As Ying Changge continued to exert force, the giant que in his hand was crushed and exploded one after another like pieces of glass, and more and more cracks were formed.
A series of clear and pleasant voices spread in all directions.
can be clearly seen.
On Ju Que’s sword blade, there are a lot of cracks that burst out. Countless cracks are like spider webs, and the cracks are all over the huge sword body of Ju Que.
A series of dense cracks were deeply imprinted on all sides of the sword body.
Take a closer look.
The thick sword blade of the Divine Weapon Juque looks like it is about to face the fate of being completely shattered at any time.
Chapter 113 Destroy Chen Sheng with a flick of a finger! Kill the half-step martial arts master! 【3/7 for customization】
The two guards who had been guarding the Tooth-Eating Prison for decades could not help rolling their throats, gulping their saliva, and showing a bewildered and horrified face.
The two of them stared blankly at the battlefield ahead.
The scene that they dare not imagine in their dreams is happening in front of them at this moment, and let them witness it with their own eyes.
A prestigious magic weapon…
Juque Sword!
The prestigious giant tower!
It was destroyed by someone!
It was destroyed empty-handed!
Cracked the giant sword with bare hands!
What is this concept?
The two guards couldn’t imagine.
Their heads were a little dizzy, their lips were trembling, and their bodies were trembling uncontrollably.
What kind of monster is this?
Destroyed a magic weapon empty-handed!
It’s terrible!
“Good, so strong!”
“very scary!”
“Is this the Seventh Young Master?”
The two guards trembled.
The horror of Ying Changge’s strength has far subverted their previous cognition.
Is this really something humans can do?
Even if it is a martial arts master, it is not so terrible, right?
“The Juque sword was crushed by the Seventh Young Master with his bare hands!”
“This this!”
Rao is Xiangguo Li Si, who is under one person and above ten thousand people, with a calm mind like him. At this moment, he couldn’t help being shocked by Ying Changge’s amazing feat.
what’s the situation? !
Juque was destroyed?
Destroy the magic weapon with bare hands? !
Seventh Young Master, what kind of monster is this?
How could such a monster feat that is simply inhuman?
“too strong!”
“Seventh Young Master is ridiculously strong!”
Li Si was shocked.
the other side.
Seeing his young master destroying a magical weapon with his bare hands again, Meng Ying couldn’t help but be shocked by Manager Zhen.
Whenever he saw this kind of picture, he was filled with infinite pride.
my son…
It really is invincible!
“Empty-handed Ruin Sword?”
Shao Siming’s beautiful eyes flickered, and there were faint ripples on his beautiful and delicate face.
In the battlefield.
When he saw the constantly shattering giant tower of the magic weapon, Sheng Qi was terrified, and a cold air shot up from the soles of his feet to the sky, making him completely unable to contain the panic in his heart.
This is a monster!
A complete freak!
Destroy Juque empty-handed?
Destroy the magic weapon with bare hands?
Sheng Qi had never heard of such shocking things in his life.
“Another magical weapon…”
“It’s also so vulnerable!”
Ying Changge directly crushed Ju Que with his right hand.
There was a crisp and pleasant voice.
The body of Juque’s sword was cracked inch by inch, and was finally crushed on the spot into countless fragments, which quickly and slowly fell from the air of the blade.
Like shattered pieces of glass, scattered all over the ground.
Visible to the naked eye.
The front end of Ju Que’s sword had already been crushed into pieces by Ying Changge, and only half of the blade remained at the front of Ju Que’s hilt.
The lost part was about 30 centimeters long.
Naturally, this section was destroyed by Ying Changge’s bare hands.
The atmosphere is silent!
Sheng Qi stared blankly at the broken Juque, his eyes fixed on the front of the Juque, looking at the broken part of the sword tip at the front of the Juque, the shock in his heart could not be described in words.
What’s going on here?
Juque was really destroyed with bare hands!
If he hadn’t witnessed it with his own eyes, Sheng Qi would certainly not have believed in such a terrifying thing that subverted cognition.
I turned my gaze.
Seung-chi looks to the groundnoodle.
Pieces of giant queries scattered all over the place…
All this shows that what happened just now is definitely not an illusion or a dream.
Juque was really destroyed!
Destroyed empty-handed!
“You, you mean to say.”
“Except for Juque…”
“Could it be that you also destroyed other famous Sword God Soldiers?”
Sheng Qi’s throat was dry, and he held on to the hilt of Ju Que’s sword tightly, and couldn’t help questioning him subconsciously.
Juque became much lighter.
Half of Juque’s sword blade was crushed and cracked.
Now the weight of Juque is obviously not as heavy as before.
“Don’t you know?”
“The Duan Shui Sword, one of the Eight Swords of the Yue King, also comes from the famous swordsmith Ou Yezi, and the saber of the sword master Gai Nie, the famous sword Yuan Hong ranked second in the Fengbeard Sword Manual.”
“They are all the same as your Juque.”
“I crushed it with my bare hands!”
“It’s so fragile!”

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