too strong!
Strong as a monster!
Just when everyone was shocked.
the other side.
The voice that Ying Changge had been looking forward to for a long time finally sounded.
Without warning…
The system’s prompt sounded in vain and lingered in my mind.
【Ding! 】
[It was detected that the host changed the original world trajectory by 10%…]
[Template fusion degree +10%]
[Current template fusion degree: 27%]
[The degree of template integration has increased by 10% again, which just meets the ability unlocking conditions. The system will automatically unlock the host, the third new ability of the blind swordsman character template…].
Chapter 115 Unlock Gravity! The terrifying third ability! 【5/7 for customization】
it’s coming!
Ying Changge, who was waiting quietly, couldn’t help showing strong excitement and anticipation when he heard the system’s notification sound.
What will it be?
What is the third blind swordsman’s ability that will be unlocked soon?
Or domineering color?
Or something else?
With countless thoughts in his heart, Ying Changge’s sense of anticipation grew stronger and stronger.
He couldn’t wait to hear it.
Later, the moment the system reveals the answer.
In order to wait for this moment, Ying Changge waited a lot of time.
Now, it has finally come true!
“Is it a full 10% increase in template fusion?”
“Knew it!”
“Chen Sheng deserves to be Chen Sheng, who allowed me to get such a high degree of integration at once.”
“It’s not in vain that I came here from Xianyang City to the Tooth-Chewing Prison to meet you in person. You really are my experience baby.”
“This time the template fusion has been improved too much!”
Ying Changge was very excited.
Never before has such a high degree of template fusion been improved at one time.
And this time, he finally got his wish.
A one-time increase of 10% template fusion is naturally enough to unlock the third ability.
There is still a lack of distance from unlocking the fourth ability.
Even so, he was already content.
After waiting for so long, it was not in vain.
After traveling thousands of miles from Xianyang City, it took three days to arrive at Tooth-Chewing Prison.
Isn’t it for Shengqi’s life?
Isn’t it just to improve your own template integration?
Now Ying Changge’s dream has come true.
Well worth the trip!
Pay back handsomely!
As for why killing Shengqi can improve such a high degree of template fusion?
very simple.
Just because Shengqi is Chen Sheng!
One of the leaders of the Daze Township Uprising!
A big man with a profound influence on future generations!
Now that Shengqi was killed in advance and the Daze Township uprising was avoided in later generations, the changes Ying Changge made were simply too great.
Naturally, it is understandable that he can get such a high degree of template fusion.
If Wu Guang is killed, it should also increase the integration of templates a lot.
There is no doubt about this.
As for the existence and whereabouts of that Wu Guang, Ying Changge is still unknown, so he can only make 210 on this.
Speaking up.
Killing the sword master Gai Nie is far less effective than killing the black swordsman Shengqi!
Sword Saint Gai Nie had little influence on later generations.
In comparison, Chen Sheng is different.
That is a big man who left a strong mark in the history of later generations!
Ying Changge still prefers to kill the sword master Gai Nie, killing these people who have a profound influence on future generations.
in this way.
The template fusion degree he can get will be much higher.
Even a single Chen Sheng can improve his template integration to such a high degree.
Just ask.
What about Xiang Yu?
What about Liu Bang?
Or Han Xin? Xiao He?
These are the primary goals of Ying Changge!
The rewards that can be obtained by killing them must be far more than that of Sword Saint Gai Nie!
This point, Ying Changge can be absolutely sure.
Even a small Chen Sheng can increase the degree of template fusion by a full 10% at one time.
Ying Changge suddenly felt a sense of anticipation.
Waiting for another day, the scene when Xiang Yu and Liu Bang were killed.
At that time.
The degree of template integration he can get must be very high!
It must be ridiculously high!
“The importance of Juggernaut Gai Nie to me…”
“It’s not as good as Han Xin and Xiao He, let alone Xiang Yu and Liu Bang.”
“There are also Zhao Gao, Hu Hai and others, all of whom are my experience babies!”
“If there is a chance, the truth will take them all away!”
Thinking of this, Ying Changge couldn’t wait.
Now let’s see what the finally unlocked ability is.
Waiting for the moment when the mystery is about to be revealed.
Ying Changge was full of anticipation, and his expression was full of joy.
No matter what kind of ability is unlocked, he said it is acceptable.
Just make yourself stronger.
He is not picky eater.
Any ability is acceptable!
The best thing is to unlock the fruit of gravity!
For this ability, Ying Changge has been looking forward to it for more than ten days!
If he can obtain the Gravity Fruit, his strength will undoubtedly usher in a huge improvement!
Perfect two-color domineering, plus gravity fruitReality……

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