For thousands of years, there has never been such an example at all!
Gongshuqiu was very confused.
He stared at Ying Changge in a daze, his eyes fixed on the latter’s gray pupils, unable to look away for a long time.
what’s going on?
Seventh son, aren’t you blind?
So, how do you see through the essence of the mechanism?
Are you relying on your terrifying hearing and perception to forcibly detect these mechanism arrays hidden in the mountain?
is it possible?
Use the sense of hearing to gain insight into the essence and core essence of all organs?
What kind of monster is this?
Everyone in the quicksand organization headed by Wei Zhuang also stared at Ying Changge in horror.
Their mood is exactly the same as that of Gongshuqiu!
Same shock!
Just as unbelievable!
“Is it by the sense of hearing?”
“The perfect auditory sense…”
“The legendary heart eye of martial arts!”
Wei Zhuang frowned, his eyes full of dignity.
But he had never heard of it before.
Martial Dao Xinyan actually has the effect of detecting organs!
Only Seventh Young Master is an example?
What the Seventh Young Master has grasped is not the so-called mind of martial arts? !
Do not know why.
Wei Zhuang is more inclined to the latter.
What the Seventh Young Master has mastered may not be as simple as just the heart of martial arts.
Thinking of this, Wei Zhuang couldn’t help being surprised again.
Good guy!
No way?
Can the ability mastered be more terrifying than the martial arts mind?
What kind of ability is that?
Wei Zhuang was stunned.
Rao could not imagine such an unimaginable phenomenon based on his many years of experience in the world.
“This is the real monster!”
The Canglang King couldn’t help but whisper to himself.
At this time.
Wei Zhuang suddenly intervened in the topic, and interrupted the shock of Gongshuchou: “Dare to ask that the Seventh Young Master possesses such a terrifying innate ability, martial arts mind, that only one of the millions of martial arts practitioners can appear?”
The sound just fell.
There was a moment of silence everywhere.
Gongshuchou’s eyes widened.
“Wu, Wu Dao Xinyan?”
As for the heart of martial arts, the contemporary leader who is a public loser naturally understands more or less.
But he never thought about it.
Such a terrifying ability would actually appear in a young man in his weak years!
Is the seventh son so terrible?
Gong Shuchou’s eyes widened, full of shock.
Is this genius?
Do not!
This is a monster!
Seventh Young Master is a peerless evildoer through and through!
“Among a million people who practice martial arts, will only one person have the ability?”
“Seventh Young Master is too scary!”
Gong Shuchou was dumbfounded, dumbfounded.
Following Wei Zhuang’s words, it fell.
Meng Ying, who was next to Ying Changge, looked disdainful. Although he didn’t speak, he looked at Wei Zhuang with a strange look in his eyes.
Martial arts mind?
Mr. Wei Zhuang…
How much do you underestimate my son?
It’s just a martial arts mind!
My son’s mastery is not martial arts mind!
Facing Wei Zhuang’s inquiry, for a while, Ying Changge smiled playfully: “Mr. Wei Zhuang, who told you that what I master is martial arts?”Dao Xinyan? ”
The words fell.
Wei Zhuang was stunned.
Could it be…
I really guessed wrong?
No way?
But the terrifying perception and insight possessed by the Seventh Young Master…
This is obviously with martial arts in mind!
If it’s not the heart of martial arts, what else can it be?
this moment.
Wei Zhuang suddenly thought of a more terrifying thing.
“Seventh Young Master, could it be…”
“Do you really have an ability that surpasses the mind of martial arts?”
It was just a guess at first, but now it seems that this guess is about to become a reality.
Wei Zhuang was shocked.
What ability is more terrifying than martial arts mind?
Wei Zhuang couldn’t think of it.
Even as a master of martial arts, and as one of the two descendants of Guigu’s lineage, facing what happened at this moment, it has completely exceeded his imagination.
“What kind of rubbish ability is martial arts mind?”
“Mr. Wei Zhuang, who are you looking down on?”
Ying Changge had a weird expression.
Wei Zhuang: “…”
The public loses the enemy: “…”
Quicksand organized everyone: “…”
Good guy!
Is this a monster?
I have learned a lot!
According to legend, out of a million martial arts practitioners, only one person can master the martial arts mind, but the Seventh Young Master called it a garbage ability?
As expected of a monster!
Today is an eye-opener!
An ability that countless martial arts practitioners can’t meet but can’t ask for.
It is an understatement to call it rubbish!

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