Who is the seventh son?
In recent days, it has been like a thunderbolt and a prominent reputation inside and outside Xianyang City.
But there is no denying it.
Seventh Young Master is just a young man who is still in his weak crown.
How can such a young seventh son be able to take on such a big responsibility?
Luna’s head was a little confused.
She thought so.
It is necessary to allow the Yinyang family to cooperate with General Zhang Han who is assisting the Yingmiwei, or Luo Wang and Zhao Gao, who have won the trust of His Majesty the First Emperor.
What I never expected was…
The person their Yin Yang family needs to help is the young seventh son Ying Changge.
This result stunned Luna on the spot.
What is the virtue and ability of the seventh son?
How could the entire Yin Yang family condescend to help?
This is obviously not in line with common sense!
Although the seventh son has a noble status, the problem of age lies here.
At such a young age, the seventh son has almost zero experience in dealing with such things.
Let Seventh Young Master be in charge of investigating and cracking this matter? Find out who is behind the scenes?
Isn’t this tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack?
Can the seventh son do it?
Luna was deeply suspicious.
But in view of the current dissatisfaction with the Yinyang family, the first emperor made the moon god completely ignore disobedience and rebellion, and could only bow his head respectfully.
“Follow His Majesty’s orders.”
Although he was full of incomprehension, confusion, and worry in his heart, the Moon God still had to obey the order of the First Emperor Yingzheng, and did not dare to disobey.
The Yin-Yang family has been investigating for several days, but they still haven’t been able to find out the behind-the-scenes instigator who wantonly spread these rumors.
in this way.
Luna certainly had no reason to argue.
“Okay, let’s deal with it like this.”
“You back off.”
Ying Zheng waved his hand.
not for a while.
The Moon God left Xianyang Palace.
Before and after staying in Xianyang Palace for less than half an hour, he was quickly sent away.
After Luna left.
The huge Xianyang Palace regained its tranquility.
Ying Zheng was the only one left, sitting on the steps, his brows were tightly furrowed, and a look of anticipation appeared on his face.
“My son…”
“I hope you can surprise me again!”
The reason why this matter was not handed over to the Shadow Secret Guards to investigate.
It’s also purely…
Ying Zheng wants to test Ying Changge.
Let’s test how efficient Ying Changge’s independent work is.
“Come here, pass on my will immediately.”
“Order the Seventh Young Master Ying Changge to investigate in person, and recently tried to disturb the person behind the scenes in Xianyang City.”
“With a time limit of three days, the ultimate truth of this matter must be found out!”

at the same time.
the other side.
With the order issued by Ying Zheng, Luna felt a little heavy and incomprehensible.
After leaving Xianyang Palace, she frowned, thought for a while, turned around without the slightest hesitation, and rushed to Qingxia Palace where the Seventh Young Master lived.
Since His Majesty entrusted the matter to the Seventh Young Master with full authority, and asked the Yin Yang family to assist, Moon God naturally did not dare to take this order as a deaf ear.
not to mention.
As for the behind-the-scenes instigators who wantonly spread these news, Luna also wished to eradicate the other party immediately, lest the other party continue to be unfavorable to the Yin Yang family.
And in Xianyang City, it caused huge impact and turmoil to the Yinyang family.
In just a few days, with the increasing number of rumors and speeches in Xianyang City, the Yin Yang family was almost discredited and became the biggest wrongdoer.
This is naturally quite unfavorable to the Yin Yang family’s plan.
No matter what, Moon God made up his mind to find out the person behind the scenes.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
Only by finding out the opponent, can the Yin Yang family calm the turmoil in Xianyang City.
“Why did Your Majesty ask the Seventh Young Master to investigate this matter?”
“And let the seventh son be the decision-maker for this matter?”
“Let the entire Yin-Yang family assist Seventh Young Master?”
“That doesn’t make sense at all.”
“No matter how strong the Seventh Young Master is, he has absolutely no experience in dealing with this kind of matter. Under such circumstances, why does His Majesty insist that the Seventh Young Master take the lead in investigating and making decisions?”
Luna couldn’t figure it out.
Could it be that……
The Yin Yang family has completely lost His Majesty’s trust?
That’s why the Seventh Young Master, a young master with almost zero experience, was allowed to investigate this matter as the leader, and let their Yin Yang family assist and accompany him throughout the process.
“Or maybe.”
“Your Majesty is deliberately testing the Seventh Young Master?”
“Test the ability of the seventh son? And the efficiency of the seventh son’s personal independent action?”
Thinking of this, Luna’s pink lips moved slightly.
Gradually, a bit of dignity appeared on her delicate and charming mature face.
If so.
That means.
In the eyes of His Majesty the First Emperor, the seventh son’s status is probably already very high!
Ridiculously high!
Even the Yin Yang family can’t match it!
Thinking of this, Luna felt a sense of urgency in her heart.
“It seems that this time, when the Yinyang family is assisting the seventh son to investigate this matter,We must take the opportunity to deal with the seventh son. ”
.. . . . . . .
“The status of the seventh son…”
“It’s completely different!”
“The current seventh son, compared to the status of the eldest son Fusu, I am afraid that he will not be inferior in the slightest.”
Knowing this news, Luna felt a heavy and huge burden in his heart.
Among the many sons of His Majesty the First Emperor.
Only the seventh son Ying Changge…
It made her feel unfathomable, unpenetrating, and incomprehensible.
Even using astrology, you can’t peep into the other party’s future!
If given a choice, Moon God would not want to deal with the Seventh Young Master Ying Changge from the bottom of his heart, let alone see the Seventh Young Master being so valued by the First Emperor Ying Zheng.
In her eyes.
The seventh son Ying Changge is a completely uncontrollable unstable factor.
And Luna, who has always been good at astrology, likes to control everything in her hands.
What she dislikes the most is variables!
And the unstable factors and variables of the seventh son Ying Changge will naturally make Luna feel deeply afraid.
up until now.
Luna still can’t forget.

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