This innate qi is far superior to Ying Changge.
But even so, this powerful internal force still couldn’t give Shengqi a certain sense of security.
He just knows.
Today, he himself may have encountered the most difficult and terrifying enemy in his life!
The Seventh Young Master who is still in a weak year, in Sheng Qi’s mind, is already the most terrifying existence he has ever encountered in this life!
Even Gai Nie, the sword master back then, failed to bring this feeling to Shengqi.
Sheng Qi felt ruthless, and continued to launch a fierce attack.
Holding the giant que, he looked like a ferocious beast, exuding an incomparable terrifying coercion.
Sheng Qi, who was carrying a huge que, quickly launched a series of offensives against Ying Changge.
This made Li Si, Meng Ying and others outside the arena terrified. They couldn’t help feeling tense, clenched their fists, and sweated in the palms of their hands.
They were obviously deeply worried about Ying Changge.
The two guards guarding the Tooth Devouring Prison also looked worriedly at the battlefield ahead.
Only Shao Si Ming was able to calmly wait and see.
She wasn’t worried about Ying Changge’s life.
after all.
Even the left protector Xinghun of the Yinyang family was severely injured by the seventh son!
No matter how strong the black swordsman in front of him is, it will be very difficult to hurt the seventh son!
Do not know why.
Shao Siming always had a blind sense of trust towards Ying Changge in his heart.
This feeling, even she herself can’t explain clearly.
The battlefield changes rapidly!
As Shengqi’s offensive became more and more rapid, Ying Changge continued to avoid the former’s fierce offensive.
After the whole battle, Ying Changge still seemed to be able to do a job with ease.
On the other hand.
On the opposite side, Sheng Qi had sweat stains on his forehead gradually, and even his breathing rhythm began to become a little disordered.
It can be clearly seen.
Even a strong man like Sheng Qi with infinite supernatural power will feel very tired if he uses the giant gate in the middle too much, and his movements of swinging his sword will become slower and slower.
“If this continues, I will lose sooner or later!”
“And it will be a very miserable defeat…”
Sheng Qi secretly felt bad.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
He was very anxious, but there was nothing he could do.
Because Ying Changge’s ability is too weird!
Shengqi has nothing to do!
This is definitely the weakest and most difficult battle he has ever experienced in his life!
The sense of oppression stemming from Ying Changge completely enveloped Sheng Qi’s body.
Shengqi’s swordsmanship became more and more chaotic.
His heart is disturbed!
Impatient, even the Ju Que in his hand was no longer brave, but became a little hesitant.
Indecisiveness is a taboo for a swordsman!
A swordsman, he would rather bend than bend, and be indomitable.
And now Shengqi, obviously has a retreat in his heart.
This made the sword in his hand lose its sharpness and fierceness as before.
“Your sword is messed up!”
“Continue like this……”
“You’re going to lose soon!”
Ying Changge can feel the changes in Shengqi, and can better understand the emotional ups and downs in Shengqi’s heart.
“Damn it!”
Hearing what Ying Changge said, Sheng Qi was even more annoyed and helpless.
How could he not feel that his heart was disturbed.
He can’t adjust his mentality on his own!
From the beginning to the end, the sword in his hand couldn’t touch Ying Changge, and Sheng Qi, who was already grumpy, gradually lost his patience and calmness.
The giant sword in his hand became more and more violent and brave, but it lost the rhythm of the original swordsmanship.
one word.
A series of fierce sword qi crazily swept across the place where Ying Changge was.
. . . 0
But without exception!
All escaped.
The violent red sword energy erupted from the blade of Juque, wantonly bombarding different areas in all directions.
But Ying Changge dodged one after another.
As a result, gaps and cracks that proved to be terrifying appeared on the ground.
accompanied by bursts of clearWith a crisp and pleasant sound, the surface of the ground collapsed, cracks and cracks opened like spider webs, and then extended to farther places.
The hundreds of meters around the outbreak of the battle seemed to be forcibly touched, causing the ground to shake and tremble slightly.
Moreover, it also caused the operation of some hidden mechanism gears.
“So strong!”
Li Si, Meng Ying and others looked at Sheng Qi’s burly figure with serious eyes.
The black swordsman is worthy of being a black swordsman!
Being able to spread a fierce reputation far and wide in the rivers and lakes…
Relying on this terrifying strength!
They looked again, at the thin figure in white who was treating Sheng Qi like a monkey at the moment in the battlefield.
“Shengqi is really strong.”
“Master Qi, even more terrifying than Sheng Qi!”
“It’s not to say that Master Qi’s cultivation level is stronger than Sheng Qi’s. It can only be said that in terms of overall combat power, Master Qi is bound to surpass Sheng Qi!”
After carefully observing the changes on the battlefield, Li Si, Meng Ying and others came to this conclusion in their hearts.
Accompanied by the smoke and dust gradually dispersed.
Ying Changge remained on the spot unscathed, with an intriguing expression on his face.
The domineering aura of the perfect level of knowledge and knowledge can cover a radius of hundreds of meters at all times.
He feels it.
At this moment, Shengqi’s breathing rhythm has been completely disrupted…
Internal strength, physical strength, energy, etc., also due to the crazy offensive just now, have infinitely dropped a lot, and consumed more than half of it.
The current Shengqi, although it can’t be said that he has fallen into a weak stage, is far from being as threatening as the peak stage.
On the other hand, Ying Changge, who was on the offensive by Shengqi, maintained his peak state as always.
“Time is up!”
Ying Changge spoke suddenly.
“What do you mean?”
Sheng Qi’s eyes narrowed.

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