The terrifying coercion just now almost made them unable to breathe.
“Young master, we should go.”
Then, Li Si, who came back to his senses, couldn’t help reminding Ying Changge in a low voice.
Originally, the main purpose of coming here was to release the black swordsman Shengqi, let Shengqi deal with the sword saint Gai Nie, and create a certain degree of trouble for the anti-Qin elements.
But did not expect.
Seiki is dead!
Killed by the Seventh Young Master with his own strength!
In this way, the goal of this trip will be meaningless.
Li Si traveled thousands of miles from Xianyang City to Tooth Eating Prison, and Li Si had never expected this result.
However, he has no complaints about it.
After seeing Ying Changge’s terrifying strength, Li Si only had deep awe and admiration for Ying Changge in his heart, and he dared not hold any complaints.
Even the black swordsman Sheng Qi died tragically at the hands of Young Master Qi.
Li Si couldn’t imagine it.
How did the Seventh Young Master possess such terrifying strength at such a young age?
Facing this kind of monstrosity…
Of course Li Si didn’t dare to offend!
not to mention.
Ying Changge, who is of royal blood, is definitely not someone Li Si can offend.
This result was beyond Li Si’s expectation, but it did not disrupt his plan.
The plan to deal with the sword master Gai Nie and the anti-Qin elements does not include the black swordsman Sheng Qi. Shengqi is just an insignificant detail in the plan.
Shengqi’s death will not have much impact on the plan.
And this is also the reason why Li Si didn’t express too much emotion about Sheng Qi’s death from the beginning to the end.
If you die, you die.
Just a little black swordsman.
Could it be that he was really expected to subvert the entire anti-Qin elements by himself?
This is obviously impossible.
The main function of Shengqi is to add trouble to the anti-Qin elements.
And now that the others are gone, this link can be directly removed from the plan.
It will not affect the progress of the plan.
What surprised Li Si was that…
The strength of the seventh son, Ying Changge, was beyond Li Si’s original expectations.
Terribly strong!
Strong and unfathomable!
Li Sidu felt heart palpitations and panic.
“The Seventh Young Master at such an age already possesses such great strength and cultivation…”
“Two more years.”
“I’m afraid…”
Thinking of this, Li Si didn’t dare to continue thinking.
He just knows.
The future Seventh Young Master’s prestige will surely intimidate the entire empire at home and abroad!
“Only relying on the cultivation level of the mid-innate stage, the seventh son forcefully killed the black swordsman Sheng Qi, a half-step martial arts master. Now, the seventh son has already entered the realm of the late innate stage.”
“Presumably, this level of cultivation and realm is enough for the Seventh Young Master to face Sword Saint Gai Nie head-on!”
“hard to imagine.”
“The Seventh Young Master, who is still in his weakest years, possesses such great strength!”
Li Si was still very emotional.
Meng Ying looked at her son Ying Changge’s eyes, but she couldn’t hide the deep admiration and admiration.
Shao Siming’s beautiful eyes looked at Ying Changge with different flashes.
After the earth-shattering incident that happened just now, everyone present looked at Ying ChanggeEyes, there will be some changes more or less.
“This is the legendary evildoer!”
The two guards who had been guarding the Tooth-Eating Prison for many years thought so in their hearts.
As soon as he killed the black swordsman Shengqi, he immediately broke through a realm of his own, and it was only less than ten days since the last breakthrough.
Isn’t this a monster?
What a monster!
This is the first time in their life that they have witnessed such a terrifying monster!
at the same time.
Ying Changge didn’t care about the ups and downs of the people around him, but focused on the new ability that he had just unlocked, and carefully studied and explored it.
“The basic ability of the fruit of gravity…”
“It is to apply gravity to the object!”
“The size and scale of gravity depends on my own cultivation and realm, and how far I can support it.”
“In addition to gravity, there is also the repulsion generated by reverse gravity.”
“similar to 0….”
“Shenluo Tianzheng and Wanxiang Tianyin!”
Ying Changge was thoughtful.
Unknowingly, he referred to other people’s abilities, and thus developed two brand-new fighting techniques for the perfect-level gravity fruit that he now mastered.
Shenluo Tianzheng, using the repulsive force generated by the reverse gravity, directly bounces away the opponent!
And Vientiane Tianyin is even simpler.
Directly apply gravity to the life, let the life body absorb in front of itself.
The perfect level of gravity fruit can not only affect inanimate objects, but also living creatures.
This is the scary part of Gravity Fruit.
You can even manipulate the rocks to float at will, and let yourself step on the rocks and float high above the sky, just like a fairy.
You can also fly with the sword, and become a sword fairy!
all in all.
Gravity Fruit has too many uses.
As long as it is developed properly, it can naturally destroy the world!
With Ying Changge’s current cultivation base and realm, he wants to use the fruit of gravity to drop meteorites from the sky tens of thousands of kilometers away from the ground…
This is undoubtedly a very high degree of difficulty!
With insufficient cultivation and realm, it is naturally impossible to do such an unimaginable and shocking move.
“My cultivation base and state are far from that of a blind swordsman!”
Ying Changge felt a little helpless.
With insufficient cultivation base and realm, it is naturally impossible to fully unleash the full power of the perfect level gravity fruit.
If you want to pull the meteorite down from the sky because of impulse, and your internal strength, physical strength, and experience are all exhausted, then the loss outweighs the gain.
Although the current Ying Changge has unlocked the perfect gravity fruit, there is still a long way to go, and he cannot be too blind and arrogant.
After adjusting his mentality a little, Ying Changge began to sort out the abilities he can display at present.
With the current state of Ying Changge’s cultivation, besides the pure application of gravity and repulsion, there are two other abilities that can be displayed.
That is……
The signature attack method of the blind swordsman!
“Gravity Knife Tiger!”
“as well as……”
“Hell Brigade!”
The former is what blind swordsmen often use to attack.
Very strong!
The power is very terrifying!
Even a sea is enough to easily cut and split!

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