Now he just knows.
These prisoners are the targets of his new tricks!
That’s all!
“You leave my side first.”
“It won’t be good if it affects you later.”
With Ying Changge’s current cultivation base and realm, it is certainly possible to keep the gravity on a very few people, instead of implementing a large-scale and indiscriminate gravity blessing for the entire audience.
But this consumes a lot of internal energy, energy and physical strength.
If the group supports gravity, consumption can be reduced on a large scale.
The gravity blessing of the gravity fruit is generally aimed at the blessing of the group.
That is the method of group attack!
The “hell brigade” that Ying Changge is going to use is to increase the gravity that sweeps the area with a diameter of tens of meters around his body as the center point.
As long as they are in this area, all objects and creatures will bear extremely strong gravity pressure.
Even Li Si, Meng Ying and others will never be an exception!
want to exempt themNot affected by gravity, Ying Changge needs to be distracted to deliberately erase the gravity of where they are, which will lead to greater consumption in all aspects.
“Young master, what is this?”
With great confusion in his heart, Li Si couldn’t help asking.
“After killing the black swordsman Shengqi just now, I have a little understanding, and I want to try to use this new ability that I just mastered.”
“This move is a large-scale group attack method. In order to prevent you from being injured, I can only let you leave my side first.”
Ying Changge explained slowly.
“A large-scale offensive method? Young master, do you want to use these prisoners as targets for experimenting with your newly mastered moves?”
Li Si was a little startled.
“more or less.”
Ying Changge nodded.
With deep incomprehension and curiosity in his heart, Li Si quickly retreated from Ying Changge’s side, more than ten meters away.
Together with Mengying, Shao Siming and others, they retreated without exception.
Ying Changge shook his head and continued to remind.
“Farther? Will this distance be affected?”
“The scope of influence is so large?”
Li Si was shocked.
He glanced at the distance between himself and Ying Changge.
Probably the distance is no less than ten meters!
This distance will still be affected?
How terrifying is the move that the Seventh Young Master is about to perform?
How could it affect so far?
real or fake?
What exactly is the move?
Under Ying Changge’s reminder.
Li Si, Meng Ying, Shao Siming and others continued to retreat to more than 30 meters away.
Naturally, their every move cannot escape Ying Changge’s perfect-level knowledgeable and domineering insight.
After knowing that they had retreated to a safe range, Ying Changge didn’t say too much, but began to use his knowledge to investigate the criminals in the cage.
As the two guards said just now, there are a very large number of prisoners here, a total of 124 people have been imprisoned, no more than one less.
The strength of every prisoner should not be underestimated, the strength is very strong, not inferior to the third-rate warriors in the rivers and lakes.
“I’ll use you as the target to measure the new ability I just unlocked!”
“How strong is the gravity fruit?”
“Next, the answer will be revealed!”
Ying Changge had an expectant expression on his face.
He is also looking forward to this.
He had just unlocked the third blind swordsman’s ability, and it was also his first attempt to use the fruit of gravity.
Since what is unlocked is the perfect level of gravity fruit, Ying Changge’s grasp of the gravity fruit is very proficient and proficient, without any jerky.
Although the cultivation base and realm severely limited Ying Changge’s true power to fully unleash the fruit of gravity.
But his mastery and understanding of the fruit of gravity is exactly the same as that of the blind swordsman!
“Hell Brigade, the moment it is cast, it can exert extremely powerful and terrifying gravity pressure on the area with a diameter of tens of meters.”
“Even if it’s a third-rate warrior or a second-rate warrior…”
“All of them will bear the impact of this terrible gravity, and instantly fall to the ground close to the ground, as if their bodies are heavily suppressed by a huge boulder weighing a thousand catties, unable to move.”
At this moment, Ying Changge recalled.
There are many descriptions and introductions about this move of Hell Brigade.
This move is not very strong!
But if you use it to clear the field, you can definitely get a lot of gains.
after all.
Even the top martial arts masters, if they are surrounded by the elite cavalry of the empire, they are very likely to be surrounded and killed because they are outnumbered.
Now that Ying Changge has mastered the Hell Brigade, he can easily and effortlessly kill all enemies in an instant.
Within a radius of tens of meters, all enemies will be instantly suppressed by the hell brigade and knocked down, thus losing their combat capabilities.
at the same time.
While Ying Changge was thinking.
Li Si, Meng Ying and others who were more than 30 meters away were still deeply curious.
“You say, what kind of move does Seventh Young Master want to use? It must be terrifying to be able to reach such a far range, right?”
Li Si took a deep breath, his eyes full of curiosity and anticipation.
“It’s never been heard that someone’s martial arts can affect so far!”
The two guards spoke weakly.
“Young master is different! How can you treat evildoers with common sense?”
Meng Ying had an expression of admiration and admiration.
right under their gaze.
I see.
Ying Changge moved.
According to the control of the gravity fruit in the mind, the innate qi in the dantian of the abdomen in the body quickly began to control, circulating and floating in the body.
A surging force frantically rushed to the limbs of the body.
Ying Changge could feel it.
My body has entered an unprecedented powerful posture!
This power transformed into an extremely mysterious and terrifying energy, which gradually emanated from Ying Changge’s body, manipulating and influencing the gravity of the surrounding soil.
An invisible air wave suddenly swept across the audience.
Gravity intensifies!
Surrounding Ying Changge itself as the center point, the area with a diameter of 30 meters, the gravity here suddenly rises steadily, becoming more and more terrifying!
Everything is under Ying Changge’s control.
“Hell Brigade!”
in a moment……
Ying Changge did not change, and used the trick of the blind swordsman!
The tricks used are the same as those of the blind swordsman.
exactly the same!
Totally agree!
This is the effect of the perfect gravity fruit on Ying Changge.
The trick of Hell Brigade will not consume too much Ying Changge’s internal strength, physical strength and energy.

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