The shark teeth just now had been bounced hundreds of meters away on the spot.
The current Wei Zhuang, like Ying Changge, is in a state of bare hands.
And this distance range…
It is within the attack range of Ying Changge!
“A martial arts master is extraordinary.”
“It can forcibly burst out the innate qi, and forcibly break my Vientiane Tianyin.”
“After all.”
“I can only perfectly grasp the fruit of gravity, but I can’t achieve the perfect burst of all the power that originally belonged to it.”
“The Vientiane Heavenly Attraction I used is only weakened countless times.”
“It’s normal for a martial arts master to crack it.”
Ying Changge was emotional.
The perfect level of knowledge and knowledge endowed him with the ability to see the direction of Wei Zhuang all the time.
At this time, Wei Zhuang happened to be within his attack range.
Ying Changge’s explosive gravitational force quickly turned into repulsive force again.
Gravity burst out from the body rapidly!
“Gravity·Shenluo Tianzheng!”
Ying Changge pointed the palm of his right hand at Wei Zhuang, who was five meters away, and urged the gravity of his body with one thought, turning the direction of gravity into a force of repulsion.
An invisible wave of terror spread around Ying Changge’s body.
The surface of the ground was affected first, and it was continuously broken and cracked, and there were bursts of crisp and pleasant sounds, leaving behind aThe road is densely packed like cracks in a spider’s web.
The entire ground shook violently.
Where gravity goes…
Everything was forcibly crushed and destroyed!
blink of an eye.
Before Wei Zhuang could react, the repulsive force of this terrible gravitational explosion had already completely enveloped his body.
Just for a split second.
Wei Zhuang, who was hit by the repulsive force, seemed to be hit heavily by a majestic mountain, and his whole body flew backwards and rolled rapidly.
The destructive shock wave sent Wei Zhuang flying tens of meters away, flying upside down in mid-air and rolling continuously, his figure looked particularly embarrassing.
Under the influence of gravity, Wei Zhuang’s face was full of horror.
He still stared at Ying Changge with his eyes wide open.
What kind of power is this?
Can actually hurt people from a distance? !
Simply unimaginable!
With Ying Changge fighting today, Wei Zhuang felt that his world view was about to collapse.
The body was under the impact of gravity, which caused the blood in Wei Zhuang’s body to surge. He almost wanted to spit out a mouthful of blood, but he forcibly stopped him.
After a while.
Wei Zhuang fell heavily on the ground tens of meters away and rolled several times, but soon he regained his figure, with both feet firmly on the ground.
The feet kept rubbing against the ground for a distance of more than ten meters, creating two hideous traces on the ground, and finally Wei Zhuang’s body offset the shock wave brought by the terrifying gravity.
After coughing violently, Wei Zhuang’s face turned pale, and his eyes were full of fear and palpitation.
He was not too seriously injured.
But the trick that Ying Changge used just now undoubtedly brought too much psychological impact to Wei Zhuang.
He had never seen it in his life.
There are still people who have such weird and unpredictable terrifying methods!
Exhaling heavily, Wei Zhuang forcibly suppressed the shock in his heart, looking at Ying Changge with increasingly fearful and terrified eyes, unable to contain the slightest trace of fear in his heart.
Even if he is as arrogant and ruthless as Wei Zhuang, when facing a strange opponent like Ying Changge in front of him, he feels a deep sense of powerlessness from the bottom of his heart.
“Strong as a monster!”
“The scary thing is his ability!”
“It’s simply unpredictable!”
“Although the cultivation base is only in the late innate stage, the overall strength that can be erupted is enough to easily compare with martial arts masters! Even martial arts masters are far less dangerous than him!”
Wei Zhuang couldn’t calm down.
Just when Wei Zhuang was about to continue observing Ying Changge.
I don’t know when it will start.
Ying Changge’s figure seemed to disappear out of thin air.
“Where are people?!”
Wei Zhuang’s pupils shrank.
He turned his head quickly, trying to catch Ying Changge’s figure and whereabouts.
at this time.
“Master Wei Zhuang, be careful!”
“Over your head!”
This is Chi Lian’s anxious cry.
“‘ 〃 above?”
Wei Zhuang raised his head quickly.
Then he saw a huge rock hovering above his head at some unknown time, and fell at a terrifying speed.
Wei Zhuang was shocked.
He had no time to think, so he could only react quickly by relying on his body’s instincts, turning his body sideways and kicking his feet.
The ground under his feet shattered and cracked, and defender Zhuang escaped from his original position smoothly.
There was a loud bang.
A huge rock nearly three or four meters high hit the ground heavily, causing violent waves of air, blowing the dust and dancing it up.
The entire earth was shaken by force, and there were waves of trembling movements.
The dust floated wantonly, blowing onto Wei Zhuang’s face, making his face look very ugly and his heart heavy, his eyes fixed on the figure directly above the stone.
This moment.
Located directly above the rock, the figure of the boulder under his feet is naturally Ying Changge in white.
Ying Changge smiled with interest.
With this move, he directly erupted with terrifying gravity, pulling a huge stone and smashing it down on Wei Zhuang’s position.
If Wei Zhuang didn’t react in time, I’m afraid that this stone will hit Wei Zhuang and seriously injure him.
“My cultivation realm is far from enough.”
“What I was able to pull just now is not just a simple stone.”
“A meteorite!”
“Directly pull the meteorite down from the sky!”
Ying Changge shook his head with deep regret.
The cultivation base and realm are still too weak!
There is no way to do it like a blind swordsman, who can pull down meteorites tens of thousands of kilometers away from the ground by swiping down with his sword blade.

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