This matter is also closely related to the Yin Yang family.
Finding the instigator behind the scenes is also something that the Yin Yang family is eager to do.
That’s why.
Although Luna felt a little helpless in her heart, she didn’t feel too much resistance.  …
“Ask your Yin Yang family to assist me in investigating this matter?”
Ying Changge’s expression became even weirder.
It seems that there is enough to think highly of myself!
Faced with this kind of thing, I have no experience.
Actually let the Onmyo family to assist him?
And you are the decision maker of this investigation?
Ying Changge looked bewildered.
He is clearly unpredictable.
The news and orders brought by the Moon God are so weird!
“My lord, do you have any plans?”
Seeing Ying Changge’s silence, Luna couldn’t help interrupting.
Ying Changge was speechless.
I have a hammer plan!
I didn’t expect…
I thought I could be a melon eater and take a good look at how the Yin Yang family handled this matter.
I didn’t expect it.
In the end, the matter actually fell on top of my own head, and I let myself be responsible for it.
And let the Yin Yang family, as the companion of the assistant.
All this was completely beyond Ying Changge’s expectation.
He didn’t pay too much attention to this matter.
After all, people are not as good as God.
Who would have thought.
This matter unexpectedly happened to him inexplicably.
From this order to let the dignified Yin Yang family come to assist in the investigation, it can be seen from here how seriously his father takes this matter.
“I’m still planning to hang up high as nothing to do with myself…”
“As a senior melon eater, I went to watch the excitement of the Yin Yang family.”
“Everything is impermanent.”
“In the blink of an eye, I became the main investigator!”
“Father, I have to say, you really think highly of me.”
“Let me, a person with almost zero experience, go to investigate this kind of cumbersome incident in person, which even the dignified Yin-Yang family can’t find out the truth.”
Ying Changge felt helpless.
But now that the order has been issued.
Obviously, his father would not take his order back easily.
It looks like…
I still have to work hard to investigate this matter!
Gently exhaling, Ying Changge suppressed all the complicated thoughts in his head.
Immediately afterwards.
He then asked Luna: “I heard just now, Mr. Luna, how many key figures have you successfully captured and deliberately spread these negative remarks in Xianyang City?”
Luna nodded: “Yes.”
Ying Changge asked again: “I have heard for a long time that there is a spell in the Yinyang family that can read other people’s inner memories. It is called Yinyang mind reading.”
“Such spells are very weird and terrifying. They can search all hidden memories in the other party’s mind completely from the other party’s mind, and gain insight into the root of everything.”
“And now, since these dead men have been captured, then, Lord Luna, why don’t you use the Yin-Yang mind-reading technique of the Yin-Yang family to read their inner memories?”
“In this way, wouldn’t it be easy to know that the one who ordered these dead menThe messenger behind the scenes? ”
Ying Changge was really confused about this.
The mind-reading technique of the Yin-Yang School is famous far and wide, and it is an extremely domineering spell that can forcefully search the memory of the opponent’s brain.
People who have been cast with this spell will have memory damage and become a fool. If it is more serious, the memory will be shattered on the spot, the brain will be severely damaged and he will die suddenly.
This is a very scary and dangerous yin and yang technique!
It stands to reason.
People from the Yin Yang family would not be so merciful to this kind of dead man, only 4.9 is right.
not to mention.
People from the Yin Yang family are not kind-hearted people.
Things like murder and murder are commonplace for people from the Yin Yang family.
Ying Changge didn’t think so.
The members of the Yin-Yang family did not perform Yin-Yang mind-reading skills on these dead men because of their kindness and softness.
Facing Ying Changge’s question, Luna took a deep look at the former.
Nor did she expect it.
The seventh son, Ying Changge, actually knows so much about their Yin-Yang family’s Yin-Yang arts.
Even the yin and yang mind reading skills seem to be well understood.
Think for a moment.
Luna did not hide anything, and replied truthfully: “As the seventh son said. We have also thought about using the yin and yang mind reading technique to directly and forcibly steal the memory in the other party’s brain, so as to search for the instigator behind the scenes.”
“When we did, it ended in failure.”
“These dead soldiers seem to have cultivated a very peculiar martial arts mentality, which can forcibly intercept others and seize the memories in their brains.”
“Once someone tries to cast a spell similar to the yin-yang mind-reading technique to capture the memory in their brain, the mind method they practiced will work on its own.”
“In the end, the automatic operation of the mind will forcibly destroy their bodies, causing them to die suddenly on the spot.”
“The yin-yang mind-reading technique is completely unable to achieve any effective results on them.”
“It is precisely in this way that the progress of the investigation of the matter will be stuck, and it has been terminated in the past few days.”
Speaking of this, Luna felt a little helpless.
Hearing this, Ying Changge suddenly realized.
I see……
No wonder the yin-yang mind-reading technique didn’t achieve any results.
In this case, things do become very difficult.
While Ying Changge was in deep thought.
There was a flash of inspiration in his head, and he thought of the perfect level of domineering domineering in his body!
Now that the yin and yang mind reading technique has failed.
Wouldn’t the perfect level of knowledge and knowledge that I have mastered just happen to come in handy? .
Chapter 158 Countermeasures! Coming to the Yin Yang Pavilion again! 【2/6 for customization】
The yin and yang mind reading technique of the yin and yang family is based on destroying other people’s brains in order to steal the memories in the other’s brains.
Ying Changge’s perfect level of knowledgeable arrogance is two completely different concepts.
There is a huge difference from the yin and yang mind reading technique.
The yin and yang mind reading technique is very pure and terrifying. It is to forcibly steal the memories in other people’s brains, so as to obtain the information you want.
In doing so, it will cause unprecedented damage and impact to the brains of many people.
That’s why.
Generally, people who have been subjected to the yin-yang mind-reading technique will have their brains damaged to varying degrees, and in severe cases, their brains will be destroyed on the spot and they will die suddenly.
And for these dead men who have practiced special mental techniques, the yin and yang mind reading technique will not be useful.
But Ying Changge’s perfect level of knowledge and knowledge can directly penetrate people’s hearts!
Listen to the voices of time and creatures…

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