“He’s still too young.”
“Some areas may still be lacking and need to be cultivated.”
Ying Zheng thought to himself.
As for how to train each other?
He already had detailed plans and plans in mind.
He decides……
Let the other party handle the matter that has been raging in Xianyang City for the past few days!
Check it out with this.
How is your child’s ability to work independently?
What about efficiency?
These are the key points that Yingzheng needs to test.
The wanton publicity and dissemination of these news and speeches in Xianyang City can be said to have caused Yingzheng a lot of headaches, and he felt more and more irritable and depressed because of this.
If it weren’t for the good news brought by Prime Minister Li Si today. Presumably, Ying Zheng has not been able to easily resolve the irritability and depression in his heart so far.
“this matter……”
“Let the full power be given to Changge to deal with it himself.”
“In this way, it also allows me to test it out.”
“How independent he is and how efficient he is.”.
Chapter 156 The First Emperor’s Order! Yin Yang assists in the investigation! 【6/6 for customization】
For this behind-the-scenes messenger who wantonly created rumors and spread them in the Xianyang City Empire, Ying Zheng naturally wanted to get rid of him as soon as possible.
In the past few days, this matter has caused him the most headache.
Ying Zheng thought about it.
Hand over this matter to his son Ying Changge.
This can also be regarded as the method he used to test and measure Ying Changge’s ability to act independently.
With this in mind, Ying Zheng immediately summoned the right protector of the Yin Yang family, the Moon God, into the palace.
“Come here, let the moon god enter the palace to have an audience~!”
In less than a moment.
The right protector of the Yinyang family, the moon god, was passed on to the palace face saint.
Wearing a light blue long dress, Luna twisted her tall and graceful figure, moved her lotus steps slightly, and walked step by step from outside the palace gate into the palace.
A head of soft purple hair hangs down the shawl, and a pair of beautiful eyes are completely covered by the translucent veil, which slightly blocks the beautiful and charming face.
As soon as he entered the palace, Luna bowed his head and cupped his hands, and greeted respectfully: “Moon God, see Your Majesty.”
Ying Zheng asked Luna directly: “In recent days, have the Yin Yang family identified those who tried to disrupt the internal order of the empire and spread rumors?”
The words fell.
Luna was silent for a moment.
Under Ying Zheng’s gaze, she could only tell the truth in a soft voice: “Please forgive me, Your Majesty, we haven’t found out his identity yet. Please give me three more days.”
“Within three days, the Yin Yang family will definitely be able to give His Majesty a satisfactory answer.”
Because this matter involves the yin and yang family, it will cause some bad disputes and confusion.
Long before Ying Changge returned to Xianyang City, the Yinyang family was responsible for this matter.
The Onmyo family investigated this matter for several days, but they have not been able to find out the behind-the-scenes instigator who keeps making and propagating these rumors.
As a result, Ying Zheng naturally lost patience with the Yin Yang family.
“It’s been so long, and you haven’t even found any news?”
“I’m very disappointed!”
“The efficiency of your Yin Yang family is too low.”
Ying Zheng’s brows were a bit scowling and gloomy, and he glanced lightly at the Moon God below.
Being watched by Ying Zheng’s gaze, Luna only felt hairy inside, and couldn’t help but feel panic.
Even if she is a top martial artist at the level of a martial arts master, she can’t bear the imposing coercion from Ying Zheng.
“Please forgive me, Your Majesty. We will do our best to find out the truth and who is behind the scenes at all costs. Please forgive me for a few days.”
Moon God lowered his head in fear, and quickly defended himself.
“No need.”
“This matter, I will hand it over to others to handle it myself.”
“As for your Yin Yang family, I will assist him honestly to investigate this matter.”
“What do you think?”
Ying Zheng snorted expressionlessly, his tone undeniable.
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
Luna had to nod.
she knows.
Now that the First Emperor Yingzheng was burning with anger, she certainly did not dare to disobey the former’s will.
She couldn’t understand either.
very good…
Why did they suddenly transfer the task that was originally entrusted to them to the Yin Yang family to someone else?
Who is this person?
General Zhang Han of Shadow Guard?
Or is it Zhao Gao who snares the net?
If this matter is not investigated clearly, it will definitely usher in more and more influence and turmoil on the Yin Yang family.
That’s why.
As the right protector of the Yin Yang family, Luna is so concerned and ready for this matter.
“Your Majesty, please tell me, who needs the Yin-Yang family to assist in investigating this matter? Or let me wait so that I can prepare and cooperate as soon as possible.”
After thinking for a while, Luna asked again.
She can feel it.
The first emperor, Yingzheng, has gradually become dissatisfied with their Yin Yang family.
Because they have been unable to catch the messenger behind the scenes, their Yin-Yang Family is constantly losing the trust of the First Emperor Yingzheng.
This is a very bad sign!
in particular……
Now transfer the tasks that originally belonged to their Yin Yang family to others.
This is a warning and a sign!
This shows.
If their Yin Yang family doesn’t deal with this matter, they will really lose the trust of Emperor Shi Huang soon.
As a result, the situation of their Yin Yang family is very embarrassing and embarrassing.
“Who does His Majesty want us to assist?”
Luna was lost in thought.
At this time.
Ying Chang gave the answer directly: “I want you Yin Yang family to go and assist the seventh son with all your strength!”
“I will hand over this matter to my son Changge with full authority!”
“As for your Yin Yang family, you will assist me honestly and investigate this matter as an accompanying person.””I will give the decision-making power in this matter to my son. Your Yin Yang family must not disobey orders. If there is any violation, I will definitely kill you!”
“During the execution of this mission, I want you members of the Yinyang family to obey my son’s orders with full authority, and you must not disobey orders.”
“You, do you understand?”
The loud voice resounded and spread in all directions of the huge palace.
Luna was stunned.
He was obviously caught off guard by this, unexpected.
How could this matter be handed over to the Seventh Young Master?
For this, Luna had no psychological preparations before.

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