have to admit.
He was indeed convinced by Li Si.
If the head of the public loser is invited, then the matter of breaking through the Mohist organ city may not be as difficult as imagined.
“That is.”
“This trip still needs to go to the residence of the public loser? Go invite this public loser?”
Wei Zhuang asked.
“That’s right.”
Li Si nodded.
“Do you need our company?”
Wei Zhuang asked again.
“If Mr. Wei Zhuang is willing to accompany you, we won’t mind. It’s up to you, Mr. Wei Zhuang. It’s to accompany the imperial cavalry to the public loser’s residence.”
“Choose to take action directly and attack and kill anti-Qin elements.”
Li Si gave Wei Zhuang multiple choices.
Hearing this, Wei Zhuang pondered for a moment.
He gave the answer: “For the time being, walk with the empire.”
“it is good!”
Li Si laughed.
that’s it.
The two thousand elite cavalry of the empire on this trip were accompanied by the quicksand organization.
Cooperation and many other matters have all been explained properly.
Li Si returned to the carriage.
Ying Changge also took Shao Siming, Meng Ying and others to the carriage, leaving only the people of the Quicksand Organization in place to see their backs drifting away.
Watching the back of Ying Changge’s departure, Wei Zhuang still frowned, stroking the handle of the shark-toothed sword in his hand, as if thinking about something.
“Master Wei Zhuang, do we really want to cooperate with the empire?”
Chi Lian’s pink lips moved slightly, hesitating for a moment and couldn’t help but ask.
Wei Zhuang thought for a moment and gave an answer.
Chi Lian was thoughtful.
The eyes of Bai Feng and Canglang King flickered.
They quickly understood what Wei Zhuang meant.
“All in all, seeking skin from a tiger is not a correct strategy.”
“Everyone gets what they need now.”
“When the respective goals are fulfilled, it’s time to part ways.”
“At that time.”
“This tiger may turn around and eat us.”
Wei Zhuang narrowed his eyes slightly, and he had already thought of many follow-up strategies.
Fighting against Sword Saint Gai Nie is indeed the biggest obsession in his life!
Now is your chance!
Cooperating with the empire is also not a wise choice.
after all.
The empire is just too powerful!
And although their Quicksand organization is also very strong, it is only a small organization group with less than ten people.
Compared with a behemoth like the empire, the Quicksand organization is too small and insignificant.
To cooperate with the empire, you must be extra cautious and careful!
in particular……
Among the people sent by the empire this time, there is such a terrifying and unfathomable existence!
This made Wei Zhuang have to be more vigilant.
Even if it is him, he is not absolutely sure to win the opponent.
He felt that his odds of winning would be very low.
Facing this mysterious and terrifying monster, Wei Zhuang had no choice but to brace himself for the battle.
“How much do you know about that Seventh Young Master?”
Wei Zhuang suddenly asked.
“Seventh son…”
Baifeng and Canglang King quickly fell silent 0  …
Chi Lian took a deep breath, with a serious and heavy tone: “Very strong! Very strong! This is an unfathomably powerful existence! Don’t provoke it easily.”
Regarding Chi Lian’s evaluation, Wei Zhuang had already expected it.
After a pause, he asked again: “How about more understanding? For example, what is his ability? What kind of martial arts did he practice? Is it true that he defeated Gai Nie?”
Accompanied by Wei Zhuang’s many questions.
Bai Feng was the first to answer: “It should be true that he defeated Gai Nie. About half a month ago, there was indeed a news from Xianyang City.”
“There are rumors that Sword Saint Gai Nie was severely injured and defeated and had to flee Xianyang City.”
“It’s just that I didn’t expect that this incident was actually caused by a young man in a weak crown.”
The words fell.
Wei Zhuang was silent.
It looks like…
His senior brother Gai Nie was indeed defeated by this Seventh Young Master!
Although he didn’t know the specific situation of the battle, since he was able to defeat his senior brother, it was enough to show how terrifying this Seventh Young Master was.
Wei Zhuang felt deeply troubled and afraid of it.
“and also……”
Bai Feng hesitated for a moment, but stopped talking.
“Say it straight.”
Wei Zhuang glanced at Bai Feng.
Bai Feng took a deep breath, and said again: “As early as half a month ago, this seventh son seemed to be just a low-level martial artist.”
“That is.”
“It only took him half a month to step from a low-level martial artist to a late-innate state!”
The voice fell.
Wei Zhuang’s pupils shrank, his heart paled with shock.
Half a month? !
how can that be!
What kind of terrifying talent and aptitude does this have to take half a month from being a martial artist to crossing over to the realm of the late innate?
Are you kidding me?
In the whole world, there are such terrifying monsters?
“According to previous investigations by the Quicksand Organization, there is news about the Seventh Young Master.”
“It can be confirmed.”
“This news is true!”
“The former seventh son was indeed an ordinary son with no power to restrain a chicken. But just half a month ago, this seventh sonZi suddenly broke into the innate realm! ”
“Until now, it has grown to the realm of late innate!”
Bai Feng’s tone was also full of shock.
“Do you know what it means to break into the innate realm for half a month?”
“It only took half a month to become a top expert in the innate realm from an inexperienced warrior. This is enough to be called a peerless genius that is rare in a thousand years!”
“And for half a month, not only have never entered the realm of innate warriors, but they have even reached the realm of cultivation in the late stage of innate?”
“This is simply unprecedented!”
Wei Zhuang’s calm mind was deeply moved, and he lost his composure.
Even with his years of knowledge and experience in the 4.9 arena, he has never heard of such unimaginable and terrifying examples in the arena.

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