Rao Gongshuchou’s steady mind was completely overturned.
“The seventh son said that he was born to restrain all institutions in the world!”
“No matter how delicate and mysterious the mechanism…”
“You can’t beat the Seventh Young Master!”
The disciple of the public loser kept talking to death endlessly.
“This old man has been in the world for so many years in this life…”
“But I have never seen such a terrifying monster!”
Gongshuchou opened his mouth, and made a shocking evaluation.
What kind of monster is this Seventh Young Master?
The domineering organ formation of the public loser, which has been passed down for hundreds of years, has stopped countless organ art masters in the world, and has a prominent reputation in the world.
Even, it can be as strong as the Mohist’s Trick City!
Right now.
Such a dangerous and terrifying domineering organ formation was broken down by a mere outsider from the Seventh Young Master? !
The scariest part is that…
The seventh son is still a blind man in his weak years!
Thinking of this, the mentality of public defeat and hatred collapsed on the spot.
Chapter 148 It’s numb! Seventh Young Master is an evildoer! 【4/6 for customization】
“Quickly, take this old man to meet this seventh young master.”
After forcibly suppressing the shock in his heart, Gong Shuchou immediately gave orders to the disciples around him.
“Yes, Master.”
Feeling extremely shocked, the two gradually rushed to the main hall of the public loser.
Regarding all the disciples of the Gongshu family said, Gongshuqiu still held a somewhat skeptical attitude.
He still can’t believe it.
In this world, there are such terrifying monsters!
It’s incredible!
With the cognitive view of public defeat and hatred, he is not allowed to accept such shocking events.
Let him see it with his own eyes!
After a while.
Gongshuchou got his wish and arrived at the main hall.
Oncoming was a majestic face, it was Prime Minister Li Si.
“Master Xiangguo.”
When he saw Li Si, Gong Shuchou quickly lowered his head, clasped his hands respectfully, and greeted him proactively.
Although he is the current head of the public loser, his status is far behind Li Si, the Xiangguo who is under one man and above ten thousand in the court.
In front of Li Si, Gong Shuqiu naturally did not dare to neglect and be presumptuous.
“The head of the public loser, I have long heard that the current head of the public loser’s institutional attainments are comparable to the ancestor of the public loser, Master Lu Ban.”
Li Si also said politely.
“Where, where.”
A smile appeared on Gongshuchou’s old, wrinkled face.
I turned my gaze.
Through Li Si’s eyes, he looked at the gorgeously dressed young figure sitting on the seat in the main hall, and couldn’t help asking in a low voice: “Master Xiangguo, dare I ask, that person should be the Seventh Young Master, right?”
There are so many people in the huge living room, but you can still see it at first glance.
Only that figure is the most eye-catching and aloof!
There was no way to conceal the nobleness of his gestures.
“The head of Gongshu really has eyesight, and that is the Seventh Young Master who is now highly valued by His Majesty the First Emperor.”
Li Si nodded.
“I heard that just now, Mr. Seven 05 relied on his own strength to easily break through and disintegrate the domineering mechanism of our public loser. Dare I ask Mr. Xiangguo, whether this is true?”
Gong Shuqiu couldn’t help but ask again.
For this matter, he has always felt bursts of horror.
only because……
Things are indeed too unbelievable!
With years of knowledge and experience of public defeat and hatred, I absolutely dare not imagine all this.
“The head of Gongshu will ask the seventh son himself about this matter, won’t he know the answer?”
The smile on Li Si’s face was a bit intriguing.
Hearing this, Gong Shuchou deeply recognized it: “Master Xiangguo is right.”
Holding the confusion and expectation in my heart.
Gongshuchou walked carefully step by step, and came to Ying Changge.
Lowering his head, Gong Shuchou looked respectful, his posture was very humble, and he took the initiative to speak: “Caomin Gongshuchou, see the seventh son.”
As early as Gongshuqiu arrivedAt that time, Ying Changge’s perfect level of knowledgeable domineering had already seen the opponent’s actions.
The conversation between Gongshuchou and Li Si just now could not escape his insight.
“Master Gongshu wants to ask, what happened just now?”
“Actually, to be precise.”
“I didn’t crack the domineering mechanism array of the public loser, but I just used opportunistic means to avoid these mechanisms cleverly.”
Ying Changge spoke slowly and very calmly.
“This is already equivalent to cracking the domineering mechanism of our public loser!”
“Dare to ask Seventh Young Master, how did you do it?”
“Could it be…”
“Young master, you have long been familiar with the organs of our public loser’s residence?”
Gongshuqiu had a lot of questions and confusions in his stomach, and he was eager to know the answers.
Since he has been the head of the public loser for so many years, it is the first time he has encountered such a weird and terrible thing.
The well-known public losers domineering organization formation far away in the rivers and lakes…
It was cracked by someone? !
What is this concept?
Even in the past, Gongshuqiu had never heard of a similar phenomenon.
The location of the public losers, and the level of danger of the many organs contained in it, are naturally much more dangerous than the organ city of the Mohist school.
It is such a dangerous and domineering organ formation, but it was easily broken and disintegrated today!
This makes Gong Shuqiu, who is the contemporary head of the public loser, naturally express disbelief.
It is absolutely impossible for even a master of mechanism skills, no matter how terrible the mechanism attainments are, to break through the overbearing mechanism formation in the Gongshujia’s residence.
But all of this was done by the seventh young master, a young outsider in his weak years.
This made Gong Shuqiu unable to calm down.
“I said it before.”
“I was born to restrain all organs in the world!”
“Is this answer, Master Gongshu, quite satisfactory?”
“simply put.”
“Under the whole world, no matter how delicate and mysterious the mechanism is, I will see through its essence and core essence at a glance. All the secrets will be revealed in my mind one by one without being able to hide.”
“So, how can the agency pose a threat to me?”
Ying Changge smiled lightly.
“This this!”
Gongshuchou opened his mouth, his throat was dry and he couldn’t speak for a while.
Is there really such a monster?
Natural restraint mechanism?
Never heard of it before!

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