He wants to spread the scope of the hell brigade to a radius of hundreds of meters. In this way, his physical strength and internal strength will be greatly consumed.
Just like the knowledgeable domineering of the perfect level.
With the current state of cultivation that has broken into the late innate stage, Ying Changge can probably easily maintain a perfect level of knowledgeable domineering, covering a radius of 500 meters.
This is of course not the limit distance.
The limit can probably cover the color of knowledge to an interval of seven or eight kilometers.
But there is no denying it.
Such a perfect display of knowledgeable arrogance will cause a huge consumption of Ying Changge.
The move of Hell Brigade is not much different from knowledgeable domineering.
Keeping a certain range will not affect Ying Changge’s physical condition.
But if the limit erupts and spreads the gravity of the hell brigade for hundreds of meters, the consumption of Ying Changge will drop at a terrible speed.
a split second.
As Ying Changge unleashed Hell Brigade, a terrifying invisible air wave instantly spread to an area with a radius of more than 30 meters, completely enveloping half of the huge prison in front of him.
The unparalleled violent power affects the gravity of the ground in all directions, changes the magnitude of the gravity, and strengthens the gravity to the extreme state.
Within a radius of 30 meters, the ground seemed to have some traces of depression and collapse.
It can be described as extremely terrifying!
Even the surface layer was sunken and collapsed almost a few centimeters below.
Don’t underestimate these few centimeters.
This is the collective descent of the entire surface!
Within a radius of 30 meters, the collective fell by a few centimeters!
What kind of terrifying power and influence is this?
And this is not the result of Ying Changge’s full efforts to mobilize the hell brigade.
It was just a preliminary attempt to activate the hell brigade, and such terrifying power and destruction erupted.
One can imagine.
If Ying Changge exploded with all his strength to stimulate the fruit of gravity, what a spectacular and terrifying scene it would be?
at the same time.
Just when Ying Changge’s thought prompted the trip to hell.
The gravity intensified in the area with a radius of 30 meters, and it became even more terrifying.
Within this range, all living things and creatures will bear the influence of this terrifying gravity, and as a result, the body seems to be instantly suppressed heavily by a huge stone that weighs a thousand catties.
The hundreds of prisoners held in the huge cage were originally in a state of doing nothing.
But at this moment.
in vain!
Horror Gravity Blessing!
Their bodies were uncontrollable, and they fell to the ground quickly and heavily, and their bodies were completely suppressed on the ground uncontrollably, unable to move.

One after another, the prisoners fell to the ground with a bang, and there was a heavy sound, and the ground was hit by their bodies with some hollows and broken cracks.
Like a heavy stone, it weighed heavily on their bodies.
In a defenseless situation…
They were completely crushed without exception!
Even though the hundreds of prisoners had been prepared, their physical fitness obviously couldn’t bear such a terrifying force of gravity.
The suppression of this gravity is too strong!
Followed by bursts of sound spread.
next second.
There was a series of painful wailing sounds from the prisoners in the cage.
“My body is in pain!”
“In the end what happened?!”
“My body seems out of control.”
“It’s so heavy! The body suddenly becomes so heavy!”
“I can’t get up!”
“What’s going on? Why is my body out of control? It’s as if my body is being weighed down by a heavy stone, and it’s hard to move at all.”
“Are you also like 223?”
“My God! What the hell is going on? Why are you all like me?”
A total of hundreds of prisoners fell to the ground, and their bodies were under the pressure of thousands of catties of boulders, which made their bodies unable to move an inch.
They can feel it.
All the viscera and internal organs of the body seemed to be shattered and exploded under the pressure of this terrifying gravity.
Qi and blood surged up to their revelations, making their faces flushed and their veins bulging, but they were still unable to resist the pressure of this terrifying gravity.
“Get up!”
Few people try to resist tenaciously.
In the end, they will all meet the same result.
Under the influence of this terrible gravity, it is impossible for them to recover their body’s ability to act independently.
Their life and death…
At this moment, only in Ying Changge’s thought.
An invisible gravitational coercion surrounded Ying Changge’s body with a diameter of more than 30 meters, squeezing the surface of the ground in this area.
Hundreds of prisoners in the cage were instantly killed by Ying Changge!
“Is this the power of gravity fruit?”
“It’s terrifyingly strong!”
“Just now, I didn’t take it seriously at all.”
A bright smile appeared on Ying Changge’s face.
How strong is the hell brigade?
He has already experienced it deeply.
Without being serious, he can easily overwhelm the audience, killing hundreds of prisoners who are not weaker than third-rate warriors in a single thought.
This ability to attack a large group of people is indeed quite amazing!
It is definitely not a problem to clean up some miscellaneous soldiers.
from today.
Ying Changge will no longer be afraid of being surrounded by people.
Even if one day he is surrounded by thousands of well-trained troops, he is confident that he can easily kill a bloody road by relying on the hell brigade.
Even under heavy siege, Ying Changge can easily break the situation!
With the fruit of gravity, he is so confident!
PerfectThe level of domineering knowledge and knowledge allowed Ying Changge to see the scene of hundreds of prisoners struggling in the cage.
He smiled again.
Want to break free from the grip of gravity?
is it possible?
He is the top powerhouse in the innate realm!
First-class fighters may also be able to offset this gravitational coercion by relying on that surging internal force.
But a second-rate warrior?
Excuse me.

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