It can even move mountains and seas!
Crack the mountains and crack the ground!
All of this, in the hands of the blind swordsman, would be an easy task.
With Ying Changge’s cultivation level, it is naturally impossible for the Gravity Saber-Tiger to be as destructive as the blind swordsman.
Gravity Knife・Tiger, the main thing is to continue the gravity on the blade and swing it out.
At the same time, it released an extremely powerful horizontal gravity in the direction of swinging the knife, crushing, destroying, and destroying everything in front of it.
This move will also be accompanied by extremely terrifying airflow and wind pressure. Even if the object hit by gravity is not destroyed and crushed, it will still be rolled by the terrifying wind pressure and will fly upside down and roll wantonly.
In conclusion.
This trick is very strong!
Very strong!
Even Ying Changge couldn’t forget it.
It was precisely because of this signature move of the blind swordsman that he kept the magic weapon that Wang Li had given him, the Yuan Sword.
The Fengyuan Sword, ranked fourth in the Fengbeard Sword Manual, is finally ready to be used.
Gravity Knife Tiger, of course you need a weapon to use it!
Although it’s just a show, it can be regarded as a kind of respect for the enemy.
“Finally there is…”
“Hell Brigade!”
“This trick is to control the gravity around your body as the center point, covering a range of tens of meters, so that the gravity of the surrounding ground reaches an extremely strong state.”
“And within the range of this zone, all living things and creatures will bear the extremely terrifying pressure of gravity.”
“As a result, all life forms that are under the terrifying gravity will be forcibly suppressed and lie on the ground trembling. Their bodies are under the pressure of huge gravity, and they can’t move an inch when they are close to the ground.”
“This move is a group 4.9 offensive method!”
“Used to deal with the little ones, it is very timely and convenient.”
“Any life that is close to the surroundings of the body will bear the unparalleled pressure of the ground’s gravity, and will be firmly suppressed on the ground and cannot move.”
Ying Changge thought about it carefully.
Hell Brigade, this trick is perfect for clearing the field.
simply put.
This move is not very lethal against individuals.
However, it is possible to attack in groups.
onceSex can probably instantly kill all enemies within a radius of tens of meters.
This is only aimed at those whose strength is relatively weak.
If the strength is strong, it may be possible to forcibly block the oppression of gravity by virtue of its strong physical fitness and the surging innate qi contained in the dantian of the abdomen.
“It’s similar to the domineering look…”
“It is mainly used to clean up some little ones and pawns.”
Ying Changge thought to himself.
Just imagine.
Just a thought…
In an instant, it was easy enough to instantly kill hundreds of people in a radius of tens of meters.
What an astonishing and terrifying scene is this?
Even just thinking about it makes the current Ying Changge a little impatient, and wants to find a place to try this trick.
And besides these two tricks.
There are also the two moves of Shenluo Tianzheng and Wanxiang Tianyin. If he has time, he can try to use them.
To sum it up simply.
Whether it is Shenluo Tianzheng, or Vientiane Tianyin…
These two moves are undoubtedly very powerful means in battle!
“The hell brigade is mainly used to deal with small characters.”
“Want to deal with top powerhouses…”
“We still have to rely on Gravity Knife Tiger!”
After half a sound.
Ying Changge finally calmed down a little, with many complicated thoughts frantically swirling in his head.
Gently exhaling, calming down, the perfect knowledge-like arrogance emanating from Ying Changge’s body still covered a radius of hundreds of meters.
at this time.
He noticed the gazes of Li Si, Meng Ying and others.
Ying Changge thought for a while.
He turned to the two guards who had guarded the Tooth-Chewing Prison for many years, and asked, “Which cage is there in the Tooth-Chewing Prison, which holds a large number of criminals?”
“I have a very interesting trick that I want to try with them.”.
Chapter 118 Hell Brigade! Overwhelm the audience! Strong spike! 【1/7 for customization】
After a while.
According to Ying Changge’s request, the two guards who had been guarding the Tooth-Eating Prison for many years led the latter to a relatively large cage.
Many of the cages in Tooth-Chewing Prison are held collectively, not individually.
Those who can have the treatment of solitary confinement, only the top powerhouses like the black swordsman Shengqi can get different treatment.
Most of the rest of the prisoners were collectively held in the same cage.
There are very few prisoners in Tooth Eater Prison. Formidable prisoners like Black Swordsman Sheng Qi also have the treatment of being held alone in a cage.
Arriving in front of this cage door, Ying Changge’s perfect level of domineering arrogance spread across an area with a diameter of hundreds of meters.
In this zone, every move of all living objects cannot escape Ying Changge’s terrifying insight and senses.
“Hundreds of prisoners?”
“Let me give it a try…”
“How strong is the third ability of the newly unlocked blind swordsman!”
In just a split second, Ying Changge had a sense of the surrounding environment.
In this cage, there are probably hundreds of prisoners.
Every prisoner has a cultivation level close to that of a third-rate warrior.
In general.
Prisoners like this are not eligible to be imprisoned in Tooth Gnaw Prison. But it may also be because they committed a lot of evil and caused the empire to be furious, so they sent troops to imprison them all here.
“Gravity Knife Tiger, it’s not convenient to use it here.”
“However, for the Hell Brigade, you can try to use one or two.”
Ying Changge thought to himself.
next to him.
Li Si, Meng Ying and others looked puzzled.
They obviously couldn’t understand, what exactly did Ying Changge want to do next?
The black swordsman Sheng Qi’s body had already been ordered to be cleaned up.
But Ying Changge still had no intention of leaving, which made Li Si puzzled.
“Very interesting trick, want to try it?”
Shao Siming’s beautiful eyes flashed, and his eyes focused on Ying Changge.
She was deeply curious about it.
“My lord, there are a total of 124 criminals who have committed the most heinous crimes. All of them have blood on their hands, and they have killed no less than ten ordinary innocent people.”
“That day when the imperial cavalry went north, they finally captured all these prisoners, and finally detained 05 here.”
Two guards stood beside Ying Changge, and began to explain the origin of the prisoners in the cage.
Ying Changge nodded slightly, indicating that he understood.
Regardless of the origins of these prisoners.

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