“Let’s get ready to go.”
Ying Changge faced Shao Siming and spoke slowly.
Shao Si Ming nodded slightly.
In less than a moment.
The carriage stopped slowly.
Then, Ying Changge lifted the curtain of the carriage and stepped out in one step, landing on both feet smoothly.
The perfect level of domineering and knowledgeable, as always, kept sweeping a radius of about 100 meters in diameter.
Within this range, Ying Changge’s perception has reached an extremely terrifying level!
Shao Siming followed Ying Changge’s footsteps, landed steadily, and stood quietly on the back side, as if he had become a real accompanying maid.
“My lord, this is where the public loser resides.”
Li Si, who got off the carriage, came to Ying Changge’s side, raised his head and introduced to the majestic mountain in front of him.
The public loser’s residence is located in the core hinterland of the mountain range. The entire mountain is composed of countless organs, which can be described as easy to defend and difficult to attack.
There are countless organs inside the mountain, which are interlocking. Once you break into it rashly, you will suffer extremely violent and painful blows and attacks from the organs.
That’s why.
On weekdays, no one dared to break into this mountain range where the public loser was stationed.
Even those at the level of martial arts masters can only look intimidated, not daring to rush into the mountain rashly.
The mechanism in the mountain contains hundreds of years of painstaking care of the mechanism of the public loser, and naturally it cannot be broken and disintegrated by a martial arts master.
The overbearing mechanism technique of the public loser is well-known in the Jianghu. It is as famous as the Mohist’s non-offensive mechanism technique, and even better.
One can imagine.
How many kinds of extremely dangerous organs are contained in this organ mountain built by the successive heads of the Gongshu family with countless painstaking efforts.
Not to mention one martial arts master, even ten martial arts masters would not be able to easily set foot inside.
“It looks like…”
“If there is no accident, this mountain should have experienced the transformation of the successive heads of the public losers.”
Ying Changge’s mouth moved slightly.
“Just as you said, my lord.”
“This mountain has indeed been transformed by the organs of the successive heads of the Gongshu family. There are thousands of different organs inside, which are interlocking…”
“Take a hair and move the whole body.”
“With a little carelessness, once a certain organ is touched, it is very likely that all the organs in the mountain will start to operate, and the mountain will instantly become the most terrifying killing machine.”
“All the organs here are all made and improved by the head of the public loser. Therefore, it is as difficult as heaven to crack the organs of the mountain!”
“Without the leadership of the public loser, it is almost impossible for outsiders to set foot in this mountain.”
Li Si introduced with a serious face.
The level of danger of this mountain is the same as the Mohism’s Trick City.
However, the difference from Trick City is that…
The domineering mechanism technique focuses on killing, while the Mohist non-offensive mechanism technique focuses on defense.
But even so.
The organs inside the Mohist Organ City are full of fierce killing spirit.
Not to mention.
This is a mountain transformed by overbearing mechanics.
simply put.
public loser’s domineering machineGuanshu is infinitely more dangerous than Mohism’s non-offensive mechanism technique!
“Then, Mr. Xiangguo, do you have a plan to enter the public loser’s residence~‖?”
Ying Changge asked with a smile.
“Before I came here, Beizhi had already dispatched people to interrogate the public loser. Presumably, the people from the public loser should be waiting for me to come to the door soon.”
Li Si naturally arranged everything properly, without leaking any water.
not for a while.
People from the quicksand organization also came.
Members of the Quicksand Organization headed by Wei Zhuang came to Ying Changge’s side.
They looked at Ying Changge, all inadvertently revealing a deep sense of awe and restraint.
It didn’t come from Ying Changge’s identity suppression, but purely because of their strong strength displayed by Ying Changge, which cast a huge psychological shadow.
That’s all.
“Master Xiangguo, you must have a good plan to enter the public loser’s residence, right?”
“I heard it a long time ago.”
“The public loser’s residence contains countless kinds of dangerous traps built by domineering mechanism techniques. Even if it is a martial arts master-level powerhouse, once he rashly steps into it, the death rate will be as high as 90%.”
Wei Zhuang’s voice was flat and without any emotional ups and downs.
“Mr. Wei Zhuang just wait for a while, and the public loser will go out to greet him soon.”
Li Si explained with a smile.
“That’s good.”
Wei Zhuang nodded and said no more.
As Li Si said.
After a while.
The public loser shows up.
The person who came was not the head of the public loser, Gong Shuchou, but a relatively young disciple of the public loser.
“Master Xiangguo, please forgive me for being negligent.”
“The head is currently developing a brand new organ product, and he has reached the most critical juncture. Therefore, we need to let everyone wait for half a day.”
“However, the headmaster has already given instructions to his disciples, please enter the public loser’s residence and wait for a while.”
This public loser disciple seemed a little apprehensive and apprehensive.
“Then I will ask you to lead the way.”
Li Si didn’t feel angry, but expressed his understanding.
Under the leadership of this public loser disciple.
Ying Changge followed Meng Ying and Shao Si Ming by his side, step by step, and was about to set foot on the mountain in front of him.
“Master Wei Zhuang, shall we follow?”
The Canglang King asked.
“Let’s go, let’s see the domineering mechanism of the public loser.”
Wei Zhuang took a step, following very calmly and powerfully.
Chi Lian followed closely behind.
Then there are Baifeng, Canglang King, Hidden Bat and so on.
A group of about ten people arrived at the foot of the mountain following the disciple of the public loser.
The two thousand elite cavalry of the empire would naturally not follow Ying Changge and the others to the public loser’s residence.
Although the mountain was huge, it would still be troublesome for two thousand people to set foot on it at the same time.
There are countless dangerous traps in the mountain, once it is touched rashly, it may cause very serious consequences.
The fewer people there are, the lower the probability of touching the organ will naturally be.
“My lords, please.”
The disciples of the public loser sincerely invite them respectfully.
Under his leadership, the probability of rashly touching the mechanism can be largely avoided.
If there is no one to lead, even a martial arts master, I am afraid it will be difficult to break through this mountain range full of organs.
Ying Changge is an exception!
As soon as he stepped onto the mountain, Ying Changge’s body erupted in an instant, with a terrifying aura of perfect knowledge and domineering aura.
An invisible wave of air then erupted from Ying Changge’s body, sweeping in all directions.
The area with a radius of 500 meters in diameter has been completely enveloped by this perfect level of domineering aura.
Within a range of 500 meters, no movement of any object could escape Ying Changge’s insight.
Even these organs hidden in the mountain will be clearly penetrated by Ying Changge without exception.
simply put.

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