Gongshuchou subdued the anger in his heart a little, and glanced at the disciple of Gongshujia lightly.
Hearing this, the disciples of the Gongshu family did not dare to hesitate, and hastened to tell the truth: “Report to the sect master. Xiangguo Li Si, with the seventh son and the quicksand organization, has come to visit.”
The words fell.
Gong Shuchou frowned, showing a bit of bewilderment.
He slapped his forehead.
Almost forgot.
Master Xiangguo will come to visit in person today!
As for Xiangguo Li Si, who is less than one person and more than ten thousand people in the court, of course he dare not neglect the other party.
not to mention.
According to rumors, this trip was accompanied by the Seventh Young Master who was highly valued by His Majesty the First Emperor!
Such a distinguished visitor is obviously not something that public losers can neglect.
Even he, the head of the sect, has to be treated with respect.
“Forget it, don’t worry about your fault this time.”
“Since Mr. Xiangguo and the seventh son have already visited.”
“Then, as the head of the sect, I should also meet the honored guests in person.”
“If these two are neglected, then the public loser will be in big trouble.”
Gong Shuqiu had a decision in his heart.
He had no choice but to immediately put down the research on these organs in his hand, and to receive these distinguished and honored guests carefully.
Compared with the research of the agency, it is obvious that receiving these distinguished guests is the most important thing.
No matter how important the organization is that needs to be studied, Gong Shuqiu has no choice but to stop it forcibly, and chooses to welcome the distinguished guests.
“Have you ordered your disciples to receive these people into the living room?”
Public defeat and hatred.
“Don’t worry, the master, the disciple has already ordered everything properly.”
The disciple of the public loser nodded immediately, with a respectful expression.
“Well done and worthy of praise.”
“This time I will credit you.”
Gongshuchou smiled and patted the latter’s shoulder lightly.
“It’s all cultivated by the master.”
The disciple of the public loser was overjoyed.
Suddenly, he thought of a more important thing.
After hesitating for a while, he finally chose to tell: “Master, a very terrifying thing happened during the period. The disciple thinks that it needs to be told to you as it is.”
“only hope……”
“You can have a mental preparation in advance.”
“Don’t be frightened by what the disciple said.”
The words fell.
Gong Shuchou’s eyes became a little weird: “What’s the matter? But it’s okay to say.”
What can scare me?
The old man is the current head of the loser!
The domineering tricks are already proficient, almost on par with the patriarch Lu Ban!
Just ask.
In this world, what else can scare the old man?
What a joke!
The old man’s calmness of mind, how can you and other young disciples be able to figure it out thoroughly?
“Say it.”
Gongshuqiu waited quietly.
“According to your previous instructions, disciple, go down the mountain on time to meet the seventh son, Mr. Xiangguo and the others.”
“But when the disciple led them up the mountain, a very terrible thing happened, which frightened the disciple into a fool.”
“This disciple has never seen such a shocking and terrifying incident in his life.”
“All of this is really too shocking!”
This disciple of the public loser gradually showed a deep sense of panic.
The shock in his heart, which had not been completely suppressed, resurfaced again at this moment.
For a moment, it seemed to be recalled again.
All kinds of terrifying incidents that subverted cognition that happened just now!
“What is worthy of your gaffe? Could it be that when you led them up the mountain, you accidentally activated those organs on the mountain?”
Having said this, Gong Shuchou frowned, and his face became more and more dignified.
Nothing bad will happen, right?
If the Seventh Young Master or Mr. Xiangguo is hurt because of rashly touching these organs, it will be out of control.
Each of these two is a prominent figure in the empire!
Is it something that a mere public loser can provoke?
If you are not careful, these two people in the public loser’s residence will be injured…
At this moment, Gong Shuchou felt a bit tricky.
Hope things don’t go in this direction.
Otherwise, it will be a big trouble!
Gongshuchou took a deep breath to calm down his depressed mood.
He stared at the disciple of the public loser, and asked in a cold voice: “Before this, I have warned you seriously, asking you to remember the arrangement and distribution of those organs on the mountain?”
“Could it be that you really took everything I said as a deaf ear?”
“You better give me a perfect explanation!”
“Otherwise, you know what the consequences will be.”
“I’ve warned you time and time again to keep these institutions on the mountain in mind. Tell me, why did you still make mistakes? Why did you still touch the institutions rashly?”
“Do you know, if the seventh son or Mr. Xiangguo, these two people have a slight mistake. Whether it is you, or me, or the whole public loser.”
“In the end, it is very likely that they will suffer a fate that will never be restored!”
The more Gong Shuchou talked, the angrier he became, and his eyes became more and more gloomy.
He doesn’t think so.
The little public loser possesses the powerful capital to shake the empire!
Those two identities are extremely prominent, if something happens to the public loser…
I really don’t dare to lose public hatredImagine whether he, including the entire public loser he led, would completely disappear from the world and be destroyed once.
At this time.
After hearing Gongshuchou’s angry voice, the disciple of Gongshujia looked terrified, and hurriedly explained: “No, no, Master, you misunderstood.”
“When the disciple led the Seventh Young Master and Master Xiangguo up the mountain, there was no accident during the whole process, and no mechanism on the mountain was triggered during the whole process.”
“The Seventh Young Master and Lord Xiangguo arrived in the living room unscathed.”
After listening to these words.
The flame of Gongshuqiu’s anger was extinguished in an instant.
His eyes became a little suspicious: “Then what do you want to tell me?”
Didn’t it trigger the mechanism rashly?
So what happened?
“Sect Leader, it is precisely because the organ has not been triggered during the whole process that this disciple feels unbelievable.”
The public loser disciple continued.
“You’re confusing me.”
“What do you mean?”
“Could it be that you have always expected that the mechanism on the mountain would be triggered by mistake? Then, it caused the Seventh Young Master and Mr. Xiangguo to encounter an accident? What’s your intention?”
Gongshuchou’s eyes widened.
This kid has bad intentions!
How could he still harbor such malice?
“No, it’s not.”
“The master…”
“In fact, the whole process is not about the disciple leading the Seventh Young Master from the foot of the mountain, all the way across the organs on the mountain to the main hall.”
“Instead, the seventh son led us through the trap on the mountain.”
“And, I didn’t touch any mechanism at all during the whole process!”

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