At that time, he used astrology to try to predict the background and depth of the seventh son, but after the final failure, he also suffered serious backlash.
In the whole world, there are very few people who can’t even see through the moon god.
And as it happens…
The seventh son, Ying Changge, is a terrifying existence that the moon god can’t see through at all!
This uncontrollable unstable factor made Luna feel deep resistance from the bottom of her heart.
“In any case, this matter must be investigated by the Yin Yang family to assist the seventh son.”
“The order of His Majesty the First Emperor must not be disobeyed or disobeyed.”
“And I will definitely deal with the seventh son.”
“It’s inevitable…”
Luna exhaled softly.
Her beautiful eyes hidden under the translucent eye veil flickered slightly, and her charming face was somewhat dignified as she approached Ying Changge’s residence Qingxia Palace step by step.
Although she couldn’t understand the decision of Emperor Shihuang Yingzheng.
But the only thing she can do is…
The entire Yin Yang family must absolutely obey orders.
With countless thoughts in his head, as well as an extremely complicated and heavy heart, in less than a moment, Luna arrived at Qingxia Palace as he wished.
Here is the residence of the Seventh Young Master Ying Changge.
The last time I came here was almost half a month ago.
Luna was in an inexplicable mood.
quite a while.
She forcibly suppressed the complex emotions in her heart.
Slowly raising her slender and white hand, which was as white as a lotus root, Luna gently knocked on the door, and her pink lips moved slightly.
“The Moon God of the Yin-Yang Family took the liberty to disturb the Seventh Young Master today.”
“Actually, it was ordered by His Majesty the First Emperor. There are important matters that need to be discussed and decided with the Seventh Prince.”
“Therefore, I would like to ask the seventh son to go out and see you.” Fan.
Chapter 157 Yin-Yang Mind Reading Technique? The power of perfect knowledge and knowledge! 【1/6 for customization】
Qing Xia Palace.
As Ying Changge’s residence, few people would take the initiative to visit on weekdays.
This rule has been broken since about a month ago.
The number of civil and military officials who came to visit Qingxia Palace in an endless stream is increasing.
old days.
Due to his blindness, Ying Changge had no sense of existence, and basically never made the civil and military officials of the court pay attention.
As the news of the severe injury to the Sword Saint Gai Nie spread, coupled with the repeated attention of the First Emperor Yingzheng.
Only then did the civil and military officials in the court gradually begin to realize it.
The seventh son Ying Changge, who is blind, can no longer be compared with the past in terms of status or status.
After figuring this out, more and more civil and military officials came to visit in person, and most of them held the idea of ​​wanting to hug their thighs and deal with each other.
Naturally, Qingxia Palace, which was originally deserted and deserted, began to become lively at some point.
at the same time.
The prestige of the seventh son, Ying Changge, has already been heard like thunder in the ears of civil and military officials.
Now in the vast imperial court, the most prestigious son mentioned is definitely not the eldest son Fusu, but the seventh son Ying Changge.
Everything is changing subtly.
And today.
Ying Changge returned to Xianyang City from afar, and after wandering around the city, he returned to the long-lost Qingxia Palace as scheduled.
While wandering in the noisy streets of Xianyang City, I heard by chance that someone deliberately publicized the fact that the First Emperor Yingzheng tried to refine the elixir of life to harm the country.
The moment I heard the news.
Ying Changge realized it instantly.
Xianyang City is about to start bustling.
Xianyang City, which looks peaceful and peaceful on the outside, is actually already undercurrents surging in the background.
Of course.
All of this had nothing to do with Ying Changge.
He was also completely unprepared to participate in the intervention.
Let this storm come more violently.
The ones who should be troubled are the father, Emperor Yingzheng, and the yin and yang family who don’t like “257” at all…
In this regard, of course Ying Changge will not take the initiative to intervene in these troublesome matters.
It is also very rare and worth celebrating for Ying Changge to see the Yin Yang family being targeted.
People are not as good as God.
I thought that Ying Changge himself could be a spectator in this farce.
It was when Ying Changge drove the carriage back to Qingxia Palace from the busy streets of Xianyang City.Outside the door, a special visitor from the Yin Yang family ushered in!
Boom boom boom!
Accompanied by a clear and pleasant knock on the door, it spread wantonly inside and outside the huge palace.
at this time.
Ying Changge, who had just returned to the palace, had already sensed the person outside the door with his perfect knowledge and arrogance.
Including the physical and vital signs, height, and strength level of the outsider…
Everything will be impossible to hide under the cover of the perfect level of knowledge.
At the first moment, Ying Changge felt a great difference.
“The Moon God, the right protector of the Yin Yang Family?”
That’s right!
According to the perfect-level knowledge and domineering investigation, the information indicates that.
The visitor outside the door is that one, the right protector Moon God of the Yin Yang family.
Ying Changge was very surprised that Luna would take the initiative to visit the door in person.
He really didn’t expect it.
The moon god came to visit suddenly, what does this mean?
With Luna’s character of going to the Three Treasures Hall for everything, it is impossible to simply visit the door to greet him.
This possibility was subconsciously ruled out by Ying Changge.
“I don’t remember.”
“I have such a great friendship with the Moon God, the right protector of the Yinyang family.”
Ying Changge was thoughtful.
As soon as the front foot returned to the palace, the moon god came to visit with the back foot.
No matter how you look at this matter, there must be something strange.
Facing the right protector Luna of the Yinyang family, Ying Changge did not dare to have any contempt or carelessness at all.
This woman is quite mysterious!
It is also very dangerous!
Ying Changge doesn’t need to be afraid of the other party.
On the contrary, it should be that the other party is afraid of him.
“Are you here to find Shao Si Ming?”
This was the only possibility Ying Changge could think of.
Otherwise, he can’t figure it out.
Why would the dignified Right Protector of the Yin Yang family, a high-ranking imperial national teacher, take the initiative to visit the door in person.
After thinking about it, Ying Changge couldn’t think of a reason.
He then told Meng Ying who was beside him: “Go and open the door to welcome the distinguished guests.”

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