“The disciples were all stunned.”
“The Seventh Young Master has obviously never been to our public loser, but he seems to know the mechanism on our public loser mountain like the back of his hand.”
“Even where each mechanism is set up, how the mechanism will be touched by people, etc., the Seventh Young Master has a complete insight into all of this!”
“The disciple couldn’t believe it at all.”
“This way, the disciples followed the seventh son in a daze, returning from the foot of the mountain to the main hall of the residence.”
The disciple of the public loser has a dry throat.
Mentioning this matter, he couldn’t contain the shock in his heart.
“You, what did you say?!”
Gongshuchou’s eyes widened.
what’s going on?
The Seventh Young Master took the lead and led everyone across the formation on the mountain?
Didn’t touch the organ in the whole process?
real or fake?
No way?
The seventh son actually has such a terrifying attainment in mechanism skills?
Do not!
Something is wrong!
Isn’t the seventh son a young man in his weak years?
This is not in line with common sense!
The institutions on Gongshujia Mountain are by no means comparable to ordinary institutions.
This is a large organ mountain that has been improved through hundreds of years of painstaking effort by the successive heads of the Gongshu family.
Was it so easily crossed by an outsider?
How could it be so easy for an outsider to break through the trap of the public loser?
That is simply death without life!
Don’t talk about the Seventh Young Master 0…..
Even if it is a martial arts master, it is absolutely impossible to break through the trap of the public loser.
As the current head of the public loser, of course, the public loser is well aware of how dangerous these mechanisms on their public loser are!
How could it be detected by outsiders?
“how can that be?!”
“You’re not kidding me, are you?”
Gong Shuchou stared blankly at the disciple in front of him, his face full of horror and shock.
He couldn’t believe it!
The institutions all over Gongshujia Mountain are definitely not inferior to those in the Mohism Organ City!
How could an outsider detect the mechanism here?
what is happening?
Could it be that the organ array failed?
How could the extremely dangerous organ array be cracked by outsiders?
If the mechanism array of the public loser is really so easy to be cracked by outsiders. So. For so many years, the residence of the public loser has long been visited by outsiders as a sightseeing spot.
“The head, the disciples can’t even imagine it.”
“But the facts are right in front of us.”
“Seventh Young Master, he really possesses an extremely terrifying talent for organ skills.”
“Even, he knows more about the layout of the organs on this mountain than the disciples!”
“The disciples couldn’t believe it.”
“Seventh Young Master, how did he get this information?”
“Could it be…”
“Seventh son, was he a disciple of the public loser?”
The public loser disciple couldn’t help asking.
He couldn’t help but wonder.
Could it be…
The seventh son is the long-lost disciple of the public loser?
“You must never say such things to outsiders.”
“Otherwise, misfortune will come out of your mouth, and catastrophe is imminent!”
Gong Shuchou severely reprimanded.
He recalled what the disciple in front of him said just now, and he couldn’t help showing a strong sense of shock on his face.
Rao even lost the enemy and felt deeply lost for it.
He can’t imagine.
How did that seventh son do it?
He is even more familiar with the layout of the organs on the mountain than the disciples of the public loser?
“According to rumors.”
“Seventh Young Master, once cracked the mechanism of the Tooth-eating Prison.”
The disciple of the public loser reminded again weakly.
“Tooth Devouring Prison?!”
When it comes to Tooth-Chewing Prison, even the public and the enemy feel horrified.
He is one of the few examples who knows how terrifying the institutions in Tooth-Chewing Prison are.
But even the mechanisms in the Tooth-Chewing Prison have been cracked?
It’s unbelievable!
Gongshuqiu was dumbfounded.
quite a while.
He couldn’t help but ask: “Who is that Seventh Young Master you mentioned?”
public loserThe disciple replied: “The seventh son is very young! He is probably not yet twenty years old, and he is still at the age of weak crowns. In addition, as the rumors say, the seventh son is indeed blind.”
After hearing his disciple’s answer, Gong Shuchou was even more astonished.
“Blind in both eyes?”
Blind people…
Can actually crack the trap of the public loser? !
What exactly is going on?
Can anyone explain?
This Seventh Young Master is too scary!
“Seventh Young Master, he seems to have a more detailed understanding of our organs on the mountain than you, the head of the sect.”
“I don’t know if this is the illusion of the disciple.”
“Disciple 4.9 always feels that the speed at which the Seventh Young Master led us across the mechanism is a bit faster than the speed at which you led us across the mechanism array last time.”
The disciple of the public loser continued to talk.
“This this……”
Gong Shuqiu was completely shocked.
His eyes were wide and round, revealing the shock and horror in his mood.
The mountain of organs built by the generations of the heads of the Gongshu family who concentrated their efforts for hundreds of years, was easily broken and disintegrated by a young outsider at a weak age?
“Have you checked to see if the mechanism on the mountain is malfunctioning?”
Gong Shuchou asked anxiously.
“It’s been checked, and the mechanism on the mountain is not damaged at all, and it is as fierce and dangerous as ever.”
After getting an answer.
Gongshuchou froze in place, and his whole body looked extremely sluggish.
It was the first time in his life that he faced such unimaginable things.
It simply subverts cognition!

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