He looked at Ying Changge’s eyes, completely unable to contain the thick look of horror.
The more he fights, the more he can understand it.
The strength and unfathomable power of the Seventh Young Master in front of him!
hard to imagine.
A prince who is still in his weak years and blind, actually possesses such terrifying strength!
“I say……”
Ying Changge smiled.
With a thought…
The surging innate qi in his body suddenly transformed into a more terrifying force.
This terrifying and strong power quickly surged into his right arm without reservation, and the power quickly turned into a layer of black liquid substance as black as ink.
“It’s time, it’s time to send you on your way!” Van.
Chapter 112 Destroy the Divine Weapon with One Hand! Chen Sheng doubted his life! 【2/7 for customization】
Surging innate qi surged crazily from the dantian of Ying Changge’s abdomen, and strands of overflowing air flow turned into light blue internal force and wrapped around the whole body.
This force quickly condensed in the right arm, turning into a jet-black ink-like black liquid substance.
And exudes a terrifying aura of deterrence.
Accompanied by Ying Changge’s thought.
This layer of black liquid substance was then transformed into a black armor-like object, which was firmly wrapped around the arm and wound around all sides.
blink of an eye.
Liquid to solid!
The terrifying energy that was originally like ink has been transformed into a layer of extremely hard armor. The black armor is smooth and full of texture, giving people an indestructible sense of sight.
In just a moment, Ying Changge’s right hand seemed to be covered with a layer of armor, and the sharp and cold aura exuded made people shudder.
Perfect-level armed domineering color, full firepower!
The current Ying Changge is at his strongest state!
“This, what kind of martial art is this?!”
Sheng Qi’s pupils shrank, and he stared at Ying Changge’s right hand with horror on his face.
He saw almost all the changes in Ying Changge’s right hand, and he was naturally shocked and unbelievable.
Never heard of such a strange martial arts!
Vaguely, he could feel an unprecedented strong sense of crisis from it!
This is by no means ordinary martial arts!
Otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible to give him such a strong life threat.
“Must be careful!”
Sheng Qi had already made up his mind, so he worked up his energy and was ready for battle.
He never dreamed of it.
One day, to deal with a person with innate mid-stage cultivation, it is necessary to go all out, and to feel such a surging sense of oppression from the other party.
“What a monster!”
Sheng Qi had this thought in his heart.
The atmosphere is depressing!
The battle is on the verge of firing again!
The knees were slightly bent, and the feet suddenly stepped on the “210”, breaking the trampled floor tiles, and the tiny cracks spread in all directions.
at the same time.
Ying Changge rushed forward suddenly, and kept approaching the place where Sheng Qi was.
The right hand covered in black armor was aimed at Sheng Qi’s head.
Sheng Qi’s face changed slightly.
The unprecedented strong threat made him feel terrified.
Not good!
If he was hit, he would really die!
Although he still couldn’t imagine why the unarmed Seventh Young Master Ying Changge would pose such a strong threat to him.
But he has always believed that his feelings will never go wrong!
“With bare hands, can you give me such a strong threat?”
“It really is a monster!”
Sheng Qi tightly held the giant que in his hand.
Wrap the iron chain next to the hilt of the giant sword around the right arm,Facing Ying Changge’s attack, he quickly grabbed the iron chain tightly, and then began to wave the giant que in his hand.
“Since all my offensive moves can be penetrated by you in advance!”
“How can you block my move?!”
Shengqi once again performed a close-range defensive operation.
He held the giant que in his hand with an iron chain, dancing around his body frantically, turning the giant que around himself like a meteor hammer.
A terrifying air wave followed Sheng Qi’s display of infinite divine power, and the giant tower in his waving hand was born.
The violent air wave spread and swept all directions.
Bursts of dust on the ground then billowed up, flying and dancing in mid-air.
A series of crimson internal force fluctuations wrapped around Ju Que’s blade, causing Ju Que to exude a strong sense of oppression, with terrifying power enough to split mountains and ground.
The several meters surrounding Shengqi was almost covered by Shengqi holding an iron chain and waving a giant que, preventing all enemies from getting close.
This move was used by Sheng Qi to defend against Ying Changge’s attack.
Since all tricks will be pierced…
Then indiscriminate large-scale group attack!
In this way, the other party must be helpless, right?
Sheng Qi thought to himself.
Holding the giant que in his hand, he used the giant que as a meteor hammer, and stimulated the surging innate qi in his body, and the red-red majestic inner force wrapped around the sword.
Like thunderous currents, they grow from the red internal force and wrap around the sword body, complementing the sword energy evolved from the red internal force.
Full of pressure!
Sheng Qi’s eyes were fixed on Ying Changge, holding the iron chain with his right hand, and his hideous face covered with tattoos was full of restraint and prudence.
“Seventh Young Master, how are you going to break my trick?”
off the field.
Li Si, Meng Ying and others also watched the changes on the battlefield.
“I’m afraid it will be difficult for you to get close to this move!”
“A large-scale and indiscriminate attack is the most effective way to curb the son’s attack!”
Meng Ying clenched her fists tightly, thinking with worry in her heart.
“A half-step martial arts master in the mid-innate battle?”
“Seventh son…”
“Can you win?”
Li Si was also deeply worried.
The two guards guarding the Tooth Devouring Prison were already stunned.
They didn’t expect it at all.
The seventh son, Ying Changge, is actually so powerful!

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