“I can unleash extremely powerful attacks on a single target…”
“Gravity Knife Tiger!”
Ying Changge thought to himself.
Gravity Knife Tiger, this is a very powerful offensive method of the blind swordsman.
Gravity is added to the blade, so that it is forced out of the explosion in an instant, and the place where the sword qi sweeps, produces an extremely terrifying gravity suppression, crushing and destroying all objects and living beings.
This move is much stronger than Shenluo Tianzheng’s simple repulsion.
The lethality caused to the enemy is also countless times terrifying!
Ying Changge is still short of a weapon at hand.
“If I knew it earlier, I should have carried the Yuanyuan sword that General Wang Li gave me with me.”
“Otherwise, this time, we can use Wei Zhuang, the martial arts master in front of us. Let’s test how strong the Gravity Saber Tiger I exploded.”
Ying Changge was looking forward to it.
After the short and fierce fight just now, both Ying Changge and Wei Zhuang have already understood each other’s strength.
Especially Wei Zhuang.
he has been deeply awarearrive.
The blind Seventh Young Master in front of him is a terrifying monster with unfathomable strength!
Even if he has the cultivation realm of a martial arts master, he still can’t guarantee that he can win the opponent.
In the fight just now, Wei Zhuang had already understood deeply.
Ying Changge in front of him is definitely not a terrifying existence that he can easily shake!
Even if the sword master Gai Nie came in person, it might not be able to shake the opponent.
Thinking of this, Wei Zhuang’s fighting spirit gradually calmed down.
His character is indeed combative, but that doesn’t mean he’s going to engage in pointless battles.
not to mention.
Ying Changge’s strength has far exceeded Wei Zhuang’s expectations.
Until now, Wei Zhuang has not been able to really find out the details of the opponent’s strength.
Can only briefly know.
The strength of the opponent is by no means an idle generation!
Maybe even surpass him!
This alone is enough to make Wei Zhuang stop, not daring to continue fighting.
“He’s strong!”
“Very strong!”
“Even if I go all out and do my best, the odds of winning will never exceed 50%.”
“I have at least a 50% chance that I will lose to him.”
“There is no need to continue this battle.”
Wei Zhuang analyzed it in his heart.
This was a general conclusion he had come to after the short fight just now.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
In fact.
What he didn’t want to admit was.
If the two sides are really full of firepower, he feels that his chances of winning will be very low.
The biggest possibility is…
He will lose!
He lost miserably to the Seventh Young Master Ying Changge in front of him.
“What a horrible monster!”
“At such a young age, he already has such a powerful and unfathomable strength.”
“Obviously only has the cultivation level of the late innate stage, but it can explode with strength comparable to martial arts masters, and even surpasses martial arts masters.”
“Is this the real genius?”
“Long experience.”
Wei Zhuang slowly put away the shark teeth in his hand.
After exhaling lightly, he calmed down his fighting spirit, and his face regained his coldness without any emotional ups and downs.
at the same time.
Sensing Wei Zhuang’s actions, Ying Changge felt a little sorry, but he didn’t want to continue fighting.
Just click it.
Although for Ying Changge, he really wanted to continue fighting, and try to see if he could completely defeat a martial arts master before full firepower!
But since Wei Zhuang has stopped, if he continues to be indomitable.
I’m afraid it will have a certain impact on the next cooperation.
“Temporary truce.”
“There is a chance to fight again!”
“There must be a chance…”
The expression on Ying Changge’s face was full of anticipation and fun.
When the quicksand organization and the anti-Qin elements are both at risk.
.. . . 0
Here comes the opportunity!
In this way, the role of the quicksand organization can be maximized!
The battle is over.
It’s a dead end.
This is just a tentative confrontation between the two, and there is no desperate fight with full firepower.
Thinking of this, Ying Changge withdrew the terrifying gravitational suppression that swept across tens of meters.
In a single thought, all the gravity retracted to the body.
As the gravity converged, Wei Zhuang felt that the terrifying force suppressing his body was rapidly dissipating.
He fixed his eyes on Ying Changge, his eyes were deep and full of fear.
This is what Wei Zhuang has encountered in his life.
The strongest in the innate realm!
Although he is only in the late innate stage, his strength is already on par with martial arts masters, surpassing most ordinary martial arts masters!
Such a realm but possessing such strength is a rare encounter in all ages!
“Is it invincible?”
“The first person under the martial arts master?”
“What a terrifying evildoer!”
“From ancient times to the present, I have never heard of such a monster.”
“Seventh son, is it the only example in the ages? The number one evildoer in the ages?”
“This description is really apt enough.”
With many thoughts flying wildly in his head, Wei Zhuang withdrew the shark teeth in his hand.
He suppressed many messy thoughts, and forcibly calmed down his shocking mood, and walked forward step by step.
at the same time.
Ying Changge also twisted his arm to ease his mind a little.
The battle is over here.
For the rest, he didn’t need to ask too many questions.
Ying Changge then told Li Si: “Master Xiangguo, I will leave the rest of the matter to you.”
Li Si, who was belatedly aware, only reacted after hearing Ying Changge’s reminder. He nodded quickly: “Young master, don’t worry, just leave the rest to me.”
Of course, Li Si is not good at fierce battles involving top powerhouses, but when it comes to negotiating and cooperating, he will naturally do his part.
After adjusting my mood.
Li Si stepped forward and selectively walked towards Wei Zhuang’s direction.
quite a while.

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