After the fierce confrontation just now, Shengqi realized it deeply.
Although the Seventh Young Master in front of him is only at the mid-innate level of cultivation, his risk factor is far higher than the innate perfection!
Facing such a terrifying enemy, even Sheng Qi dared not act rashly.
Shengqi understands.
This unfathomable seventh son also possesses a terrifying ability similar to the martial arts mind!
Do not!
More precisely.
It is a more terrifying and weird ability than the martial arts mind eye.
Not only can it enhance its own sensory insight to the extreme, but it can even easily penetrate other people’s offensive intentions.
At the thought of this, Shengqi felt the chills.
For the first time in his life.
A monster with such a strange ability!
“Of course we have no grudges.”
“It’s just a simple feeling…”
“Instead of letting you go out and look for Gai Nie and make yourself ashamed, you’d rather become a dead soul in my hands. I will bring your obsession to kill Sword Saint Gai Nie.”
“You can rest assured about this.”
Ying Changge naturally wouldn’t let Sheng Qi go easily.
This is one of the leaders of the uprising in Daze Township, Chen Sheng!
at the same time.
Shengqi’s pairing with Ying Changge also symbolizes countless experiences!
Treating such an experienced baby is certainly not to be missed!
Whether he can successfully unlock the third ability of the blind swordsman depends entirely on Shengqi.
How could Ying Changge let the other party slip away from such an important key person?
Must kill!
Chen Sheng must die!
Chen Sheng is not dead, and the fusion degree of the template brought by Ying Changge has been improved?
Ying Changge had been looking forward to the third ability of the blind swordsman for a long time.
At this moment, he finally encountered an opportunity to attack Shengqi and obtain a high degree of template integration. Of course, he would not choose to miss it.
In general.
The biggest reason Ying Changge wanted to kill Shengqi was to improve his own strength!
As for grievances?
Of course there is no grudge!
Blame only…
Who made Sheng Qi eat enough to support him, so he ran to Daze Mountain, and started a Daze Township uprising.
Then you can’t keep the other party!
“Since the seventh son is so determined to kill, then I will be offended.”
Sheng Qi’s heart sank.
Seeing Ying Changge’s firm expression, he already knew how firm the other party’s belief was.
This battle is inevitable!
Must fight!
Sheng Qi tightly held the giant epee sword in his hand, staring at Ying Changge with piercing eyes.
He took the initiative to attack.
The knees were slightly bent, and the feet suddenly trampled on the ground, and there was a loud noise.
The earth shattered and cracked, cracking tiny cracks like spider webs.
next second.
Sheng Qi held the giant que in his hand, and launched an attack on Ying Changge’s position.
“Total Annihilation!”
shouted loudly.
Sheng Qi displayed the overbearing swordsmanship of the peasant family, bursting out an extremely strong red sword energy on the giant tower, and suddenly aimed at Ying Changge who was several meters away.
call out!
Accompanied by a piercing sound.
The space seems to be cut off by the giant que.
A sharp and terrifying sword aura rushed forward from Juque’s blade and spread to Ying Changge several meters away in a straight line, enveloping extremely violent and terrifying power.
This power is palpitating!
The power between innate perfection and martial arts master erupted at this moment.
Sheng Qi’s eyes were extremely fierce, and he stared at Ying Changge with murderous intent, without blinking, for fear that he would miss some important scenes in the next second.
“A good move!”
Facing the sword qi slashed by Sheng Qi, a smile could not help but appear on Ying Changge’s face.
Interesting attack…
Everything, within the scope of the perfect domineering level of knowledge, there will be no way to hide!
Ying Changge had already prepared for Shengqi’s attack.
The body is slightly turned sideways.
will be able to see.
The red sword energy passed by Ying Changge’s side.
The violent sword energy squeezed the space, causing the space to squirm crazily, and a surging wave of air exploded and swept along, affecting Ying Changge’s hair and clothes fluttering with the wind.
The red sword energy slashed down fiercely, hitting the place where Ying Changge was standing.
Then the ground was forcibly cut out a hideous crack, which looked likeEspecially terrifying and ferocious.
As can be seen.
How terrifying and destructive is the power released by this sword energy.
Even the hard floor tiles were pierced with a hideous crack nearly one meter long and about twenty centimeters deep.
If this sword energy hits a person’s body, the person’s body will explode instantly and die suddenly on the spot.
As the cracks in the ground collapsed, bursts of gray smoke and dust rose up, and the smoke and dust rolled around. Diffusion in all directions.
at the same time.
Seeing that Ying Changge dodged the sword energy again, Sheng Qi’s pupils shrank, his face changed drastically again, and his right hand, which was holding onto the hilt of Juque’s sword, couldn’t help but tighten.
“Dodged again?!”
“Seventh son…”
“It’s really terrifying!”
Sheng Qi took a deep breath, his mind was shocked.
This sword, he shot extremely swiftly.
But he still didn’t expect it.
Still being dodged by the other party!
And as always, relaxed and calm, calm, effortless…
It’s exactly the same as the way he avoided his attack just now!
What is this concept? !
The opponent really has the weird ability to penetrate his own offensive moves!
Shengqi felt an unprecedented sense of oppression.
He fixed his eyes on Ying Changge, and held the giant sword in his right hand. The black giant sword exuded a terrifying oppression, and wisps of red internal force were still entwined around the huge sword.
Surging innate qi exploded from Sheng Qi’s body.

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