Ying Changge walked to the front alone.
After a while, he jumped over the disciple of the public loser.
Seeing Ying Changge’s movement and figure, the disciple of the public loser was in a hurry: “Young master, please don’t be rash and impulsive. There are countless dangerous organs inside the mountain, if you accidentally touch it.”
“It’s not an exaggeration to say that there’s a high probability that you’ll be shattered.”
“The mechanism here is very dangerous. For outsiders, this place is actually a slaughterhouse for Shura.”
“Stop quickly, please follow behind me, don’t touch the mechanism here rashly because of impulse. Otherwise, you will be in danger.”
Seeing Ying Changge’s bold behavior, the disciple of the public loser was frightened stupid on the spot.
Even he, a disciple of the public loser, has already memorized the mechanism of the mountain.Erchu, but every time I walk among the organs of the mountain, I will feel a strong sense of depression and tension.
at the moment.
He actually saw an outsider who was so bold and reckless trying to break through the mechanism here, so he would naturally feel deeply horrified and shocked.
The organs here, all come from the ancestors of the public losers!
The head of each generation of public losers has condensed countless painstaking efforts to finally improve the exquisite and mysterious mechanism!
If the organs here are touched rashly, everyone will fall into a huge crisis, and only the contemporary leader, Gong Shuchou, can resolve it in person.
That’s why.
Seeing Ying Changge’s actions, this disciple of the public loser looked so flustered and nervous.
“Don’t worry, be safe and don’t be impatient.”
Li Si smiled mysteriously and comforted the loser disciple.
“Master Xiangguo, why even you…”
The disciple of the public loser opened his mouth, his expression anxious.
He really didn’t expect it.
Xiangguo Li Si not only did not stop, but seemed to acquiesce in the behavior of the seventh son.
All this made the disciples of the public loser look very confused.
And when they saw Li Si’s calm and calm expression, everyone in the Quicksand Organization, who was a little cautious, couldn’t help showing suspicious attitudes.
Is it possible…
It’s really like what General Mengying said just now.
The Seventh Young Master, does he really have extraordinary organ attainments?
Can wantonly detect the organ formation of the public loser here?
I turned my gaze.
They couldn’t help looking at the young Ying Changge.
Such a young seventh son…
Can he really possess such an unimaginable mechanism?
Not only Wei Zhuang expressed doubts.
The rest of the Quicksand organization was also deeply suspicious.
right under their gaze.
Ying Changge walked straight ahead.
Within the range covered by the perfect level of domineering aura, all the mechanisms hidden in the mountain will be impossible to hide from his insight.
Ying Changge had a thorough insight into every detail of the mechanism.
Every step that Ying Changge took happened to not touch the mechanism of any mechanism.
“Be careful next time.”
“The domineering mechanism of the public loser has left a great gift for outsiders here.”
“If there is a little carelessness, once the mechanism here is touched, then (afej) will kill people without a whole body.”
Ying Changge paused for a moment, pointing to an ordinary small tree next to him, with a meaningful expression on his face.
Following Ying Changge’s voice, it just fell.
The disciple of the public loser shrank his pupils, his eyes full of shock.
He suddenly widened his eyes, staring blankly at Ying Changge.
He looked at the tree Ying Changge pointed at again, and the shock in his heart became more and more intense.
“He, how could he know?!”
The disciple of the public loser was shocked.
He was almost stunned.
What happened to these seven sons?
Something is wrong!
You even know that there is a very dangerous mechanism hidden here?
Could it be that.
This seventh son is also a disciple of the public loser?
Otherwise, why would the other party know so much about the organization of the public loser?
Even along the way, no mechanism was triggered at all!
Is this a coincidence?
There is such a coincidence?
This is too coincidental!
“This this!”
“Seventh Young Master, you…”
The lips of the disciple of the public loser slightly trembled, and he couldn’t help but want to ask a question.
at the same time.
Seeing the turbulent changes in the expression of the disciples of the public loser, Wei Zhuang and others quickly fixed their eyes, their expressions changed subtly, and there was a bit of surprise on their faces.
No way?
Was it really seen through?
The Seventh Young Master has directly penetrated such an exquisite mechanism hidden here by the public loser?
how can that be!
Seventh Young Master knows too much about the institutions here!
Could it be that the Seventh Young Master in the past also came to be a guest of the loser?
Or rather.
The seventh son has ever practiced domineering tricks in public losers? This is how you know so much about this place?
Can’t figure it out!
Deep confusion lingered in the minds of Wei Zhuang and others, making them puzzled.
“Master Wei Zhuang, is this a coincidence?”
Chi Lian’s pink lips moved slightly, and she couldn’t help asking subconsciously.
She always feels.
This thing seems to be getting weirder and weirder.
It’s just unbelievable!
“I can’t be sure, but there may be a certain possibility.”
“all in all.”
“Continue to observe first.”
Wei Zhuang took a deep breath and adjusted his vibrating mood.
He led Baifeng and the others behind, staring at Ying Changge’s back with confusion and curiosity.
Under the leadership of Ying Changge.
Something weird happened…
All the way unimpeded!
Familiar with the road!
No hindrance!
They didn’t even start the mechanism at all, and they had already walked halfway up the mountain.
this way.
The public loser disciple was completely dumbfounded.
He was devastated.

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