Ying Changge didn’t think so.
Putting him in charge of investigating things like this would be very rewarding.
The intelligence network of the Yin Yang family can’t find out the truth of the matter.
He doesn’t think so.
His personal investigation ability is even stronger than the Yin Yang family’s intelligence network.
This is obviously unrealistic.
Ying Changge’s extra ability compared to the Yin Yang family is that he has a perfect level of domineering knowledge and knowledge, which can penetrate people’s hearts.
That’s all!
“Young master, you want to interrogate those dead men in person?”
“This kind of method, our Yin Yang family has already tried it.”
“They won’t let up so easily.”
“Even if it is used in severe torture, it cannot make theThey speak. ”
“Obviously, they are a group of well-trained soldiers with the determination to die.”
Luna thought for a moment, then said.
She was not optimistic about Ying Changge’s approach.
Naturally, the Yin-Yang family has already tried all feasible methods.
But it doesn’t work.
She didn’t think that if Ying Changge tried it himself, she would get different results.
“Master Luna, you don’t know about that.”
“The mountain people have their own tricks.”
“Let me interrogate it myself, maybe I can get a different result.”
“after all.”
“Isn’t your Yin Yang family running out of ideas? Why don’t you let me try?”
“In the final analysis, your Yin-Yang family is now in a desperate situation. Maybe I can bring you a surprise for your Yin-Yang family.”
Ying Changge smiled meaningfully.
Hearing this, Luna pondered for a moment.
She frowned and nodded: “I would like to obey the order of the young master.”
As Ying Changge said.
Isn’t the current yin and yang family running out of options?
Although he was not optimistic about Ying Changge’s interrogation, Luna did not refute too much.
“It’s not too late, let’s go now.”
Ying Changge stretched his arms and spoke bluntly.
He had just returned to Xianyang City, and he hadn’t had time to calm down yet.
He was hit by this sudden incident.
It can be said that Ying Changge was shot while lying down.
He was already prepared to watch the excitement and jokes of the Yin Yang family as a bystander.
Never thought about it.
The fire gradually burned to his side.
As a last resort, I can only investigate the instigator behind this incident according to the request of my father, Yingzheng.
Ying Changge is at least 90% sure that he can find out the true identity of the instigator behind the scenes.
Under the leadership of the Moon God, Ying Changge left Qingxia Palace again.
Leading Mengying and Shao Siming to the left and right sides of the back of the body, Ying Changge followed Luna step by step, all the way to the Yinyang Pavilion.
“The dead are being held in the Yin Yang Pavilion?”
Ying Changge followed Luna’s footsteps all the way, and naturally roughly guessed the destination of Luna 257’s trip.
The domineering aura of the perfect level of knowledge and knowledge has always maintained a sweeping area with a diameter of hundreds of meters, sweeping and investigating the surrounding street crowds all the way.
The streets of Xianyang City were still bustling and noisy as before, appearing full of vitality.
“The magic weapon that has just come out of the oven is comparable to the famous sword magic weapon in Fengbeard’s swordsmanship. All guest officers pass by, don’t miss it.”
“Steaming buns~”
“Guest officer, please!”
After leaving Qingxia Palace, Ying Changge did not find any follower.
The three monitors of the innate realm have returned to report to their superiors.
Unimpeded all the way…
On the way to Yinyang Pavilion, there is no obstacle.
No stalkers were found either!
In general.
The process went very smoothly.
Relying on the perfect level of knowledge and domineering, occasionally I can hear some rumors about the first emperor, Yin and Yang again.
It is not difficult to judge.
Because of this incident, the entire city of Xianyang was already in an uproar.
If it is not resolved as soon as possible, I am afraid that Xianyang City will really cause a lot of turmoil.
And the Yin Yang family is the biggest victim of this turmoil!
Of course, Ying Changge was happy to hear about this kind of thing.
If not, Ying Changge would never take the initiative to interfere with such a troublesome matter from the order of his father, the first emperor Yingzheng.
Unfortunately, things backfired.
It just so happened that such an order hit him suddenly, forcing Ying Changge to take action.
that’s it.
In a quarter of an hour.
Ying Changge came to the familiar Yinyang Pavilion again.
After about half a month, Ying Changge returned to the Yinyang Pavilion with a completely different strength.
After getting off the carriage, Ying Changge led Mengying and Shao Siming into the Yinyang Pavilion again, following behind the Moon God.
Yin Yang Pavilion is still the same as before.
A simple and charming attic, with a unique temperament, and bursts of fragrance floating in the air.
As soon as he stepped into the Yinyang Pavilion, a group of Yinyang disciples greeted him with respectful expressions.
“Meet the seventh son!”
Amid waves of respectful greetings, Ying Changge and Moon God drifted away.
In less than half an hour.
Under the leadership of the Moon God, Ying Changge took Shao Siming and Meng Ying across the countless passages of the huge Yinyang Pavilion with ease.
In the end, I finally arrived at the destination of this trip as I wished!
That is…
An important place where the Yin Yang family used to imprison the dead men.
Chapter 159 Encounter with Guardian Zuo again! Tit for tat! On gambling! 【3/6 for customization】
“Seventh Young Master, we have arrived.”
“Further ahead, it is the place where the two dead men were imprisoned.”
Luna paused for a moment, then turned to look at Ying Changge, and slowly introduced.
at this time.
She has led Ying Changge and others to the core area at the end of Yinyang Pavilion.
Here, there is a relatively large secret room.
Those detained in the secret room were naturally the culprits who wantonly spread all kinds of bad things about the First Emperor Yingzheng and his Yin Yang family in Xianyang City.
They are only instructed by others, not the real mastermind behind the scenes.

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