Ying Changge clapped his palms, and in an understatement, he destroyed a magic weapon with his bare hands.
It seemed to him.
It’s just an ordinary and normal thing.
But in the eyes of Shengqi, this is simply a terrifying and earth-shattering event!
“Duan Shui Jian, one of the Eight Swords of the King of Yue?”
“The famous sword Yuanhong in Ge Nie’s hand?”
“Destroyed by your bare hands?!”
Sheng Qi was shocked.
He stared at Ying Changge in shock, his eyes widened and rounded.
What a monster!
He even destroyed one after another with his bare hands!
Is that human being?
How could a person do such a horrible thing?
Simply unimaginable!
It’s amazing!
“you you!”
Sheng Qi took half a step back subconsciously, holding the giant que that was only half left, and looked at Ying Changge with a deep sense of fear in his eyes.
He panicked.
He never thought in his life that one day he would encounter such a terrifying monster!
A terrifying existence that can destroy the magic weapon with bare hands!
“All right.”
“Next, you should be on your way.”
Ying Changge walked towards Shengsheng in front of him step by step.
The sound of footsteps brought by every step made Shengqi feel hairy from the bottom of his heart.
Facing Ying Changge in front of him, Sheng Qi couldn’t think of any countermeasures at all.
Nothing can be done!
Simply flawless!
This is a terrifying monster without any weaknesses!
“Compared to Sword Saint Gai Nie…”
“It’s infinitely more terrifying!”
Shengqi thought to himself.
this moment.
He finally believed it.
The Seventh Young Master in front of him was in a weak year and only had a mid-innate cultivation base. The other party must have seriously injured Sword Saint Gai Nie!
The other party definitely has the strength and capital to seriously injure Juggernaut Gai Nie!
“Facing this kind of enemy…”
“I’m afraid it’s everyone’s nightmare!”
Sheng Qi was holding a huge que, his eyes were full of fear and madness.
He wants to make a last desperate fight!
A mighty surge of innate zhenqi erupted from Sheng Qi’s body, turning into crimson sword qi and wrapping around the half-remaining Juque sword blade in his hand.
The crimson sword energy lingered around the blade, and the power it exuded was terrifying, forcibly disturbing the wriggling and twisting of the airflow in the surrounding space.
“Total Annihilation!”
shouted loudly.
Sheng Qi held half of the giant que, and suddenly aimed at the approaching Ying Changge and cut it down.
The crimson sword energy was instantly forced out from the blade.
call out!
A piercing sound pierced through the air.
The sword energy containing the terrifying power of a half-step martial arts master aimed at Ying Changge’s position a few meters away, and slashed down without hesitation.
This sword energy carried an aura of power that seemed to destroy the world.
Even the space seemed to be shaken by force!
The violent power contained in it is enough to destroy all creatures!
Facing this sword energy, Ying Changge had only simple movements.
Raise your right hand and slowly open it.
The right hand wrapped around the black armour, blocked the area in front of him.
Receive this sword energy from the front.
“Want to take it from the front with bare hands?!”
“is it possible?”
Sheng Qi’s pupils shrank.
He was frightened by Ying Changge’s actions again.
He was very hopeful.
This sword energy must seriously injure the opponent!
Otherwise, he would have no chance of winning.
The crimson sword energy fell.
Hit Ying Changge head-on, the right hand covered in black armor.
The frightening strength and sword energy burst into full bloom in an instant, striking the palm of Ying Changge’s hand abruptly, looking like it was going to tear his entire right arm apart.
Unparalleled power exploded out, and it was fully implemented in Ying Changge’s right hand.
This force rubbed against Ying Changge’s right hand, and flickered wildly with bursts of dazzling fire, as if what hit was not a human body, but an indestructible piece of bronze and steel.
Under the influence of the huge force, the floor tiles that Ying Changge stepped on shattered and cracked, and the cracks quickly cracked and spread.
The floor tiles then dented and collapsed.
Broken cracks, like spider webs densely extending in all directions.
The power of the burst of sword energy rolled the surrounding dust, and the smoke curled up, rolled and spread to farther areas, and danced in the air.
for a while.
Dust was flying in all directions, covering Ying Changge’s figure as if inside.
In less than a moment.
The burst of crimson sword energy was finally completely blocked and offset by the perfect-level armed color in Ying Chang Singer.Cheng was unscathed, not even a single hair was injured.
The smoke cleared.
Ying Changge’s figure was fully presented in Sheng Qi’s eyes.
Seeing Ying Changge’s figure, Sheng Qi’s face changed drastically, his lips trembled, and his eyes were full of shock and fear.
“Block, block!”
“Once again it was blocked without any effort!”
“The sword energy that exploded from my full-strength sword couldn’t even hurt a single hair on him!”
“What kind of concept is this?”

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