Ying Changge said earnestly.
The sound just fell.
in a moment……
Gravity·Hell Brigade was instantly erupted by Ying Changge! .
Chapter 139 A set of combo skills stunned people on the spot! 【1/6 for customization】
The terrifying gravity field was adjusted with Ying Changge’s thought.
An extremely surging gravity swept in all directions.
With Ying Changge’s body as the center point, the gravity field spreads in an area with a diameter of 50 meters.
Within this area, all objects and creatures will be forcibly suppressed!
The majestic innate qi was transformed into gravity, spreading around Ying Changge’s body inch by inch, completely suppressing the area within a radius of tens of meters.
Accompanied by a loud bang.
The soil under their feet was dented a few centimeters collectively.
at the same time.
The terrifying gravitational force that Ying Changge erupted had already completely swept Wei Zhuang’s body, covering the latter’s body in all directions without any dead ends.
It was as if a heavy stone fell from the sky and hit the body.
Even Wei Zhuang, who is a master of martial arts, staggered uncontrollably when his body was under the pressure of this terrifying gravity, and almost fell to his knees.
“what’s the situation?!”
Wei Zhuang was dumbfounded.
what happened?
Why suddenly the body seems to be shakenIs the high mountain heavy and oppressive?
Feeling the heavy oppression of his body, Wei Zhuang’s face became a little heavy and ugly, and his eyes were full of shock and incomprehension.
If he hadn’t reacted in time just now, he might really have been crushed on the spot and knelt on the ground.
in this way.
What is the majesty of the leader of his quicksand organization?
But fortunately, he still forcibly carried it.
The only thing that puzzled him was…
What exactly is going on?
“What a terrifying sense of oppression!”
Wei Zhuang felt the pressure.
Feeling the heavy oppression of his body, he frowned, and his face became extraordinarily heavy and depressed.
I turned my gaze.
Wei Zhuang couldn’t help looking at Ying Changge subconsciously.
A strange idea was born in his mind.
Could it be…
He made it? !
What kind of martial art is this?
To be able to quietly bring such terrifying suppression to people!
It has never been heard before that there are such weird and terrifying martial arts moves in the Jianghu.
The air seemed to freeze.
It looks very depressing!
“Gravity Hell Brigade!”
Ying Changge’s voice sounded slowly.
The perfect level of domineering knowledge can see that Wei Zhuang’s body is still unable to adapt to this sudden terrifying gravity.
Now is the best time to get started!
Don’t miss this opportunity.
Time never comes again!
The opportunity must be seized well.
With this in mind, Ying Changge slowly raised his right hand, and an extremely surging gravitational adsorption broke out between the palms, turning the reverse manipulation of gravity into gravity.
The palm of the hand is aimed at the position where Wei Zhuang is.
“Gravity·Vientiane Tianyin!”
shouted loudly.
The innate zhenqi in Ying Changge’s body exploded in full force, and the palm of his hand erupted with a terrifying tearing force, absorbing and pulling Wei Zhuang’s body.
Unparalleled gravitational force and swift blessing enveloped Wei Zhuang’s body.
this moment.
Wei Zhuang’s expression completely changed.
“What kind of power is this?!”
“my body……”
“It’s out of control?!”
Wei Zhuang widened his eyes.
His expression at this moment could no longer capture any coldness and composure, showing gaffe and shock.
This one after another of weird tricks made Wei Zhuang dizzy from hitting his head.
“Master Wei Zhuang, be careful!”
Chi Lian outside the arena couldn’t help but let out an exclamation.
Of course she saw it.
Wei Zhuang’s current situation is exactly the same as her situation at that time!
They were all suppressed by that terrifying force, and their bodies became extremely stiff and dull.
Thinking of this, Chi Lian’s expression was full of worry.
“That trick again!”
When they saw Wei Zhuang’s body soaring into the air, Bai Feng and Canglang King looked at each other, with palpitations and fear in their eyes.
Of course, the two of them couldn’t forget this move.
It was this trick that instantly killed them on the spot!
“Now, is it Lord Wei Zhuang’s turn~‖?”
“With Lord Wei Zhuang’s strength, he shouldn’t be instantly killed, right?”
“That monster’s trick is really hard to guard against!”
Bai Feng and Canglang King were deeply disturbed and cautious.
Everyone is watching every move on the battlefield.
Including Li Si, Meng Ying, Shao Siming and others.
Wei Zhuang’s body suddenly rose into the air without warning, and kept approaching the direction of Ying Changge, as if he was being pulled by a very strange and terrifying force.
and lead to…
Wei Zhuang couldn’t control his body for a while!
As soon as he gritted his teeth, Wei Zhuang burst out with extremely surging innate qi.
The cultivation realm of the martial arts master contains extremely terrifying power, which is fully erupting at this moment!
The seemingly endless release of innate qi allowed Wei Zhuang to temporarily dissipate the gravitational force on his body, and his feet landed on the ground smoothly, and they remained firmly on the spot without moving.
“What kind of method is this?”
After dispelling this gravitational force, Wei Zhuang stared at Ying Changge with lingering fear, and cheered up, never daring to show any slack or carelessness.
When Wei Zhuang cracked the Vientiane Tianyin, he was only less than five meters away from Ying Changge.
And at this time.
Wei Zhuang is unarmed.

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