This is the true peerless genius!
“Master Wei Zhuang, if I guessed correctly.”
“Back then, you also tried to practice martial arts, right?”
The hidden bat stood weakly beside Wei Zhuang and asked in a low voice.
“When have I ever done something like this?”
“Don’t talk nonsense!”
Wei Zhuang vetoed it on the spot.
He glared at Hidden Bat 257 with an angry face, as if he had received some kind of great stimulation and slander.
“Cough cough.”
Hidden Bat, who was stared at by Wei Zhuang angrily, couldn’t help coughing dryly, and explained weakly, “Then I think it must be because my subordinates remembered it wrong.”
The hidden bat cursed silently in his heart.
What a joke!
Mr. Wei Zhuang spent two full years trying to comprehend the mind of martial arts to enhance his overall strength. This matter has already spread throughout the Quicksand organization.
Everyone in the quicksand organization knows it well.
Still want to deny it now?
Bai Feng, Chi Lian and the others bowed their heads in shame.
They are obviously insiders!
“Seventh Young Master, let’s talk about it.”
“Since what you have mastered is not the mind of martial arts. Then dare to ask, what kind of ability do you master?”
“I’m very curious, what is the ability that surpasses the mind of martial arts? And what kind of terrifying power does it have? Please don’t hide your clumsiness, Seventh Young Master, and clear up the confusion for us.”
Wei Zhuang took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the shock in his heart.
He stared at Ying Changge, his eyes full of curiosity and expectation.
Including Bai Feng, Chi Lian and others beside him also showed some curiosity.
well known.
The heart of martial arts is said to be mastered by only one person who has a million martial arts practitioners.
So here comes the problem.
How rare and small is the probability of being able to surpass the mind of martial arts?
Pairs of eyes full of shock, awe, and fear gathered and fixed on Ying Changge’s body.
Just under the eyes of everyone.
Ying Changge still looked very calm and indifferent, and said bluntly: “This ability has not been named yet. However, the ability it gives me is…”
Having said that, he paused.
Wei Zhuang and others were aroused with strong curiosity.
They couldn’t wait, and wanted to wait for Ying Changge’s next answer.
What exactly is the ability?
How is it compared to martial arts mind eye?
Countless thoughts lingered in the minds of Wei Zhuang and the others, which made them subconsciously raise their moods, and quietly waited for Ying Changge’s answer.
I see.
Ying Changge slowly opened a pair of gray-white pupils, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and Lian Sang’s expression seemed a little more meaningful.
“Everyone, if I say.”
“With this ability, I can briefly see your future…”
“Do you believe it?”
The voice fell.
The audience became dead silent!
There was no sound!
It has been so quiet that it seems that you can hear the weak frequency sound of the heart beating up and down of everyone here.
Chapter 149 Immortal method? Is this a monster? I have learned a lot! 【5/6 for customization】
The Canglang King’s throat rolled, and he couldn’t help swallowing.
His eyes widened, and he stared at Ying Changge in a daze.
Wei Zhuang, Chi Lian, Bai Feng and others were all stunned by coincidence.
There is also Gongshuchou, the contemporary head of the public loser, who did not unexpectedly show a shocked expression, his old and wrinkled face was full of horror.
The atmosphere here was once as quiet as a calm lake.
next second.
The audience is boiling.
After a short period of silence, an all-round shocking explosion ushered in!
A sensation!
The audience is a sensation!
All shocked eyes gathered on Ying Changge, as if they were all waiting for the latter’s next sentence.
They couldn’t imagine it.
What did they hear just now?
This is not an auditory hallucination, is it?
Is it a dream?
Everything has subverted their cognition.
The only ones on the scene who kept a calm mind were Meng Ying and Shao Si Ming, who stood next to Ying Changge on the left and right, unmoved.
Even Li Si’s eyes widened in shock.
what’s going on?
What did the seventh son just say?
real or fake?
Can see the future?
Meng Ying, who was Ying Changge’s personal bodyguard, felt disdainful and disapproving of the uproar and commotion at the scene: “Quicksand organization? The head of the public loser? That’s it?”
A group of frogs in a well…
Sure enough, I was still shocked by my young master!
The so-called quicksand organization with a prestigious reputation in the world is nothing more than that.
This is not.
I was still taken aback by my young master.
Including Wei Zhuang, the leader of the quicksand organization, everyone was terrified.
“Seventh, Seventh Young Master, what you said just now.”
Gongshuqiu’s throat was dry, and he couldn’t help asking tentative questions.
His mood was shaken violently, and he couldn’t suppress the feeling of horror in his heart for a short time.
He was so shocked.
I dare not even dream…
Such things that subvert cognition will happen in front of your eyes.
Can see the future?
What kind of amazing and terrifying ability is this?
Simply unimaginable!
The ability mastered by the Seventh Young Master is actually so terrifying?
This is too outrageous!

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