“Is the gap that big?”
“He obviously only has the mid-innate cultivation realm!”
“who I am?”
“I am a half-step martial arts master!”
“How could he, a person with a mid-innate mid-stage cultivation, be able to block a burst of sword energy released by my majestic half-step martial arts master?!”
Sheng Qi doubts life again.
in particular……
Seeing Ying Changge’s unscathed figure made him doubt his own strength even more.
Could it be!
Is the realm of my half-step martial arts master fake?
A dignified half-step martial arts master…
Today, being hanged and beaten by a mere young man in the mid-innate stage?
Don’t you want to lose face?
I am a black swordsman!
The black swordsman who has made countless martial arts practitioners in the rivers and lakes frightened!
“I do not believe!”
“This must be fake!”
“I am a dignified half-step martial arts master, how could I be hanged and beaten by someone in the mid-innate stage?”
Sheng Qi does not believe in evil.
He burst out terrifying innate qi one after another, and once again slashed at Ying Changge’s subordinates with sword qi.
The crimson sword energy exploded and slashed down from the half of Juque’s blade.
Although separated by a few meters away.
But the sword qi still carried extremely terrifying power, aiming at the place where Ying Changge was, and slashing down precisely.
210 However.
Long before Sheng Qi’s sword energy had not completely fallen.
Ying Changge had expected it a long time ago, and turned slightly to the side, dodging the sword slash.
The crimson sword energy passed by and hit the floor tile beside Ying Changge.
One shot down.
The entire floor tile was pierced through a nearly one-meter-long hideous crack, and the gap looked particularly terrifying.
The smoke and dust billowed up, and the dust flew up wantonly.
Sheng Qi’s expression changed drastically.
Just as he was about to hold the giant que again, bursts of sword energy erupted.
Ying Changge’s figure had already appeared beside Sheng Qi.
“not good!”
Seeing Ying Changge’s figure, Sheng Qi’s pupils contracted again, his face full of horror and horror.
He was holding a giant que, and was about to cut it off at Ying Changge.
Before the giant que fell down.
Ying Changge’s right hand, covered in black armor, had already grasped Ju Que’s sword.
Then pull a little harder.
The giant tower shattered and broke again.
There are cracks all over Juque’s sword body.
Gently tugged.
The remaining half of the Juque’s sword body was completely destroyed by Ying Changge’s bare hands, and it was reduced to broken glass fragments, which scattered and fell from Sheng Qi’s hands frantically.
Sheng Qi moved his eyes blankly, looking at Ying Changge beside him.
will be able to see.
Ying Changge’s right hand, which was covered with armor-colored armor, flashed as black as ink, and a sword in his hand suddenly aimed at Sheng Qi’s heart, and suddenly went through the sky.
call out!
There was a piercing sound.
The hand knives all over the black armor turned into the hardest magic weapon in the world, approaching Sheng Qi’s heart with incomparable sharpness.
“If you take this move head-on…”
“I, will die!”
“It’s really going to die!”
Sheng Qi opened his mouth, his face was a little pale, and his face was full of fear.
This moment.
He felt it.
An unprecedented threat of death!
The shadow of death has completely enveloped the whole body!
Thick fear pierces the heart!
I can’t escape it!
By now.
Sheng Qi could only watch helplessly as Ying Changge’s right hand wrapped in black armor was crazily approaching his body.
That moment.
The hand knife tears the space.
There was a piercing sound, as if the space was being torn apart.
A hand knife wrapped around a black armor-colored armor erupted with incomparable terrifying power, piercing through Sheng Qi’s chest in an instant, only taking the latter’s heart.
Ying Changge’s knife instantly pierced through Sheng Qi’s chest, piercing the opponent’s body from the front on the spot.
A ball of blood splashed up, scattered in mid-air and fluttered wantonly.
Chapter 114 Fusion degree increased by 10%! Unlock the third ability! 【4/7 for customization】
Blood splatter!
Scattered in the sky!
The hand knife wrapped around the black armed armor directly pierced through Shengqi’s chest, aimed at the left heart, and pierced fiercely into the heart.
The blood spilled from Sheng Qi’s chest, quickly infected Sheng Qi’s body, and fell from his body, falling to the ground with a slight sound.
Blood melted into the floor tiles underfoot.
for a while.
Suddenly, there was a pungent smell of blood in the air.
Armor-colored hands, like the sharpest magic weapon in the world, piercing through Sheng Qi’s chest is like piercing a piece of tofu, without hindrance in the whole process.
Run through with one palm!
Continue to rush forward with the hand knife.
next second.
The heart was directly pierced and shattered!
Sheng Qi’s pupils widened, he lowered his head in a daze, looking at his blood-stained chest, his pupils began to gradually loosen, and he was about to lose his spirit.
The blow came too fast!
Shengqi couldn’t react at all.
The consumption of this victory over seven is also too high, so it has already fallen from the peak state to the bottom.
Faced with Ying Changge’s blow, Sheng Qi was completely unable to dodge anything, and could only watch helplessly as the blow pierced through his chest and heart.
this moment.

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