“Wait for me a moment.”
Bai Feng didn’t hesitate.
He turned around decisively, ready toPrepare to test the mechanism of the public loser.
In less than a moment.
Baifeng returned the same way.
Compared with when he left, his current figure looked extraordinarily embarrassed, his white clothes were stained with a little blood, and even his hair looked very messy.
After returning to the original place, Bai Feng coughed violently, and her breathing rhythm seemed very disordered.
Wei Zhuang asked.
“There is no malfunction…”
“The mechanism array of the public loser is still as terrifying!”
“As rumored.”
“It was just a little bit close, and I was very likely to be reduced to a cold corpse.”
“These organs are simply impossible to guard against!”
“Before touching these organs, there is hardly any sign! It is even more difficult to gain insight into the existence traces of these organs!”
Bai Feng said with lingering fear.
Until now, he is still in a state of being seriously frightened by those agencies.
Those terrible organs brought him a huge psychological shadow.
He couldn’t believe it.
How did the Seventh Young Master see through such a terrifying mechanism?
“So that’s it.”
“Seventh son, he really saw through all the mechanisms arranged by the public loser.”
Wei Zhuang was deeply moved.
“I can’t imagine.”
“How did the seventh son see through so many hidden and extremely obscure institutions? It stands to reason that ordinary people should not be able to detect the traces of the existence of these institutions.”
“But the seventh son did it!”
“Simply horrible!”
“Seventh Young Master’s keen insight is as strong as a monster!”
Only by personally experiencing the attack of the public loser’s domineering tricks can Bai Feng understand it more deeply.
How dangerous is the institution of the public loser!
A little careless…
All will be lost forever!
No bones left!
But it is such a dangerous mechanism, but just now, people walked across it like walking on the ground, without touching any mechanism’s activation mechanism at all.
This made Bai Feng unbelievable.
Obviously he hasn’t taken two steps just now…
Dozens of organs have already been drawn, thus launching a fatal attack on him!
He dare not imagine.
How on earth could the Seventh Young Master manage to walk in this dangerous place as if walking on flat ground, without being touched or attacked by these agencies throughout the whole process?
“It seems…”
“The seventh son’s horror is far beyond our imagination.”
“Even if it’s such an ever-changing mechanism formation, looking at the domineering mechanism formation of the famous public loser in the rivers and lakes, there is still nothing he can do about him.”
Wei Zhuang’s face became more and more serious.
Gently exhaling, Wei Zhuang calmed down a little, and then said bluntly: “Let’s go too, to meet the head of this public loser.”
in his heart.
Ying Changge’s risk factor has obviously been raised several levels accordingly! Where.
Chapter 147 The old man has never seen such a monster in his life! 【3/6 for customization】
Public loser station.
Organ secret room.
Boom boom boom!
The crisp and pleasant knock on the door spread in all directions.
“who is it?”
“I don’t know that the old man is studying the critical moment of the mechanism?”
“Come here to disturb without authorization? It’s a heinous crime!”
In the secret room, this is an old man wearing a dark purple robe, with a bald head, and a very hideous dark red tattoo pattern on the left corner of his eye above his forehead.
An old and wrinkled face, with a somewhat gloomy aura.
The weird thing is…
His left hand is actually a mechanism hand made by a mechanism!
His feet are also like a mechanical mechanism, without any physical joints, just mechanism feet made of pure mechanical bronze and steel.
This person is naturally the contemporary leader of the public loser, the public loser!
A master of mechanism skills known as the master of mechanism skills, the patriarch of the public loser, Master Lu Ban!
His domineering mechanism technique is proficient and has reached the pinnacle!
Even Master Ban, the inheritor of Mohism’s non-offensive mechanism art, is far inferior to the contemporary head of the public loser, Gong Shuqiu, in terms of mechanism art attainments.
at this time.
Gong Shuchou is studying a mechanism, and it has reached the most critical moment.
Being disturbed by the knock on the door, he was naturally very unhappy and angry.
Putting down the organ products in his hands at will, Gong Shuchou stepped towards the door, expressionless, with sharp eyes, and slowly pushed the door open.
There was a slight sound.
The door was then pushed open.
The golden sun shone from the sky, causing Gong Shuchou to raise his right hand subconsciously, covering the warm halo scattered around his body.
Standing in front of the door was a disciple of Gongshuo, with his head bowed, his expression extremely respectful.
“is there anything?”
“Didn’t I already tell you that there is nothing important, please don’t disturb me at this moment. Could it be that you took my words as a deaf ear?”
“What should you do!”
Gong Shuchou snorted coldly, his words filled with a sense of majesty. “two five seven”
“Please pardon the master, the disciple really has something important to report to the master.”
The disciples of the Gongshu family seemed very panicked, and hurriedly blurted out an explanation.
“Is there anything that can’t wait until I leave the customs?”
“Do you know that you have seriously affected my state? If it weren’t for you, I might have completed the mechanism at hand.”
Gong Shuchou’s expression turned ugly, and his tone became more and more low.
“Master, this matter is very involved, and this disciple has no choice but to report to you.”
The disciples of the public loser panicked even more.
He lowered his head firmly, not daring to face Gong Shuchou face to face.
Regarding the character of his head, heOf course I know it well.
The head of his own family is a murderer without blinking an eye!
What will happen if you offend the master?
He dare not imagine.
In the past, most of the disciples who angered the master were dead or maimed.
“What’s the big deal? Come on, don’t waste my time anymore.”

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