance is tens of thousands of times stronger.
If one uses a perfect level of knowledge and knowledge to investigate the minds of these dead men, it is very possible to get a lot of money in this way.
Thinking of this, an inscrutable smile appeared on Ying Changge’s face.
Things that the Yin Yang family can’t do…
But if you put it in front of yourself, it can be easily done!
Even the whole process is effortless!
No matter how loyal a dead soldier is, he will have his own independent thinking and thinking ability.
As long as there is any life with independent thinking ability, then naturally it cannot escape the perfect level of knowledgeable detection mastered by Ying Changge.
The knowledgeable color of perfect level 05 is not only aimed at human beings.
Even the voices of animals cannot escape Ying Changge’s insight.
The domineering domineering nature of the perfect level is very scary!
“Any life with individual thinking ability…”
“All the secrets will be clearly seen by my perfect-level knowledgeable color!”
“Including these so-called dead men.”
“Even if they are loyal, they absolutely cannot control everything in their hearts.”
“Unless it is a group of people who have lost their normal thinking and thinking ability. Otherwise, no matter how loyal a dead soldier is, I will see through his spiritual voice.”
“Thus, let me find the instigator behind the scenes as I wished!”
Ying Changge smiled.
A huge problem has been easily solved.
It only takes a moment for Ying Changge to solve the problem that has plagued the Yinyang family for several days and made it impossible for the Yinyang family to solve it.
This is the gap!
As long as the brain has a normal thinking ability of life, heEverything they think in their hearts will be inextricably exposed to Ying Changge’s perfect knowledgeable arrogance.
These few dead soldiers will also not be an exception.
They really don’t know the person behind the scenes.
Otherwise, once Ying Changge intervenes to investigate.
It is easy to find the true identity of the behind-the-scenes messenger from the hearts of these dead men.
Thinking of this, Ying Changge’s original pressure disappeared.
Now that there is a suitable solution, naturally there is no need to worry about it.
What Ying Changge needs to think about now is…
Does he want to help the Yin Yang family solve this matter?
This is a question worth thinking about.
“The relationship between me and the Yin Yang family has not yet reached the point where I can unconditionally resolve difficult and miscellaneous diseases for them.”
Ying Changge was thoughtful.
Want to take the opportunity to blackmail the Yin Yang family?
Ying Changge shook his head.
This approach was directly rejected by him.
The order came from the father, Yingzheng, not from the Yin Yang family.
If he blatantly blackmails the Yin Yang family, and waits for the latter to truthfully report the matter to the First Emperor Ying Zheng, then Ying Changge will be in serious trouble.
After thinking about it, Ying Changge was still hesitating.
Do you want to find out who is behind the scenes?
“Since my father has entrusted this matter to me, I will definitely carry out the investigation.”
“Once the instigator behind the scenes is caught, it is equivalent to solving a difficult and miscellaneous disease for the Yin Yang family.”
“It doesn’t do me any good.”
“On the contrary, it’s for nothing to benefit the Yin Yang family.”
Ying Changge thought to himself.
Of course he doesn’t want to do things that are cheap for the Yin Yang family.
He himself was at odds with the Yin-Yang family, so how could he act like an enemy?
And at this time.
Seeing Ying Changge’s pensive expression, Luna couldn’t help but ask again: “My lord, do you already have a plan to deal with it?”
Now the Yin Yang family is very urgent and wants to solve this matter.
Things have had a far-reaching and significant impact…
Even the powerful Right Protector of the Yin Yang family, Luna, had to try his best to solve this matter and find out the instigator behind the scenes.
Luna ability works.
Even with astrology, it is impossible to find out who is behind the scenes.
The other party hides too deeply!
Luna naturally didn’t want to miss any clues.
This time she was ordered to assist the seventh son Ying Changge, and Luna didn’t complain at all. Although she was more or less disapproving in her heart, she still didn’t dare to show resistance and disobedience on the surface.
after all.
This matter is of great significance to the Yin Yang family.
If the instigator behind the scenes is not found out for a day, the reputation of the Yin Yang family will be shouted and beaten by everyone in Xianyang City.
Even now, there are already many civil and military officials of the imperial court, and the memorials have indicated that they want to impeach the Yin Yang family.
That is.
The current situation of the Yin Yang family is not particularly good.
“If the seventh son has a way, he can find out the mastermind behind the scenes, and all members of the Yin Yang family will obey the seventh son’s orders unconditionally.”
“The Yin Yang family will definitely thank you, young master.”
Luna’s beautiful eyes flashed, her pink lips moved slightly, and she continued to speak.
Her words were full of sincerity.
as if…
She has seen it.
Ying Changge seemed to have thought of some kind of plan.
Located next to Ying Changge.
Meng Ying and Shao Si Ming remained silent all along, sitting silently on the left and right sides of Ying Changge, and were not qualified to participate in the discussion of these matters.
But hearing such sincere words from the Moon God, Shao Si Ming couldn’t help but his eyes flashed, and he was somewhat surprised by the stunning beauty hidden under the veil.
It was the first time she saw it.
The majestic yin and yang family’s right protector Luna, a high-ranking imperial national teacher, would actually discuss a matter with a person in such a low voice.
This kind of scene is indeed too rare.
“Could it be that……”
“My lord really thought of a plan?”
Shao Si Ming couldn’t help but have such a thought in his heart.
Under the expectant gaze of the Moon God.
Ying Changge pondered for a moment, and then replied: “There is a plan that you can try. However, I have to talk to those dead men in person.”
“In this way, we can ensure that the instigator behind the scenes is found out!”
“As for whether it will be successful? That can only depend on luck.”
Ying Changge decided.
Find out the behind-the-scenes messenger first, and then judge and weigh according to your own thoughts, whether to inform the Yin-Yang Family of the identity of the behind-the-scenes messenger.
all in all.
What needs to be done most now is to use the perfect level of knowledge and arrogance to penetrate the minds of these dead men caught by the Yin Yang family, so as to find the behind-the-scenes messenger.
This is the only way Ying Changge can think of to break the situation.
If that doesn’t work.
Then there was nothing he could do.

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