This air wave spread to farther places.
Even Li Si, Shao Si Ming, Meng Ying and others in the distance were inevitably affected by the air wave generated by the giant que wielded by Sheng Qi.
“Ju Que, what a troublesome weapon!”
Instead of feeling any pressure, Ying Changge felt that things were getting more and more interesting.
If he can easily kill Katsuki in seconds, he will find it no challenge.
It’s fine now!
The Shengqi in front of him is indeed worthy of letting himself go all out!
“I’m going to get serious!”
Ying Changge said seriously.
“Huh? Not serious yet?”
Sheng Qi’s face changed a little, and he slowly stopped the movements in his hands.
Holding the giant que in his hand, he suddenly noticed it in horror.
He has nothing to do with Ying Changge in front of him!
Thinking that Ying Changge’s weirdness could penetrate any attack method, Sheng Qi felt an unprecedented sense of difficulty and powerlessness.
Even in the face of a martial arts master, he is far from feeling powerless like this!
after all.
What does it mean for a person who can see through all his offensive intentions?
No weakness!
How can one win against such a monster?
A swordsman like Sheng Qi with rich combat experience seemed a little helpless for a while.
Sheng Qi took a deep breath, feeling more and more heavy and depressed.
He gradually realized.
Although Ying Changge in front of him is only in the mid-innate stage, the oppressive feeling given to him is indeed far above that of ordinary martial arts masters!
This discovery shocked Sheng Qi.
“Gai Nie, did you really lose to him?!”
“Losed to a young man who was weak?!”
“With the realm of a martial arts master, and with the prestige of the world’s number one sword sage, lost to a young man who is not yet twenty years old and only has a mid-innate cultivation?!”
“This this!”
Originally, Sheng Qi was deeply skeptical about this.
But now, he gradually began to believe.
Only after fighting Ying Changge for real, Sheng Qi could understand it.
In front of him is only the Seventh Young Master who has been cultivated in the mid-innate stage, how terrifying and difficult is the other party!
But a thought.
Sword Saint Gai Nie may even lose to the opponent…
Shengqi felt unprecedented pressure in his heart.
The heavy oppressive feeling pressed heavily on Sheng Qi’s shoulders, making his body look a little sluggish, and the eyes looking at Ying Changge became more and more apprehensive and palpitating.
“The year of the weak crown…”
“Only relying on innate mid-term cultivation!”
“Will you defeat the sword master Gai Nie? Even almost kill the world’s number one sword master?”
“This is really unimaginable!”
“Across four or five realms…”
“What kind of concept is this?!”
Sheng Qi was shocked.
The deeper he thought, the more shocked he felt.
I have never heard of such a terrifying genius in this world!
Do not!
This is a monster!
The number one evildoer in the ages!
“For thousands of years, I have never heard of such a terrible example.”
“I have fought against countless top experts…”
“But there is no one who can be as terrifying and dangerous as the Seventh Young Master in front of me!”
“Even Juggernaut Gai Nie didn’t give me such an intuitive threat of death!”
“But from the seventh son, I can feel it all the time, a boundless and strong sense of crisis, which makes me even a little bit helpless!”
Countless thoughts lingered in Sheng Qi’s mind, making him feel more and more heavy.
A faint trace of fear was born in Sheng Qi’s heart.
This fear naturally came from Ying Changge in front of him!
“Seventh son…”
“It’s a monster with only a cultivation level in the mid-innate stage, but it’s so powerful that it’s a little unfathomable!”
Sheng Qi started to write letters now.
The number one sword saint in the world, Gai Nie…
The Juggernaut who once defeated him so forcefully!
The powerful swordsman who personally imprisoned him in the Tooth-Eating Prison!
Perhaps, the other party was really defeated by the Seventh Young Master in front of him!
Even him.
They were all at a loss for what to do with Ying Changge in front of them!
An unprecedented sense of powerlessness haunted Shengqi’s heart.
He still can’t imagine.
A person who is still in the weak crown, with only a mere mid-innate cultivation level, can do it, and strongly defeat the existence of a martial arts master…
What kind of evil monster is the other party!
This seventh son, Ying Changge, is this kind ofScary monsters beyond imagination and unfathomable! .
Chapter 111 The sword is messed up! upset! It’s time to send you on your way! 【1/7 for customization】
An unprecedented sense of oppression filled Sheng Qi’s heart and dominated his body.
He hadn’t felt this oppressive feeling for a long time.
Even before he was imprisoned in the Tooth Devouring Prison, he seldom experienced such a majestic sense of oppression from the enemy.
Even the Sword Saint Gai Nie back then could not give him this kind of oppression.
This moment.
But he felt this kind of taste from a person who only had a mid-innate cultivation level, from a young man who was still in a weak state!
All of this subverted Shengqi’s previous cognition.
Things you can’t even dream of.
It happens right in front of your eyes!
“Seventh Young Master, I don’t think I have offended you, have I?”
Sheng Qi took a deep breath, trying to resolve the fight with words.
His situation was very grim and embarrassing.
Not to mention whether they can defeat the opponent.
Even if he really defeated the opponent, he didn’t think that he would be able to leave Tooth Devouring Prison alive.

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