Sheng Qi smelled the breath of death.
“Is this the taste of death?”
Sheng Qi opened his mouth, his face was pale and bloodless, and he kept spitting out blood from his mouth, and the blood stains almost completely soaked around his mouth.
It slid from the mouth to the chin, and then fell from the chin to the ground.
The pungent smell of blood made Shengqi smell it himself.
This is the smell of blood on his body.
Shengqi never dreamed of it.
One day, he will be killed in this way!
Killed by a mere mid-innate monster!
He, who was half a step into the realm of a martial arts master, was crushed by an innate mid-stage strong man, and even suffered the fate of being killed by a strong force in the end.
Everything that happened today has seriously subverted Shengqi’s worldview.
After the chest was pierced, the heart was pierced, and Sheng Qi’s thinking became more and more hazy and blurred.
He can feel it.
The vitality in my body is dying at a terrible speed.
Vitality dropped rapidly!
Opening his mouth, Sheng Qi spit out a mouthful of blood again, his limbs were weak.
The hilt of the Juque sword he was holding tightly in his right hand had long since lost any trace of the blade, and it would fall from the palm of his hand at any time, and finally landed on the ground with a clear and pleasant sound.
Take a closer look.
The giant que, which was originally huge in size, now has only an insignificant sword hilt left.
The blade has long since disappeared without a trace!
There is no trace of the broken face!
All I could see were the broken pieces and wreckage of the numerous blades on the ground.
It was revealed that Juque was once intact.
“I didn’t expect…”
“I, Chen Sheng, will be killed in this way one day!”
“Take only the heart with empty hands…”
“What kind of monster is this?”
Sheng Qi looked at the wreckage of the giant tower on the ground from the corner of his eye, feeling helpless and powerless in his heart.
This was the most powerless and desperate battle he had ever experienced in his life.
The most unimaginable thing for him is…
The opponent in front of him is a young man with a weak crown and only innate mid-term cultivation.
Being crossed two or three full realms, he was killed in a crushing manner throughout the whole process!
This was unexpected by Shengqi.
Sheng Qi opened his mouth, blood was all over his mouth, his eyes were fixed on Ying Changge’s figure, and the thick color of horror could not be restrained in his eyes.
no doubt.
in his mind.
Ying Changge in front of him is the scariest monster he has encountered in his life! none of them!
Even the Sword Saint Gai Nie is far from being able to compare with the other party in terms of danger!
“I’m not ashamed to die at the hands of such a monster~‖.”
“I still have a lot of unfinished business, it seems that it can only be reduced to regret.”
“did not expect.”
“I, Chen Sheng, would die at the hands of a young man under the age of twenty. If I hadn’t experienced all this myself, I would definitely not accept it!”
“This Seventh Young Master is really too scary!”
“Because of the existence of this Seventh Young Master, the entire Jianghu will set off a bloodbath.”
“Sword Saint Gai Nie may be on the verge of death! Being targeted by such a terrifying monster, even Gai Nie will definitely not die well.”
With countless helplessness and laments, Sheng Qi could feel his vision becoming very hazy.
The sight is no longer clear.
he knows.
He is infinitely close to death!
Maybe in the next second!
Sheng Qi slowly closed his eyes.
Blood flowed out from the chest of his body rapidly.
blink of an eye.
A large swath of blood almost soaked his entire body.
The strong and pungent bloody smell spread and spread.
one look.
Sheng Qi was reduced to a blood man.
Life is dying!
Life is gone!
Seiki is dead.
Killed in one hit!
The whole process was crushed and beaten!
There is no way to fight back!
If you didn’t see it with your own eyes, I’m afraid no one would dare to imagine it.
Sheng Qi, a prestigious black swordsman, would be killed in this way.
Everything is just like a dream!
A top half-step martial arts master died just like that.
When Ying Changge’s right hand was withdrawn from Sheng Qi’s chest.
Blood surged frantically from Sheng Qi’s chest, and a large amount of blood spilled and splashed all over the floor tiles, allowing the pungent bloody smell to spread farther.
next second.
There was a soft sound.
Sheng Qi’s body fell heavily, raising a little dust on the ground to float wantonly.
Sheng Qi’s burly body was reduced to a cold corpse, lying heavily on the ground motionless, and there was no more movement.
Blood spilled from the wound on his chest, forming a small lake in the blink of an eye, and let Sheng Qi’s body lie in the center of the bloody lake.
The atmosphere became very silent!
There was no sound!
“Is it dead?”
Ying Changge’s face was calm, as if he was not affected by Sheng Qi’s death at all, maintaining a very flat and natural expression as always.
The perfect domineering level of knowledge still covers the audience.
He knows better than everyone present.
Sheng Qi’s body has already been lostvital signs.
It’s just dead!
The heart was pierced by Ying Changge’s blow.
No matter how strong Shengqi’s martial arts are, he will never survive in this world.
So far announced.
Chen Sheng, a farmer, died on the spot!
Killed by Ying Changge forcefully!
The Daze Township uprising in later generations has no connection with Shengqi.
Without Shengqi, I don’t know if the so-called anti-Qin incident can still be carried out in Daze Township.

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