This point needs to be verified in the future.
But there must be no leadership of the leader Chen Sheng.
As for whether to change someone?
Then I don’t know.
“Half-step martial arts master?”
“Unexpectedly, it’s quite weak…”
Ying Changge whispered to himself.
Shengqi’s strength was not strong enough to give him a threat.
It was easily killed by him!
With a mid-innate cultivation base, he can forcefully kill a half-step martial arts master!
No muddle along the way…
Presumably in the whole world, only Ying Changge can do it.
After crossing two or three full realms, he won seven dozen forcefully and had no power to fight back. With an absolutely crushing posture throughout the whole process, he finally took the opponent’s life.
“Finally fulfilled a small goal as I wished!”
“Sheng Qi’s death will probably give me a considerable increase in template integration!”
“The blind swordsman’s third template new ability, presumably should be unlocked soon.”
A smile appeared on Ying Changge’s face, looking forward to it.
Isn’t the reason why he killed Shengqi so powerfully because of the improvement of template integration?
Wasn’t it just what he wanted, to unlock the third ability of the blind swordsman?
Now is your chance!
After waiting for so long, it finally came true!
Thinking of this, Ying Changge expressed great anticipation.
How rich template integration will I get?
What is the third ability that will be unlocked soon?
Is it the fruit of gravity?
Or fencing?
Or overlord color?
Or something else you haven’t heard of?
With countless thoughts in mind, Ying Changge quietly waited for the system’s response.
He firmly believes.
Killing Shengqi, one of the leaders of the Daze Township uprising, the system could not have had any response.
at the same time.
Just when Ying Changge was thinking and looking forward to it.
off the field.
Li Si, Meng Ying and the others stared dumbfounded at the cold corpse lying on the ground.
They were dumbfounded.
Including the two guards who have been guarding the Tooth-Eating Prison for many years, they also showed expressions of astonishment and shock.
“Dead, dead?!”
“The black swordsman wins seven, he was instantly killed just like that?!”
“One hit instant kill!”
“Is this really the famous black swordsman?”
“Oh my god!”
“The black swordsman wins Qi, a strong man who makes countless martial arts practitioners in the world fearful. Just like this, he was instantly killed by the seventh son with one blow?”
“` 〃 Obedient…”
The two guards were dumbfounded and shocked.
Li Si’s eyes widened.
The three of them seemed particularly shocked.
On the other hand, Meng Ying beside him, although he was a little shocked in his heart, was much better than their expressions.
after all.
Of course, Meng Ying has already understood and resisted the horror of his young master.
How scary is my son?
Of course Meng Ying knew it well.
For the black swordsman Sheng Qi who was instantly killed by one blow, Meng Ying did not show an expression that was too out of control.
Everything is within reason!
“My son…”
“It really is invincible!”
“I guessed it a long time ago. The so-called black swordsman Shengqi will never be my son’s opponent.”
“It’s just that I didn’t expect that this so-called black swordsman didn’t even have the strength to fight back. Anyway, he is also a half-step martial arts master!”
“A strong half-step martial arts master can’t even try to shake my son? Too weak!”
“But that’s what it says.”
“Young master, he is really too strong! Terrifyingly strong!”
Meng Ying’s eyes were full of awe and admiration.
Shao Si Ming’s beautiful eyes flickered.
Do not know why.
From the moment this battle started, she had a premonition of this in her heart.
She didn’t know why.
It’s just subconsciously thinking that Ying Changge will definitely be able to defeat Shengqi!
as predicted!
Ying Changge won.
As for Sheng Qi, he was defeated and killed.
The dignified black swordsman just died in the Tooth-Chewing Prison.
Moreover, he was killed by a young man who was still in his weakest years, with a crushing attitude throughout the whole process!
If it spreads, who would believe it?
The majestic black swordsman Shengqi, a real half-step martial arts master, would die in the hands of a young man who was only in the middle stage of innate and under the age of 20?
If this news gets out, it will definitely cause huge turmoil in the entire Jianghu!
There is no doubt about this.
“Is this the Seventh Young Master who severely injured Sword Saint Gai Nie?”
“I saw it with my own eyes today…”
“Sure enough, it’s ridiculously strong!”
Rao is as calm as Xiangguo Li Si, when he saw the black swordsman Sheng Qi’s body, he couldn’t help being deeply moved, and his whole face looked very out of control.
Back then, only the sword master Gai Nie could barely take down the black swordsman Shengqi.
But today.
Died tragically at the hands of the seventh son Ying Changge.
All of this made Li Si feel like a dream.
The seventh son who is under the age of twenty…
How could it be so powerful? !
Seeing Sheng Qi’s death, Li Si didn’t hold backWhat a pity.
He was quite frightened by Ying Changge’s terrifying strength.
How difficult was it for the empire to capture the Black Swordsman?
Of course Li Si knew it well.
But such a difficult black swordsman was easily killed by the seventh son with only his own strength!
The contrast made Li Si’s head dizzy.

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