After displaying the perfect level of knowledge and knowledge, all the organ structures and theme structures of the mountain will present a three-dimensional analysis diagram, which will be displayed in Ying Changge’s mind.
He can penetrate very precisely and meticulously, the organs hidden inside the entire mountain.
This is the frightening aspect of perfect level knowledgeable domineering.
Just a thought.
Ying Changge has already penetrated all the countless subtle and mysterious organs hidden in the huge mountain, and there is no way to hide from his knowledge.
These organs are presented in great detail, allowing Ying Changge to control every detail of the organs with incomparable precision.
“Is this the domineering mechanism of the public loser?”
“It was an eye-opener.”
“It’s really an incredible organ mountain!”
“Simply ingenious!”
Ying Changge felt a little emotional.
Only after gaining insight into the mechanism hidden in the mountain, can he deeply realize how powerful and dangerous this mechanism is.
It was extremely dangerous!
If it weren’t for his perfect knowledge, Ying Changge didn’t think that he could break into this mountain with his ability and be safe.
The perfect domineering level of knowledge is the biggest nemesis of all organs and formations!
Even without the guidance of this disciple of the public loser, it would still be very simple and easy for Ying Changge to cross the mountain of the public loser.
No pressure!
For Ying Changge, no matter how delicate and mysterious the mechanism was, it could not threaten his life.
Even if it is the body of this ingenious organ mountain that contains countless mysterious and overbearing organ arts, it will not be successful.for the exception.
“‘ 〃 Walking in this mountain, every step is in the calculation of the mechanism.”
“As long as one step is wrong, it will trigger the triggering of these organs!”
Ying Changge was quite touched.
It is different from the vigilance and prudence of Li Si, Meng Ying and others around him, as well as the seriousness of Wei Zhuang, Chi Lian and others…
Ying Changge walked around this organ mountain, just like walking in his own back garden, his face remained very calm, calm, and indifferent as always.
It’s as if he doesn’t care about the countless organs of this mountain at all, and doesn’t take the danger of these organs at all.
“Young master, aren’t you afraid?”
Meng Ying lowered her voice nervously and asked.
“Afraid? You mean the organs hidden in this mountain?”
“Did you forget something?”
Ying Changge laughed.
“Almost forgot, even the organs in Tooth-Chewing Prison can’t trouble you, young master.”
Meng Ying suddenly became aware of it.
He almost forgot.
Even the tooth-gnawing prison, which is known as the strongest defense prison in the empire, contained countless exquisite and mysterious mechanisms inside, and was eventually deciphered by his son.
Right now, the organs in the loser’s residence must not be able to threaten his son.
“Young master, can you crack it?”
Meng Ying asked again curiously.
“It’s not difficult to crack.”
Ying Changge smiled lightly and shook his head.
Hearing this, Meng Ying’s eyes lit up.
The conversation between the two naturally didn’t have the intention of deliberately covering it up, so it fell into the ears of everyone around without reservation.
Including Wei Zhuang, Chi Lian and others.
Wei Zhuang looked at Ying Changge in surprise, and said in a low voice, “Could it be that the Seventh Young Master also knows how to use tricks?”
A martial arts practitioner with such a high level of cultivation is even as powerful as a monster of a martial arts master!
The other party actually knows how to use tricks?
Is there any reason for this?
Pairs of eyes focused on Ying Changge, deeply curious and puzzled.
“Have you heard of the Tooth-Eating Prison?”
Before Ying Changge could answer, Meng Ying who was beside him raised his chin excitedly and proudly, his tone full of awe and admiration.
“My young master is the only one in the whole world who can crack the many mystical mechanisms in the Tooth Biting Prison!”
The words fell.
The way Wei Zhuang looked at Ying Changge changed slightly.
Of course he is like a thunderbolt.
This is a terrifying prison with tens of thousands of mechanism changes inside!
Once caught in the Tooth-Eating Prison, it will be difficult to leave the Tooth-Eating Prison in this life.
This is the common cognition of countless martial arts practitioners in the Jianghu to the Tooth Biting Prison.
“At such a young age, Seventh Young Master is able to decipher the ever-changing mechanisms in the Tooth-Chewing Prison?”
“This is really unexpected.”
Wei Zhuang was amazed again and again, but he still had some doubts in his heart.
The organs of the Tooth-eating Prison are by no means ordinary.
Even the organ master can’t guarantee that it can be broken and disintegrated.
And the vast majority of mechanism art masters are elderly people in their fifties or sixties.
Seventh Young Master is so young, can he really do it?
Wei Zhuang had to express his doubts.
Chapter 145 Shocked! Like walking on the ground! This is the monster! 【1/6 for customization】
“Why? Master Wei Zhuang doesn’t believe it?”
Meng Ying looked at Wei Zhuang with weird eyes.
Even though he knew that this was a martial arts master, he didn’t feel any apprehension or fear at all.
As the son of Meng Tian, ​​the great general of the empire, he certainly wouldn’t be afraid of Wei Zhuang, the leader of the little quicksand organization!
not to mention.
Meng Ying understood clearly in her heart.
In front of his son Ying Changge, Wei Zhuang absolutely did not dare to act rashly.
“It’s really hard to believe.”
Wei Zhuang nodded.
He didn’t deny the suspicion in his heart.
The main reason is that Ying Changge is too young.
“At the young age of the seventh son, it’s hard to believe that he is still a great master of organ techniques.”
Wei Zhuang looked at Ying Changge’s slightly immature face, and couldn’t help but continue talking.
“excuse me.”
Ying Changge intervened in the topic with a smile, “Who says I’m a master of organ skills? I don’t dare to claim this title. It’s just that I happen to have some understanding of organs.”
“It doesn’t mean that I can create such a subtle and mysterious mechanism.”
“can only say.”
“For all the organs in the world, I have a certain restraint effect innately, that’s all.”
The sound spread slowly and spread in all directions.
Wei Zhuang obviously couldn’t predict that he would get such an answer.
Can’t work?
But can detect the mechanism?
This is somewhat paradoxical.
Let Wei Zhuang look suspicious and look at Ying Changge in confusion.
“Can’t understand?”
“Then it doesn’t matter if I demonstrate it for you.”

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