The two meet.
Wei Zhuang’s first question was not aimed at Li Si, but facing Ying Changge, with a serious and solemn tone: “Your great strength has already been recognized by me.”
“You used your terrifying strength to prove everything…”
“The people of the empire are not a mob!”
“Similarly, I already know the reason for your coming.”
“Here, I will give you a satisfactory answer.”
“On behalf of Quicksand, I organize the entireBody, agreed to this cooperation with your empire! ”
It can be clearly seen.
Let Wei Zhuang finally agree that the main reason for cooperating with the Empire on behalf of the Quicksand Organization is not for the face of Prime Minister Li Si, nor is it for the face of the Empire.
Purely because…
The terrifying strength that Ying Changge possesses!
simply put.
Ying Changge is the core fundamental reason for leading the Quicksand organization and finally agreeing to cooperate with the empire! Where.
Chapter 142 A terrifying monster that completely subverts the world view! 【4/6 for customization】
If it weren’t for Ying Changge’s terrifying power, Wei Zhuang would not have agreed to let the quicksand organization cooperate with the empire so easily.
It’s all about Ying Changge’s face.
Li Si knew this well.
Li Si, who was ignored by Wei Zhuang, didn’t feel any dissatisfaction or anger. On the contrary, his admiration for Ying Changge grew stronger in his heart.
“As expected of the Seventh Young Master!”
“Even such a proud figure as Wei Zhuang, the leader of the Quicksand Organization, has to show fear and caution when facing the young master.”
Li Si was very emotional.
In view of Wei Zhuang’s attitude, Ying Changge couldn’t help but smiled and said, “In this case, I look forward to a happy cooperation with the Quicksand Organization this time.”
Bai Feng, Chi Lian and others, who are the Four Heavenly Kings of the Quicksand Organization, are still deeply terrified.
Looking at Ying Changge’s eyes, they still couldn’t contain the fear and awe deep in their hearts.
Ying Changge deeply impressed them with her absolute strength.
Relying on his own strength, the entire arrogant Quicksand organization had to bow its head!
“Mr. Wei Zhuang, let me discuss with you next.”
“What do you think about how to cooperate?”
Li Si spoke slowly.
Wei Zhuang nodded.
It’s just that the attitude towards Li Si is completely different from that towards Ying Changge.
Wei Zhuang could still treat Li Si with disapproval and indifference.
But when it comes to Ying Changge, you have to put up all your energy to deal with it.
Even Xiangguo Li Si, who is under one person in the court and above ten thousand people, is far more terrifying than Ying Changge in Wei Zhuang’s eyes!
The next thing is much simpler “two forty”.
Due to the short and intense confrontation between Ying Changge and Wei Zhuang, Wei Zhuang realized deeply that the people sent by the empire to cooperate with the quicksand organization this time were not ordinary people.
Faced with Li Si’s many cooperation matters, Wei Zhuang did not open his mouth to veto or refute.
Wei Zhuang was deeply afraid of Ying Changge’s powerful strength, so naturally he didn’t dare to act too recklessly.
Things went very well.
The progress of cooperation has been smooth and unimpeded.
Li Si and Wei Zhuang were talking about the cooperation, but there was no mistake in the middle.
Ying Changge, on the other hand, stood beside him and listened quietly, without any interruption during the whole process.
Regarding cooperation matters, of course he will not take the initiative to intervene in it.
He thought it was better to let Li Si take care of these tedious matters.
not for a while.
The cooperation is complete.
The cooperation between the empire and the quicksand organization is officially formed!
The Quicksand organization took the initiative to carry out an assassination operation against the Mohists and other anti-Qin elements, as well as the sword sage Gai Nie and other parties. The empire then dispatched follow-up troops to the lairs of the Mohists and other anti-Qin elements to wipe them out.
What the Quicksand organization has to do is to investigate the lairs of the anti-Qin elements, so that the imperial army can suppress the territory and pacify the lairs of the anti-Qin elements.
As for the process?
Li Si didn’t care about the process.
Empire doesn’t care about process either.
As long as the quicksand organization can do it, find out the lair of the anti-Qin elements, and break through the Mohism’s organ city.
The remaining matters can be solved by the elite iron cavalry of the empire.
If the Quicksand organization wanted to eradicate these anti-Qin elements by itself, Li Si would not have much opinion.
all in all.
The opinions of both parties are highly consistent.
The main target of Wei Zhuang, the leader of the Quicksand organization, the sword master Gai Nie, is also included in the anti-Qin elements.
Targeting the Sword Saint Gai Nie is equivalent to targeting anti-Qin elements.
There is not much difference between the two.
It is precisely in this way that the cooperation will be so smoothly and successfully achieved.
“It is not an easy task to break through the Mohist’s organ city.”
Wei Zhuang frowned, expressing his doubts.
The Mohist organ city is easy to defend and difficult to attack, which can be said to be famous in the world.
How could the painstaking efforts of the Mohist giants, who had been condensed for hundreds of years, be broken and disintegrated so easily?
Wei Zhuang wanted to know very much.
How will the empire think of ways to crack the Mohism’s organ city?
Although the quicksand organization is indeed very strong, it is absolutely impossible to easily break through the organ city.
There must be a charter!
At least.
It is necessary to clearly investigate the main structure of the Mohist organ city, as well as its internal organ structure and so on.
Only by knowing this information, the Quicksand Organization can find a way to target it.
“Mr. Wei Zhuang can rest assured.”
“This time the empire will not only cooperate with the quicksand organization, but also invite the contemporary leader of the loser to lose his hatred.”
“Like a rumor.”
“The current head of the public loser, Gong Shuqiu, has reached the pinnacle of his hand-off skills, even comparable to his ancestor, Master Lu Ban.”
“If the leader of Gongshuchou is invited, he must have a solution to the Mohist organ city.”
Li Si smiled confidently.
He believes.
The orthodox heir of the domineering mechanism technique must have a way to break the Mohist mechanism city.
As the saying goes.
The person who knows a person best is often the person’s enemy!
And the public loser, as the enemy of the Mohist family, has been maintained for nearly a thousand years!
Those who understand Mohism are naturally public losers!so.
If you want to break through the institutions of the Mo family, as long as you invite the head of the public loser, you will be sure that nothing will go wrong.
What’s more, the head of this generation of public losers, Gong Shuchou, is also a mechanism master who has cultivated overbearing mechanism skills to the pinnacle.
“Public defeat?”
After listening to Li Si’s answer, Wei Zhuang’s eyes slightly changed.

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