“Not only blocked the Hundred Steps Flying Sword through the air…”
“Even the surroundings of the place where it was located could not bear the impact of this force and collapsed.”
Wei Zhuang observed the surrounding environment of Ying Changge with lingering fear.
This broken and crumbling surface made Wei Zhuang feel more and more heavy.
What kind of astonishing burst of power could create this mess of ruins riddled with holes?
Rao Wei Zhuang himself can’t imagine it anymore.
the other side.
Following the Hundred Step Flying Sword, it was intercepted by Ying Changge in the air.
Li Si, Meng Ying and the others were also amazed.
in particular……
When they saw the ruins of soil that had collapsed on the ground, their sense of awe grew stronger and stronger.
“So strong!”
“The Hundred Step Flying Sword was resolved without any effort!”
“Is this the strength of the Seventh Young Master? It’s terrifyingly strong!”
Li Si said with a look of admiration.
“Master Xiangguo, I told you a long time ago.”
“Young master, he…”
“It is invincible!”
Meng Ying smiled confidently.
Shao Siming’s beautiful eyes flickered, his pink lips moved slightly, and he whispered to himself: “It’s a terrible move! The shock wave generated by the explosive power can even forcibly intercept a hundred-step flying sword!”
“This kind of terrifying power is comparable to the magic of an immortal!”
She couldn’t think of any kind of martial arts in this world that could create such terrifying destructive power.
It is not an exaggeration to call it a fairy method!
As the Hundred Step Flying Sword was easily dispelled by Ying Changge, the originally quiet and oppressive atmosphere ushered in a short-term commotion and noise.
The eyes gathered on Ying Changge were full of awe and admiration.
Even Wei Zhuang didn’t dare to have any contempt for Ying Changge anymore, instead he was extra cautious and treated Ying Changge as an existence of the same level.
The atmosphere of silence was broken by Ying Changge on his own initiative.
I see.
He slowly from the concaveThe collapsed ruins rose up little by little.
A piece of rock shattered under his feet, and the body carrying Ying Changge began to float and hover in mid-air, floating to the side of the collapsed ruins as if standing in mid-air.
After his feet landed on the ground smoothly, Ying Changge restrained the manipulation of gravity.
Just now he manipulated the stone to carry his body to float, like a god who descended from the sky, with unparalleled coercion and stalwart aura.
Everyone present who witnessed all this felt a burst of horror and terror.
“No, it’s not light work!”
“What kind of ability is this?!”
“It can make people levitate?!”
Baifeng, known as the king of speed, completely lost his composure.
He stared blankly at Ying Changge with wide eyes.
In his mind, the scene just now kept lingering.
Even if he thought about it, he couldn’t think of a reason.
“Seventh son…”
“It’s far more terrifying than we imagined!”
Bai Feng thought so with lingering fear.
He saw it for the first time.
Some people don’t need to rely on lightness skills, they can really rise into the air and levitate, as if their body is as light as a goose feather, without any weight at all.
This kind of terrifying method made Bai Feng’s scalp tingle.
“Master Wei Zhuang, you probably understand now.”
“How terrifying is this Seventh Young Master?”
Bai Feng watched the change of Wei Zhuang’s face and thought to himself.
At this time.
Ying Changge slowly opened a pair of gray eyes, facing Wei Zhuang’s direction, and gradually spoke: “Compared to Gai Nie’s Hundred Step Flying Sword, yours is far, far inferior.”
“as for me.”
“Your hundred-step flying sword basically does not pose any threat.”
The words fell.
Chi Lian subconsciously turned his head to observe the changes in Wei Zhuang’s expression.
as predicted.
Wei Zhuang’s face became unnatural, 240’s eyes were heavy and gloomy, and his sharp eyes were piercing, staring closely at Ying Changge’s figure.
quite a while.
Only then did he adjust his mentality, and asked in a cold and serious tone: “According to what the seventh son means, you once fought against my senior brother Gai Nie?”
Hearing this, Ying Changge smiled: “Of course.”
“How is the result?”
Wei Zhuang asked.
“What do you think the outcome will be?”
Ying Changge thought for a while, and asked back with a smile on his face.
“You will lose!”
Wei Zhuang gave the answer without the slightest hesitation.
“Losing? I did lose.”
“However, it’s not me, but your elder brother Ge Nie!”
“Although I can be regarded as taking advantage of others’ danger, at least I can barely defeat Sword Saint Gai Nie.”
“Speaking of which, I was the same as I am now, and I also intercepted the Hundred Steps Flying Sword with my bare hands.”
“The difference is that.”
“At that time, Gai Nie was already in poor condition. However, the power of the Hundred-Step Flying Sword he used was far more powerful than the Hundred-Step Flying Sword you are using right now.”
“In the end, I was easily blocked by me!”
Ying Changge continued.
The atmosphere became silent again.
Wei Zhuang’s eyes were fixed, and he looked at Ying Changge seriously and solemnly, trying to catch some useful information from the expression on the latter’s face.
Let him down.
From the beginning to the end, Ying Changge’s expression didn’t change much.
“Brother, how could you lose?”
Wei Zhuang felt a sense of absurdity.
He has always thought that he is not inferior to Ge Nie, but he has to admit that he has never defeated the opponent in the hands of Ge Nie, not even once.
Defeating Gai Nie has become Wei Zhuang’s biggest obsession in his life.
But until now, he has not been able to complete this obsession.
When he heard that Ge Nie had actually lost to the Seventh Young Master in front of him, Wei Zhuang felt very ridiculous.
That is a powerful existence that even he has spent his whole life chasing after, but he has never been able to defeat it!
How could it be defeated?
not to mention……
Still lost to a young blind man who was still in his weakest years!
“What? Don’t believe me?”
Seemingly sensing what Wei Zhuang was thinking, Ying Changge suddenly smiled.
“It’s really hard to believe what you’re saying.”
Wei Zhuang made no secret of his doubts.
“Then next…”
“You should believe it!”

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