She was also witnessing it for the first time.
The battle would develop in such a weird way.
In the battlefield.
Feeling unprecedented pressure, Wei Zhuang held the shark’s teeth tightly in his hand and stared at Ying Changge with both eyes.
He did it.
Holding the idea of ​​​​strike first.
Wei Zhuang suddenly launched an attack.
Bend your knees slightly, and kick your feet suddenly.
In an instant, Wei Zhuang charged forward swiftly, aiming at Ying Changge fiercely with shark teeth in his hand, and slashed at Ying Changge.
The shocking crimson sword energy was forced out from the sharp blade of the shark’s teeth, cutting through the sky a few meters away, approaching Ying Changge’s body infinitely.
Just when it was about to hit.
Ying Changge turned slightly sideways, and easily dodged the sword energy.
The sword qi fell, punching a deep hole in the ground.
“What a keen insight!”
Wei Zhuang’s pupils shrank.
It really surprised him to see this sword energy being dodged so easily by Ying Changge.
in particular……
He knew it.
Ying Changge in front of him is a blind person!
But the other party still has such a terrible insight.
This alone is enough to show that the other party is not simple!
Wei Zhuang didn’t hesitate even if he didn’t succeed in any move.Manipulating the shark teeth in his hand very decisively, he aimed at Ying Changge again with a sharp sword aura and slashed down.
The sharp blade pierced the sky with a piercing sound.
call out!
The crimson sword energy is even more full of raging killing intent.
Just when the blade was about to hit Ying Changge.
I see.
Ying Changge slowly raised his right hand, surging innate qi surged in his body, and terrifying gravitational energy gathered between the palms of his right hand.
Aim at the camouflage in front of you.
Gravity, full blast!
“Gravity·Shenluo Tianzheng!”
The overwhelming gravitational repulsion completely enveloped Wei Zhuang’s body.
Taking the place where Ying Changge was as the center point, the terrible repulsive force that erupted produced a shock wave, and the shock wave hit Wei Zhuang head-on in a short time.
for a moment.
Wei Zhuang was shot several meters away from the air on the spot.
Fortunately, the majestic innate qi still wrapped around his body resisted many shock waves.
Otherwise, Wei Zhuang would not just be bounced a few meters away.
Wei Zhuang, who was bounced a few meters away, rubbed his feet on the ground for half a meter. Two hideous cracks and gaps appeared from the friction on the ground, revealing the impact of the shock wave on his body.
The shark teeth around the waist that Wei Zhuang held tightly in his hands also buzzed and trembled.
The blade seemed to be screaming.
The violent shock made Wei Zhuang’s right hand holding the sword handle slightly numb.
His eyes were fixed, and he stared at Ying Changge solemnly.
“This trick again!”
“In a split second…”
“An extremely terrifying shock wave erupted, making it impossible for me to get close at all.”
“What kind of martial art is this?”
Wei Zhuang took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the shock in his heart.
He was deeply shocked by the horror of Ying Changge’s strength.
I have never seen such a weird existence as Ying Changge in front of me!
Since the day he set foot in the rivers and lakes, Wei Zhuang has experienced countless life and death fights. But he has never had such a sense of oppression facing Ying Changge today.
Even Gai Nie back then never gave him such a sense of crisis.
for a while.
The air was filled with oppressive air.
Just when Wei Zhuang was preparing to plan the second round of attack.
Ying Changge took the lead.
“Gravity·Vientiane Tianyin!”
A terrifying gravitational force instantly enveloped Wei Zhuang’s body.
next second.
Wei Zhuang’s body soared into the air uncontrollably.
“Damn it!”
“here we go again!”
Wei Zhuang’s complexion changed slightly, and he immediately circulated the surging innate qi in his body, forcibly wiping out all this power.
Under the innate innate resistance of his majestic martial arts master realm, this gravitational force was wiped out by Wei Zhuang.
His body is already located less than half a meter in front of Ying Changge.
“not good!”
Seeing Ying Changge’s face close at hand, Wei Zhuang’s heart sank.
He was about to lift the shark tooth in his hand and slash it at Ying Changge.
But before he did it.
Ying Changge had already made his move.
“Gravity·Shenluo Tianzheng!”
Another terrifying repulsive force directly hit Wei Zhuang’s body.
On the spot, Wei Zhuang was sent flying tens of meters away.
Without any precautions, Wei Zhuang’s body was like a kite with a broken string. He was sent flying tens of meters with a blow, and he was flying upside down and rolling in mid-air, his figure looked particularly embarrassing.
Wei Zhuang flew upside down tens of meters away. After rolling over, he staggered to the ground with both feet. The huge shock wave still carried him several meters away before he was relieved.
Exhaling heavily, Wei Zhuang forcibly calmed down his frightened mood.
He held the shark teeth in his right hand tightly, and looked at Ying Changge with more and more frightened eyes.
The viscera in the body that were shaken by the shock wave were somewhat damaged, and Wei Zhuang gradually felt that his state was slowly beginning to decline.
The terrifying gravity that has been suppressing his body is constantly affecting his speed and ability to move.
Originally, Wei Zhuang’s speed was extremely fast!
Being firmly suppressed by the terrifying power, Wei Zhuang only felt that every movement of the body would be subject to unprecedented interference and influence.
Body functions become sluggish, and movements are even more rigid.
at this time.
Feeling Wei Zhuang being knocked away tens of meters away, Ying Changge couldn’t help shaking his head slightly, feeling a little regretful.
“If I had a weapon in my hand just now.”

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